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1、供應鏈管理現況趨勢與教育,林正章 教授 台灣成功大學交通管理科學系 2008.11,演講大綱,何謂供應鏈管理 供應鏈管理與消費者 汰舊換新、多樣化、客製化 便捷、新鮮、安全 供應鏈管理與企業 行銷 經濟效益、缺貨、長鞭效益 供應鏈管理與物流企業 整合服務 供應鏈管理安全與環境 供應鏈管理教育 教學目標與課程,傳統社會,國富論(The Wealth of Nations) 蘇格蘭經濟學家、亞當史密斯的一本經濟學專著 致力於滿足市場廣大的需要 提倡分工論 金字塔型的分工 連續性的大量生產,達到規模經濟,當今社會,全球環境,已開發國家生產過剩 外銷給開發中或未開發國家。 供應鏈 核心產品與周邊活動委

2、外之結合為獲利策略。 洲際內經貿增加 經貿協定以提昇與保護經貿活動。 資訊科技的進步 增進全球性相同的消費型態。 全球金融與運輸解除管制 簡易貨幣流通,提昇運輸效率降低運輸成本。,資料來源:Bowersox and Closs (1996),物流管理,物流(logistics)是透過資訊科技,對物料由最始原料一直到配送成品至最終消費者整體過程中所牽涉的原料、半成品、成品的流通與儲存,以最有效益的計畫、執行與控制,來滿足並符合消費者的需求。 Logistics Management is that part of the Supply Chain Management that plans, i

3、mplements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirements. -US Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (US Council of Logi

4、stics Management, 美國物流學會),供應鏈管理,Supply Chain Management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all Logistics Management activities. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can b

5、e suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In essence, Supply Chain Management integrates supply and demand management within and across companies. -US Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals,供應鏈管理內涵,供應鏈與新產品快速推出,供應鏈與新產品快速推出,供應鏈與新產品快速推出,Traditional phase price

6、 Stress phase Acceptance of short-notice requirements Resolved phase JIT principles Partnership phase Long-term perspective, exchange operating and financial information, share risks and joint investment in facilities -Schary and Skjott-Larsen 1995,供應鏈與新產品快速推出,Cluster production Set up production un

7、its close to the customers assembly plant A first-tier supplier to an assembler in one country must be able to supply the assembler in other parts of the world Involved in development of new models in the earliest stage Expected to be a technology leader, developing new technologies independently -S

8、chary and Skjott-Larsen 1995,供應鏈與客製化,FedEx Case Study,FedExNet,Order Management System,Call Center,Component A,Component B,Component C,FedEx EDC/Alliance,Build or configure Orders,Express Delivery of Finished Product,Web Orders,Phone Orders,Order Confirmation,Advanced Shipping Notice,Build/Configure

9、-to-Order,製程延遲策略,冒險策略(Speculation, anticipatory-based) 由預測來決定生產種類和數量,與延滯策略相反。由生產的規模經濟,減少行銷、存貨出清,以及生產的不確定性,降低成本。 延遲策略(Postponement, response-based) 目的:Mass customization, deliver rapidly and reduce cost 產品製程的延遲(manufacturing) 不必要製程成品,保持原料型態,維持改變彈性與避免成品過時。亦稱為拉式生產。 產品物流的延遲(logistics) 不必要在下游,倉儲於上游供應鍊結構,

10、避免成品需求變動再移轉成本。,製程延遲策略,Includes product redesign and process redesign Product redesign Standardize across all markets Process redesign Includes re-sequencing the sub-processes Dye, cut and sew, vs cut, sew and dye,製程延遲策略,Three design principles Design so it consists of independent modules that can be

11、 assembled into different forms of the product easily and inexpensively Manufacturing processes consist of can be moved or rearranged easily for different distribution-network design Supply network should supply the basic product to the facilities in a cost effective be flexible and responsive to ta

12、ke and deliver customers orders,HP個案,LaserJet printer For Europe and North America markets Differentiate product with built-in dedicated power supply of 110 and 220 volts as soon as production began in Japan Standardize power supply for entire product family Higher material cost, but lower total cos

13、ts of manufacturing, stocking and delivery by 5%,HP個案,DeskJet printer Built in Singapore and distributed in Stuttgart, Germany for Europe market Country-specific external power supply that plugs in when setting up the printer Differentiation was performed in Stuttgart Higher manufacturing for factor

14、ies to customize the printers, but lower total costs of manufacturing, shipping and inventory dropped by 5%,供應鏈與便捷性,電子商務與宅配,大榮個案,供應鏈與新鮮,台灣地區冷凍冷藏產業 每年約有300億元的冷凍冷藏產業規模 低溫物流 保持新鮮食品及冷凍食品品質 從生產到消費過程均處於低溫狀態 低溫控制技術加工製造,低溫監控下儲存,運輸配送和銷售 仰賴合乎放置低溫食品低溫標準冷凍冷藏設備 運送過程保持適當溫度,確保食品安全及品質,供應鏈與新鮮,供應鏈與新鮮,供應鏈與新鮮,供應鏈與安全,Pf

15、izer Inc. Maker of prescription drugs as Lipitor and Zoloft Strategies It ships every package, case and pallet of its Viagra with RFID tags to counterfeit its product Since Jan 2006. Procurement purchases raw materials, drug substances, and the hiring of freight transportation. Distribution/logistic

16、s coordinates the movement of products between global sites Supply chain planning works closely with the sales/marketing Long-range planning uses mathematical optimization technology to create the best O-D routes Order entry systems interface with a fulfillment management system to monitor flow and inventory with 50 global manufacturing sites/DCs with a replenishment model,供應鏈與行銷,Korean Hyundai Status Hyundai started offering a 10-year warranty on its c



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