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1、Product, Services, and Branding Strategies,Chapter 9,9 - 1,Objectives,Be able to define product and know the major classifications of products and services. Understand the decisions companies make regarding their individual products and services, product lines, and product mixes.,9 - 2,Objectives,Un

2、derstand how firms build and manage their brands. Know the four characteristics of services and the additional marketing considerations that services require. Review additional product issues related to social responsibility and international marketing.,9 - 3,Cosmetics companies sell billions of dol

3、lars worth of products Consumers buy more than just a particular smell,The “promise”, image, company, name, package, and ingredients are all part of the product, as are the stores where it is sold.,The Cosmetics Industry,Case Study,9 - 4,Definitions,Product Anything offered to a market for attention

4、, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Service Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in ownership of anything.,9 - 5,What is a Product?,Products, Services, and Experiences Market offerings, pure t

5、angible goods, pure services, experiences Levels of Product and Services Core benefit, actual product, and augmented product Product and Service Classifications,9 - 6,What is a Product?,Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought,Frequent purchases bought with minimal buying effort and little comparison

6、 shopping Low price Widespread distribution Mass promotion by producer,Types of Consumer Products,9 - 7,What is a Product?,Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought,Less frequent purchases requiring more shopping effort and price, quality, and style comparisons. Higher than convenience good pricing Se

7、lective distribution in fewer outlets Advertising and personal selling by producer and reseller,Types of Consumer Products,9 - 8,What is a Product?,Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought,Strong brand preference and loyalty, requires special purchase effort, little brand comparisons, and low price s

8、ensitivity High price Exclusive distribution Carefully targeted promotion by producers and resellers,Types of Consumer Products,9 - 9,What is a Product?,Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought,Little product awareness and knowledge (or if aware, sometimes negative interest) Pricing varies Distributi

9、on varies Aggressive advertising and personal selling by producers and resellers,Types of Consumer Products,9 - 10,What is a Product?,Product and Service Classifications Consumer products Industrial products Materials and parts Capital items Supplies and services,9 - 11,What is a Product?,Product an

10、d Service Classifications Organizations, persons, places, and ideas Organizational marketing makes use of corporate image advertising Person marketing applies to political candidates, entertainment sports figures, and professionals Place marketing relates to tourism Social marketing campaigns promot

11、e ideas,9 - 12,Product and Service Decisions,Individual Product Product Line Product Mix,Product attributes Quality, features, style and design Branding Packaging Labeling Product support services,Key Decisions,9 - 13,Product and Service Decisions,Individual Product Product Line Product Mix,Product

12、line length Line stretching: adding products that are higher or lower priced than the existing line Line filling: adding more items within the present price range,Key Decisions,9 - 14,Product and Service Decisions,Individual Product Product Line Product Mix,Product line width: number of different pr

13、oduct lines carried by company Product line depth: Number of different versions of each product in the line Product line consistency,Key Decisions,9 - 15,Branding Strategy,Brands are powerful assets that must be carefully developed / managed. Brands with strong equity have many competitive advantage

14、s: High consumer awareness Strong brand loyalty Helps when introducing new products Less susceptible to price competition,9 - 16,Brand Strategy,Brand Positioning Brand Name Selection Brand Sponsorship Brand Development,Three levels of positioning: Product attributes Least effective Benefits Beliefs

15、and values Taps into emotions,Key Decisions,9 - 17,Brand Strategy,Brand Positioning Brand Name Selection Brand Sponsorship Brand Development,Good Brand Names: Suggest something about the product or its benefits Are easy to say, recognize and remember Are distinctive Are extendable Translate well int

16、o other languages Can be registered and legally protected,Key Decisions,9 - 18,Brand Strategy,Brand Positioning Brand Name Selection Brand Sponsorship Brand Development,Manufacturer brands Private (store) brands Costly to establish and promote Higher profit margins Licensed brands Name and character licensing has grown Co-branding Advantages / disadvantages,Key Decisions,9 - 19,Brand Strategy,Brand Positioning Brand Name Selection Brand Sponsorship Brand Development,Line ext



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