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1、重点客户管理,介绍重点客户管理 客户简介及评估客户 了解客户组织及采购员 重点客户的策略 促销 在销售点陈列 与关键客户谈判 业务检讨会议,Chapter1 第一篇,INTRODUCTION TO KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT 介绍关键客户管理,TAKE CALCULATED RISK 挑战可预测的风险 If you wait for the perfect moment When all is safe and assured, It may never arrived 如果您要等待完美无瑕, 一切都稳定和有把握的时刻, 它可能永远都不会发生 Maurice Chivalie

2、r (1888-1976),在中国卖场的发展趋势以及卖场的种类操作方式和特点? 卖场在中国今后的零售业态的定位和地位? 国际型卖场、国内卖场和地方连锁超市在今后发展的相互关系和定位?,提出的问题,传统零售业 百货店 食品店 杂货店 夫妻店,现代零售业 食品超市 (华联) 生鲜食品超市(顶顶鲜) 大型综合超市(家乐福) 仓储式超市(麦德龙) 折扣店(百路) 便利店(罗森、可的),Key account management 关键客户管理,零售业态的转变,现代零售业与传统零售业的主要区别,行业划分设店与需求划分设店 分散经营与集中统一经营管理 采销合一与采销专业化分工 眼前利益与追求长期目标实现,

3、Key account management 关键客户管理,中央采购制度的确立:采购权集中在连锁店总部 商品采购 商品导入、淘汰 价格制定 促销计划 优点 采购与销售的专业化分工,提高连锁店整体劳动效率和销售业绩。 集中议价、价格形象一致。 有效控制整体利益。 易于规划整体营销活动。 易取得商品经销权和代理权。,Key account management 关键客户管理,现代零售业特点,Key account management 关键客户管理,The 80/20 principle 八十/二十原理,Traditionally,people analyze the existing accou

4、nt based on the 80/20 principle 惯例的,人们分析的客户都是根据80/20原理。 - 80%of sales come from 20%of accounts, the remainder 80%of account are contributing 20%of sales only. -百分之八十的销量来自百分之二十的客户,剩余的百分之八十的客户仅提供百分之二十的销量而已。 - When we analyze profitability,these numbers may even more skewed. -当我们分析利润时,这些数字可能更不相称。,Volum

5、e 销量,Customer 客户,80%,20%,80%,20%,Chapter 2 第二篇,ACCOUNT PROFILE & ACCOUNT ASSESSING 客户简介及 评估客户,Managing Talents 管理人才 Of all the things that Ive done, the most vital is co-ordinating the talents of those who work for us and pointing them towards a certain goal 在我所做的事情中, 最重要的就是 协调那些为我们工作的人才 以及指引他们朝向肯定的

6、目标 Walt Disney (1901-1966),关键客户档案,关键客户档案(续),关键客户档案(续),关键客户档案(续),贸易条件,贸易条件(续),KA profiles 关键客户简介,Outlet record card 门店记录卡,分析客户,客户组合矩阵,High强 Low弱,High强 Low弱,ATTRACTIENESS吸引力,SUPPORTIVENESS 支持程度,Same as Boston Consulting Grid波士顿咨询公司格式相同,Analyzing an account 分析客户,Attractiveness & supportiveness 吸引力和支持程度

7、,Analyzing an account 分析客户,Account evaluation 客户交易评估,Attractiveness吸引力,Supportiveness支持程度,Analyzing an account 分析客户,Account scoring 评估计分,Exercise (Worksheet) 作业(练习),Account evaluation 客户交易评估,Kindly work out the accounts scoring on the following evaluation form.请在下列评估表内算出各别客户的计分。,Remark 注:K denotes 代

8、表000,Exercise (Worksheet)作业(练习),Account portfolio matrix 客户组合矩阵,Kindly copy the answers from last page into the left hand column then allocate them accordingly into the right hand matrix.请把上页的计分填在下方左边的空格里,然后画归在右边的矩阵 。,100,100,Analysing an account分析客户,Account portfolio客户组合,Exercise (worksheet)作业(练习),

9、Account attractiveness and supportiveness客户的吸引力和支持程度,Kindly prepare the attractiveness and supportiveness factors and set weighted points for each criterion. You may not necessary to fill all the columns but each of the total must sum up to 100% 请准备客户吸引力和支持程度的因素并放上比重。您未必需要填完所有格子但每个总数加起来必须等于100%。,Exe

10、rcise (Case study) 作业(练习),Performance record with 4 chain stores in 1998 .一九九八年度四个主要连锁店的交易记录,Study the situation care fully and conduct account evaluation.请仔细研究下列局面,然后作出客户交易评估。,continue Exercise 继续作业,N/A denotes information not available N/A表示得不到适当的资料,continue Exercise 继续作业,Account evaluation 客户交易评估

11、,Based on the last 2 pages information, kindly select the criteria, set weight and work out the scoring for each chain store. 根据上两页得资料,请选择适当的评估项目,加上比重,然后作出评估。,continue Exercise 继续作业,Define the matrix type of each account and state your improvement plan. 请确定各客户的矩阵类型及解释您的改进计划。,Chapter 3 第三篇,KEY ACCOUN

12、T ORGANIZATION & KNOWING THE BUYER 了解客户组织及采购员,BUILDING FRIENDSHIPS 建立友谊 You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can In two years by trying to get people interested in you. 如果您能关心别人,您在两个月内认识的朋友比让别人在两年内关心你还来得多。 Dale Camegie (1888-1955),Key account manage

13、ment 关键客户管理,Buyer and seller relationship 供应商与零售商的关系,TRADITION RELATIONSHIP 传统式关系,PARTNERSHIP 伙伴式关系,Product Flow 商品供应,Marketing 市场部,Warehouse&Logistics 仓库及后勤部,Finance 财务部,Admin.&Operations 行政及运营部,Finance 财务部,Seller 销售员,Buyer 采购员,A&P 广告及促销部,Logistics &Distribution后勤及配送部,Store Operations 门店运营部,Value O

14、riented 价值倾向性,Gross Margin Oriented 毛利倾向性,Product Flow 商品供应,Key account management 关键客户管理,Motives for KAM 关键客户管理的动机,Organizational structure 组织结构,General Manager 门店总经理,Store Operations 门店运营部,Merchandising 采购部,Logistics&Distribution 后勤及配送部,Human Resources人力资源部,Business Development业务发展部,Finance & Admi

15、nistration 财务及行政部,Non Food 非食品部,Dry Groceries 干粮部,Fresh Food生鲜食品部,Merchandising 采购监控部,A & P 广告及促销部,私有品牌,Space Planner 货架陈列,Product Database 商品数据库,Market Research 市场调研,Price Checker 检价员,Merchandising, Store Qperation and Logistics Distribution form the operational axis of a KA. 采购部,门店运营部和后勤部是KA的操作核心。

16、 All other departments are operating in a service and support role towards these 3 departments. 所有其他部门都为这三个部门扮演服务和支援的角色,The 7 responsibilities of merchandising dept. 采购部的七项职责,Building relationship with key a/c.与KA建立联系,Building relationship with KA personnel relating to the sales of Company products. 与公司业务有关KA人员建立友好关系。 Establish a relationship of trust that can be built on in negotiating and influencing the accounts. 在关系上建立信任以至能在谈判中影响客户,Build a network of


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