2020版高考英语一轮复习 unit 23 conflict课件 北师大版

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1、Unit 23 Conflict,基础知识梳理,考点知识导练,基础知识梳理 抓主干固双基,1. n.妥协,让步 vi.妥协vt.放弃(原则等) adj.让步的,妥协的 2. vt.暴露;(to)曝光 adj.暴露在外的 3. vt.把分类,把分级 n.分类,分级 4. (to) vi.订阅,订购;同意 vt.捐款,赞助 n.捐款人;订阅者,compromise,compromised,expose,exposed,classify,classification,subscribe,subscriber,n.订购;订阅;捐款 5. vt.任命;约定,指定 n.约会,约定 adj.指定的,约定的

2、6. n.私有物品;pl.所有物 vt.占有,拥有 adj.物主的 n.所有格 7. v.说起,谈到 n.言论,评论 adj.引人注目的 8. vt.分发,分配 n.分发,分配,subscription,appoint,appointment,appointed,possession,possess,possessive,remark,remarkable,distribute,distribution,9. vt.喝,消费,消耗 n.消费者 10. n.熟人;了解,结识 (with) vt.使认识,使熟悉 11. vt.想要,打算,计划 adj.有意的,故意的 n.打算,目的 12. n.费

3、用,开支 vt.花费 adj.昂贵的 13. adj.青春期的 n.青少年 n.青少年时期,consume,consumer,acquaintance,acquaint,intend,intended,intention,expense,expend,expensive,adolescent,adolescence,14. vt.(使)变强,加强 n.力量,优势 15. n.移民入境 vi.移入 n.移民,侨民 16. n.偏见 vt.使怀有偏见 adj.有偏见的 adj.有害的,不利的,strengthen,strength,immigration,immigrate,immigrant,p

4、rejudice,prejudiced,prejudicial,1.hand 把交给 2.stand up 保护,维护 3.keep 减去 4.call 请(某人) 5. Forward 提议,提出 6.talk sth. with sb. 与详细讨论 7.give 让步,屈服 8.send 派人去叫 9.have a gift 有的天赋 10.look on/upon 看不起 11.keep ones 遵守诺言 12.bring sth. sb. 给某人招来(不愉快的)事情,over,for,off,in,put,over,in,for,for,down,word,on,1. they mo

5、ved in the noise began and they get a full nights sleep. 他们刚搬进去,噪音就开始了。他们几乎没有睡过一个囫囵觉。 2.In fact, I use the bike, weight I seem to put on,despite following the instruction manual carefully. 事实上,我使用自行车越多,我的体重似乎增加得越多,尽管我认真地 按说明手册去做。 3. neighbour was a drummer,they wouldnt have moved into the building.

6、要是知道他们的邻居是个鼓手,他们就不会搬进来了。,No,sooner,had,than,rarely,did,the,more,the,more,Had,they,known,their,考点知识导练 解疑难提知能,promise n.& v.妥协,让步,放弃(原则等),reach/arrive at a compromise达成妥协 make a compromise with与妥协 compromise (with sb.) on sth.(和某人)就某事为达 成协议而妥协,高考运用: After some discussion,we arrive at compromise. Cant

7、you boys compromise each other? Play football this morning and tennis this afternoon. We compromise almost everything.,答案:a with on,2.expose vt.使置身于危险中,暴露;使曝光;揭露,expose.to.使遭受,使暴露于, 使接触 expose sb.as.揭露某人为 be exposed to 处于可能受伤害的境遇;接触,【巧学助记】,高考运用: A wise mother never exposes her children the slightest

8、 possibility of danger. Klaus von Bulow was exposed a liar and a cheat. And the more birds are exposed light,the more active they are at night.,答案:to as to,3.classify vt.把分类,be classified according to/by.按被分类 classify.as.把归类为 classify.into.把分成,高考运用: The books (classify) according to subject in the l

9、ibrary. Only eleven of these accidents were classified major. It is necessary to classify the headaches certain types.,答案:are classified as into,4.subscribe v.订阅(报纸或杂志);捐款,subscribe to订阅;捐款;同意 subscribe for认购(股票),高考运用: The whole nation subscribed much money the flooded areas. What papers and magazin

10、es does the library (订阅)? Employees subscribed far more shares than expected.,答案:to subscribe to for,5.appoint vt.任命,委任;约定;指定,appoint sb.to be/as.任命某人为 appoint sth.(for sth.) (为某事)确定(日期、场所) appoint sb.to do sth.指派某人做某事 make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 keep/break an appointment 守/违约 by appointment 按

11、照约定,高考运用: Who shall we appoint chairperson? He promised to appoint an AIDS expert (deal) with the disease. They take their driverless car to an (appoint). (2018北京,阅读理解D),答案:as to deal appointment,6.possession n.私有物品;拥有,占有,take possession (of sth.)占有/拥有(某物) in ones possession=in the possession of sb.

12、为某 人所有 in possession of (某人)拥有或占有(某物) be possessed of拥有,具有(某种品质、能力等),占有,高考运用: We cant (拥有) this new house until next year. Only when you are (拥有) the required qualities can you get a good job. Charles was (possess) of a sound intellect and a happy manner.,答案:take possession of in possession of posse

13、ssed,温馨提示:possession表示“财产”时常用复数形式possessions;表示“拥有;占有”时常用作不可数名词。,7.remark vt.说起,谈到 n.言论,评论,remark on/upon谈论,评论 make/pass a remark on/about就发表意见/对 品头论足 (be) remarkable for以著称 as is remarked above如上所述,高考运用: The judges remarked the high standard of entries for the competition. She made a remark the new

14、 two-child policy. All of this makes the actions of the homeless Tom Smith even more (remark).(2018北京,完形填空),答案:on/upon on/about remarkable,8.distribute vt.分发;分配;分送,使平均分布/散布,distribute sth.to.把某物分给 distribute sth.among.在中分发某物 the distribution of.的分配,高考运用: She was taking the food to the refugee camp,in which she distributed it children. At present,the world has about 6,800 languages.The . (distribute) of these languages is hugely uneven. (2018全国,阅读理解C),答案:to distribution,9.acquaintance n.相识的人;了解;结识,make ones acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人 have (no) acquaintance wi


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