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1、Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A 1. tiring adj. 累人的 【解析】tire v使疲劳 tired adj. 讨厌的 tiring adj. 令人厌烦的 be tired of doing 讨厌做某事 get tired of 厌倦于 The film is really_(tire). He has gotten _(tire) of reading. I feel _because the subject is _(tire),2. educational adj. 有教育意义的 【解析】educate v 教育 e

2、ducation n educational adj. 有教育意义的 an educational toy 智力玩具 further education 继续教育 primary education 初级教育 【记】My mother is an _ worker. She puts all her heart into _.She knows some good ways to _ teenagers. (educate) This is an _(education) book. Every week the students in No.1 Middle school see an _(

3、education) film. ( ) (2010西双版纳)Avatar is an _movie ,It shows us the importance of protecting the environment. A. useful B. Australian C. educational D. old,3.peaceful adj. 平静的 【解析】peace n 和平 peaceful adj. 和平的 peacefully adv 和平地 【拓展记忆】beauty n 美丽 beautiful adj. 美丽的 help n 帮助 helpful adj. 有帮助的 use n 用

4、途 useful adj. 有用的 thank n感谢 thankful adj. 感激的 That night was so _(peace) All the people who love _hope that the world is _forever, without wars.(peace) 【2012 内蒙古包头】26. It is our hope that we can live in a _ world and say goodbye to wars for ever. A. similar B. peaceful C. familiar D. natural,4. fasc

5、inating adj. 迷人的 【解析】fascinate v 把迷住 fascinating adj. 迷人的 The students _(fascinate) by his ideas Shanghai is really a _( fascinate) city Your idea are _(fascinate) to me.,5. thrilling adj. 令人激动的 【解析】thrill v 兴奋, 激动 thrilling adj. 使人感到的 ,令人毛骨悚然的 thriller n 空白电影 thrilling news 令人兴奋的消息 thrilling voice

6、颤抖的声音 This is a _(thriller) movie. I dont like movie that is _( thriller).,6. Id like to trek through the jungle. 我想穿越热带丛林 【解析1】trek trekked trekking v. (缓慢或艰难的旅行),长途跋涉 trek through 穿越 trek through the jungle 穿越丛林 ( )The young man spent half a month _the forest. A. trekked through B. trekking throug

7、h,【解析2】 through/across /over (1) through 表示“从中间穿过”,指从立体空间穿过,可和forest; city; window等搭配 They are walking through the forest. (2) across “ 横过,穿过” ,指从表面穿越,可和street, bridge等搭配 【注】cross v across prep cross= go/work across 穿过 【短语】across from 在对面 go across the street 横穿马路 Dont go across the street when the

8、light is red. (3) over 指越过高的障碍物 jump over the high well 跳过高墙,【一句话记忆】If you walk _ the bridge, run _ the forest, jump _ a ditch(小沟), you will find my house. ( ) The light of the moon comes into the room _ the window. A. cross B. across C. through D. in ( ) The forest is too large. I dont dare to go _

9、 it alone. A. across B. cross C. through D. though,【2013佛山】10.The Xiamen-Shenzhen high speed railroad will run _ eight cities. A. across B. through C. over 【2013内江】31. The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims _ Tuojiang River after supper. A. over B. through C. to D. across 【湖北宜昌】

10、3- Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (明显的) mistakes? - Of course I will. A. look around B. look through C. look up D. look into,8. Where would you like to go on vacation, Sam? 萨姆, 你想到哪儿去度假? 【解析】on 处于某种状态 on vacation 在度假 on fire 着火 on holiday 在度假 on duty 值日 on sale

11、出售 on business 因公出差,【常用词组】 come on 加油 get on 上车 on show 展览 on ones way to 在去的路上 on foot 步行 get on a picnic 去野餐 try on 试穿 put on 穿上 later on 后来 on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边 on a farm 在农场 on fire 着火 on duty 值日 go on 继续 depend on 依靠 hang on 稍等,别挂断,可借助以下顺口溜巧记以上17个on短语: 快点上车去看展览, 路上步行想去野餐; 穿好以后左右看看,

12、农场失火没人值班; 继续依靠电话求助, 无人接听也别挂断,The students will go home _(在寒假期间). ( ) I will go to Beijing _ a holiday next week. A. on B. for C. with D. to ( ) Where would you your family like to go _ vacation ? A. in B. on C. to D. at 【2013沈阳】25.Could you tell me the way to the Science Museum, please? Yes, walk al

13、ong this street. Youll see it _ your left. A. on B. in C. for D. over,9. I hope to see Niagara Falls one day. 我希望有一天可以去看看尼亚加拉大瀑布。 【解析】 (1)some day “来日,将来某一天”, 用在一般将来时态中。 I hope to fly to the moon some day. (2) one day “某一天” ,既可指将来的某一天,也可指过去的某一天 One day, he happened to meet his old friend on the stre

14、et. (3) the other day “ 几天前,前几天” 用于一般过去时,( ) I hope to see you _ next term. Bye ,Gary. - Bye A. some days B. some day C. a day D. one day ( ) My parents are always strict with me. Dont be angry. Youll understand them _. A. any time B. at times C. the other day D. some day ( ) Try our best , our drea

15、m _ one day. A. come true B. will come true C. came true D. has come true,10. Its too touristy. 那儿的游客太多了 【解析】 tour n 旅行 tourist n 旅游者 touristy adj. 游客很多的. The Stone Forest is an exciting sight. But it is too_.(tour) Beijing is a _(tourist) city. The Great Wall is very famous in the world . So it is _(tour). 【2013甘肃兰州】26. The mountain I visited last Sunday isnt very _. Few _


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