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1、必修2 Module 2 课下作业(一、二)课下作业(一) 单元语基扎根练.单词拼写1As the company was declining, the number of employees in the company reduced (减少) from 120 to 80.2I have known him for ten years but I could hardly recognise (认出) him when I saw him in the street this morning.3When taking blood from someone, mosquitoes do n

2、ot inject (注射) blood from any previous person.4In terms of studying, I prefer to study in the library because there are many distractions (分心) at home.5We stopped at the nearby (附近的) shop to buy some drinks before climbing the mountain.6As the medical science is developing so fast, cancer (癌症) will

3、not be a deadly disease in the future.7He is not likely (可能的) to come at this time of the day.8Do you advocate banning (禁止) cars in the city centre?.语境语法填空1Tom formed a bad habit of drinking and smoking. His parents reduced (reduce) his living cost and warned him that he was likely to_be_punished (p

4、unish) if he went on like this, but in vain. He even broke into a house to steal money. Now with the help of the police he has_recognised (recognise) that he should not have broken the law.2Now more and more students are becoming addicted (addict) to the Internet. To give it up is hard for them. The

5、ir parents and teachers did all that they can to help them, but whatever they did, some students couldnt get away from it.3The wealthy man has_been_banned (ban) from driving ever since the accident. It is said that the accident was related to drunk driving.语境改错1文中共有4处错误,每句中最多有两处,请找出并改正。Li Hua belong

6、s Class Two, and he became addicting to computer games last year. He broke in a house one day to get the money for games, and then he was arrested. Li Hua regretted he had broken a law and decided to get rid of the bad habit. Now he is a good student in our school.答案:第一句:belongs后加to; addictingaddict

7、ed第二句:ininto第三句:athe2文中共有5处错误,每句中最多有两处,请找出并改正。Mr Smith suffers from a serious disease. His disease is relating to smoking and his life is in the danger. The doctor says if he doesnt stop smoking, he is like to lose his life. In order to living a healthy life, he takes the doctors advice and decides

8、to give in smoking.答案:第二句:relatingrelated; 去掉the第三句:likelikely第四句:livinglive; inup.根据提示补全句子1我大约有4年时间沉迷于电子游戏中。(addict)I went through about four years of being_addicted_to video games.2如果你买十本以上的书,他们会把价格降低10%。(reduce)If you buy more than ten books, they will reduce_the_price_by 10 percent.3林肯被认为是美国最伟大的

9、总统之一。(recognise)Lincoln is_recognised_as/to_be one of the greatest presidents in America.4我从没说过我会把我的新书给她。绝不可能!(likely)I never said Id give her my new books.Not_likely!5无论你做什么,都不能违背自然规律。(whatever)Whatever_you_do,_you cant go against nature.短文填空()根据提示填空Why do people smoke? One reason is that people be

10、come_addicted_to (对有瘾) cigarettes. The addictive (addict) substance in cigarettes is nicotine. When people smoke, the nicotine goes right into the blood stream and makes people relaxed. A smokers body becomes_used_to (习惯于) the nicotine and if he stops smoking he feels nervous. Many smokers try to qu

11、it_smoking (戒烟), but because of the addiction to nicotine they feel so uncomfortable (comfort) that they often find it too hard to do so. Another reason is that people only enjoy smoking. Having a cigarette for many people means taking_a_break (休息). For some people, smoking becomes part of certain s

12、ocial rituals (礼节), for example, the cigarette after dinner. Lots of people enjoy smoking (smoke) because it provides something to do with their hands. Reaching for a cigarette, lighting (light) it, and flicking the ashes is especially comfortable in situations where a person feels nervous.Many peop

13、le also like the taste of tar (焦油) in cigarettes. However, it is the tar that causes (cause) cancer. While governments and health experts have tried to get people to give up smoking completely, cigarette manufacturers have tried to keep selling them by producing cigarettes with less (little) tar. Ma

14、ny people in western countries have welcomed these cigarettes since they find it hard to give up smoking, but want to reduce the danger to their health.()片段选词填空become addicted to, deal with, do away with, for example, keep . away from, more than, take drugs, work out There are several ways to do_awa

15、y_with drug addiction. The first step, as Im sure you have heard hundreds of times, is to realise that theres a problem. If there are people in your life taking_drugs,_youll need to let them know that its hurting more_than just themselves.Once youve gotten them to realise this, if possible, youll ne

16、ed to help them. Youll need a way to work_out the problems that pull them towards drugs, or to create something else that will keep these people_away_from drugs.Sometimes other drugs are in line. For_example,_most heavy drinkers are affected by depression. Over 40% of Americans are affected by depression, and over 60% of the



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