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1、9 - 0,Product, Services, and Branding Strategies,产品、服务和品牌战略,9 - 1,Objectives 目标,Be able to define product and know the major classifications of products and services. Understand the decisions companies make regarding their individual products and services, product lines, and product mixes.,定义产品以及主要的

2、产品与服务分类。 说明企业在确定产品线和产品组合时做出的各项决策。,9 - 2,Objectives 目标,Understand how firms build and manage their brands. Know the four characteristics of services and the additional marketing considerations that services require. Review additional product issues related to social responsibility and international m

3、arketing.,说明企业怎样建立并管理其品牌。 阐述对服务营销造成影响的四方面特征 讨论对社会责任与国际营销需要额外关注的事项。,9 - 3,Cosmetics companies sell billions of dollars worth of products Consumers buy more than just a particular smell,The “promise”, image, company, name, package, and ingredients are all part of the product, as are the stores where i

4、t is sold.,The Cosmetics Industry 化妆品业,Case Study案例研究,9 - 4,Definitions 定义,Product Anything offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Service Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and do

5、es not result in ownership of anything.,产品 向市场提供的,引起注意、获取、使用或消费,以满足欲望或需要的任何东西。 服务 由一方向另一方提供的本质上无形而又不带来任何所有权的任何活动或利益。,9 - 5,What is a Product? 什么是产品?,Products, Services, and Experiences Market offerings, pure tangible goods, pure services, experiences Levels of Product and Services Core benefit, actu

6、al product, and augmented product Product and Service Classifications,产品、服务和体验 企业向市场所提供的,既包括有形产品又包括服务 产品和服务的层次 核心利益、实体产品、扩展产品 产品和服务的分类,9 - 6,频繁购买,很少计划,很少作比较或费精力,顾客参与度低 低价格 渠道广泛 制造商大批量促销,Convenience 便利品,Frequent purchases bought with minimal buying effort and little comparison shopping Low price Wide

7、spread distribution Mass promotion by producer,9 - 7,Shopping 选购品,不经常购买,较多的计划并为购物花费较多的精力,根据质量、价格和样式比较品牌 比便利品价格高 在较少的店面进行选择性分销 生产商和经销商的广告和人员推销,Less frequent purchases requiring more shopping effort and price, quality, and style comparisons. Higher than convenience good pricing Selective distribution

8、in fewer outlets Advertising and personal selling by producer and reseller,9 - 8,Specialty 特购品,强烈品牌偏好和高度忠诚,为购买付出特别努力,很少比较品牌,价格敏感性低 高价格 专卖 生产商和经销商针对性更强的促销,Strong brand preference and loyalty, requires special purchase effort, little brand comparisons, and low price sensitivity High price Exclusive di

9、stribution Carefully targeted promotion by producers and resellers,9 - 9,Unsought 非渴求品,对产品了解很少(或者即使了解,也没有什么兴趣或唯恐避之不及) 不一定 不一定 生产商和经销商的强力广告和人员推销,Little product awareness and knowledge (or if aware, sometimes negative interest) Pricing varies Distribution varies Aggressive advertising and personal sel

10、ling by producers and resellers,9 - 10,What is a Product? 产品是什么?,Product and Service Classifications Consumer products Industrial products Materials and parts Capital items Supplies and services,产品和服务分类 消费品 产业用品 材料和部件 资本品 辅助品服务,9 - 11,Product and Service Classifications 产品和服务分类,Organizations, person

11、s, places, and ideas Organizational marketing makes use of corporate image advertising Person marketing applies to political candidates, entertainment sports figures, and professionals Place marketing relates to tourism Social marketing campaigns promote ideas,组织、人员、地点和观念 组织营销使用公司形象广告 人员营销常用于政治选举 地点

12、营销与旅游有关 社会营销活动促销观念,9 - 12,Individual Product 产品决策,产品属性 质量、特征、风格和设计 品牌 包装 标签 产品支持服务,Product attributes Quality, features, style and design Branding Packaging Labeling Product support services,9 - 13,Product Line 产品线决策,产品线长度 产品线延伸: 增加比现有产品价格更高或更低的产品 产品线补充: 在现在价格水平下添加更多项目,Product line length Line stret

13、ching: adding products that are higher or lower priced than the existing line Line filling: adding more items within the present price range,9 - 14,Product Mix 产品组合决策,产品线宽度: 公司不同产品线的数目 产品线深度: 产品线内所包括的产品品种、样式和数量 产品线一致性,Product line width: number of different product lines carried by company Product l

14、ine depth: Number of different versions of each product in the line Product line consistency,9 - 15,Branding Strategy 品牌管理,Brands are powerful assets that must be carefully developed / managed. Brands with strong equity have many competitive advantages: High consumer awareness Strong brand loyalty H

15、elps when introducing new products Less susceptible to price competition,品牌是有力的资产,小心开发和管理。 有较高资产的品牌有许多竞争优势: 高消费者认知度 强品牌忠诚度 会在新产品上市上提供帮助 不易受价格竞争影响,9 - 16,Brand Positioning 品牌定位,定位的三个水平: 产品特征 效果最小 利益 信念和价值 可以唤起情感,Three levels of positioning: Product attributes Least effective Benefits Beliefs and valu

16、es Taps into emotions,9 - 17,Brand Name Selection 品牌名选择,理想的品牌名: 表明有关产品带来的好处和质量方面的一些情况 易于发音、识别和记忆 独特鲜明 易于扩展 易于翻译成外语 能够注册并得到法律保护,Good Brand Names: Suggest something about the product or its benefits Are easy to say, recognize and remember Are distinctive Are extendable Translate well into other languages Can be registered and legally protected,9 - 18,Brand Sponsorship 品牌持有者,制造商品牌 自有(商店)品牌 持有和推广成本高 利润高 许可 名称和形象许可越来越多 联合品牌 优点/缺点,Manufacturer brands Private (store) brands Costly to establi


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