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1、PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP 公私營伙伴關係模式,廖美薇 Richard FELLOWS The University of Hong Kong 香 港 大 學 Ammliuhkucc.hku.hk fellowshkucc.hku.hk,Widespread requirements 普 遍 要 求,Non-decreasing streams of dividends 不降低分紅/利潤 Developmental advancement plus governmental expenditure reduction 要求政府減少開支,但同時保持發展 Pursue p

2、rinciples of joint-venturing 探求聯營體模式的原理,Organisational Arrangements 組 織 方 式,Formal Structures(正式的架構形式) BOT (Build, Own, Transfer) BOT(建造、擁有、移交) BOO (Build, Own, Operate) BOO(建造-擁有-營運 ) BOOT (Build, Own, Operate, Transfer) BOOT(建造-擁有-營運-移交 ) DFBO (Design, Finance, Build, Operate) DFBO(設計-建造-融資-營運 ) D

3、CMF (Design, Construct, Manage, Finance) DCMF(設計-施工-管理-融資 ) PFI (Private Finance Initiative UK) PFI(私人融資計畫 英國),Concession Objective 特許經營的目標,Asset(s) provided by the Private Sector 資產由私營部門提供 Public Sector purchases the services required from the asset(s) but without the need for capital investment. 公

4、共部門/機構採買此類資產所產生的服務,無需資本投入 Thus, transfers capital funding (and risks) to the Private Sector 這樣,將資本融資及其風險轉移給私營部門 What about revenue price per unit of service provision? 收入-提供每單位服務的價格是怎么樣的?,供應商,Figure1: Typical organizational arrangements for concession projects 圖1特 許 經 營 項 目 的 典 型 組 織 方 式 After (根據)M

5、erna and Smith (1994).,項目主辦方 (政府/公共機構),發展商 (私人機構/聯營體),特許經營合約,債款方 (出資人),投資方 (出資人),用 戶,營運商,建造商,Concession Contract 特 許 經 營 合 同,Distributes risks 分發/分散風險 Stipulates performance parameters (targets) 規定表現/績效參數(目標) Specifies procedures 明確程式 Prescribes recourses 規定追索程式,Risks and Uncertainties 風 險 及 不 確 定 性

6、 (categories/分類),Contract form 合約形式 Financing requirements 融資要求 Time period(s) 期限 Type of project (function(s) 項目類型(功能) Project location 項目位置,Concession Arrangements 特許經營模式,Contract-led 以合約為主導 Market-led 以市場為主導,Project Finance 項 目 融 資,Banks(銀行) Risk security(風險-安全性) Recourse non-recourse(追索權-無追索權) P

7、eriod(期限) Institutional investors(機構投資者) Bonds(債券) Security(安全保證) Capital appreciation(資本增值) Income(收入) Promoters(發展商) Bonds(債券) - inflexible(硬性(缺少彈性) - “up-front” funding(預先融資) - interest is tax deductible(利息可稅前扣除),Claim 觀點,Expenditure for capital provision and project operation are lower than if t

8、he project were provided and operated by the Public Sector 項目融資及項目營運的開支要比由公共部門提供及營運項目低,Figure 2: Costs of Borrowing and Risk 圖2借款成本及風險 (Source源自: Waites, 1996),Reward 回報,Risk 風險,Private sector financing costs,Government borrowing costs 政府借款成本,私人機構 融資成本,Figure 3: VFM and Risk 圖-3 資金價值及風險 (Source源自: W

9、aites, 1996),Value For Money (VFM) 資金價值,VFM Criteria 資金價值基準線,Risk 風險,Debt 負債,Equity 資產,Problems for Contractors 承包商面對的問題,Projects evaluated on a life-cycle basis 基于生命週期對項目進行評價 Amalgam of disparate organizations 不同組織的融合 High costs of bidding 投標成本高 “fitness for purpose” requirement “與目的相適應”的要求 Changes

10、 各種變化 Investment 投資,Contractors Investment Problems 承包商的投資問題,Large equity investment (contractor-led) 大量/額的資產投資(以承包商為主導的模式中) Alien 不熟悉 Construction 施工 Low margin 低利潤率 Cash generating 以現金支付(可直接產生現金),Equity extraction by contractors 承包商抽取/收回資產,Sell-on equity interest following completion of constructi

11、on 項目建成后立即出售資產的利益,Joint ventures 聯 營 體,Team TMO (temporary multi-organization) 團隊 TMO(臨時多方組織) “oligopolistic partners” (Dietrich, 1994) 具有市場壟斷經營性質的合伙人 Technology transfer 技術轉移 Owners-企業所有人 Invest and share profits 投資並分享利潤 Share (perceived) risks 分攤(可認知的)風險 Opportunistic behavior 投機/機會主義行為,Outcomes 結

12、 論,Concessions may yield capital expenditure advantages for Public Sector organizations 特許經營模式可為公共機構產生節約資本開支的優點 Must incorporate procedures to give Public Sector the benefit of desired efficiency gains relate to higher cost of finance in Private Sector; including “technology transfer” 必須建立能使公共部門因項目效率提升而最終受益的程式-這與私人領域的高額融資成本相關;還包括“技術轉移” Surveillance to prevent exploitation 加強監督,防止過度剝削,



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