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1、甘肃省东乡族自治县第二中学2018-2019学年高一英语下学期期中试题 第一大题 单项填空(共10分,每题1分)1. The teacher suggested those found in exams should be punished. A. cheat B. to cheat C. cheating D. cheated2. -How much do you know about the 3D film technology?-A little. Not until _the hot movie The Monkey King 2 _some about it.A. I saw, I

2、began to learn B. did I see, I began to learnC. did I see, did I begin to learn D. I saw, did I begin to learn 3.What a mistake! -Yes. I his doing it another way, but without success. A. was suggesting B .will suggest C. would suggest D. had suggested 4.-David says sounds right to Helen. Thats why s

3、he has made up her mind to leave with him happens. A. Whatever; whatever B. Whichever; whatever C. Whatever; No matter what D. Whatever; however5.If the medicine correctly, you will recover sooner or later. A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take6. -The baby looks much worse. -_is it that has made him

4、 _he is today?A. What; that B. What; which C. That; that D. What; what7.What are you reading, Tom? -Im not really reading, just _ the pages. A. turning over B. turning off C. turning around D. turning up8. Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any _. A. excuse B. sense C.

5、use D. value9. In English-speaking countries, a person with a large vocabulary is _ a walking dictionary. A. referred to B. compared to C. thought of D. devoted to 10. She was chosen to be the first secretary of the state government and has regular and immediate _ to the president. A. opportunity B.

6、 control C. effect D. access第二大题(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A I am a music store owner. One day, when I was cleaning the instruments in my store, I saw an old man come in. His short steps dragged on the carpet. “Is 77 too old to learn the banjo (班卓琴)?” he asked.“You can lea

7、rn to play it well,” I replied, holding back my doubts. My mind told me I was giving false encouragement. I reached the instructors schedule and gave the rates, the available time and the additional information that he would need. To my surprise and delight, the old man, Carl, began banjo lessons th

8、ree days later with my most patient teacher.With nothing to do at home but practice, Carl made surprising progress. After breakfast he practiced for his required half hour. While waiting for lunch he picked up his banjo again for just a couple of minutes. Since TV was difficult for him to see and he

9、ar, he often played the banjo in the evenings. Carl was always early for lessons so it was a surprise that he didnt arrive one Tuesday.The next morning I listened to the answering machine with sadness. “Carls in hospital,” the voice recorded.Two months later, I shared the newspaper obituary with the

10、 banjo teacher. We both shed tears for a surprisingly clever banjo student.Several months later, a woman came into the store carrying a plant. “This is for Carls banjo teacher,” she said. “Im his wife, Mary.” “Why did Carl want to play the banjo?” I asked. Mary took a deep breath and let it out slow

11、ly. “Carl was at some show when he was 10 years old. He came close to the stage to watch the performers. When they were packing up their instruments, the banjo player said to Carl, You want to see this up close? Carl climbed up on the stage and from then on he wanted to play the banjo.” Carl had wai

12、ted 67 years to realize a dream! Mary gave the plant to Carls banjo teacher. “Thank you for the best six months of his life,” she said.11. How did Carl learn to play the banjo well?A. By taking short cuts. B. By working hard. C. By asking his wife to help him. D. By finding the best teacher.12. From

13、 Paragraph 2, we can know the author _.A. encouraged Carl though he had doubtsB. was giving true encouragementC. didnt want to encourage Carl D. was unwilling to help Carl13. The underlined word “obituary” in Para.5 means a notice that _.A. announces a good piece of newsB. announces somebody is need

14、edC. announces somebody has died D. announces a gift for somebody14. Why did Carl want to learn banjo?A. He wanted to become a banjo performer.B. He wanted to make his dream of his young age come true.C. His wife encouraged him to learn it.D. He wanted to spend the last best six months of his life.B

15、I fell in love with England because it was quaint(古雅)-all those little houses, looking terribly old-fashioned but nice, like dolls houses. I loved the countryside and the pubs, and I loved London. Ive slightly changed my mind after seventeen years because I think its an ugly town now. Things have changed. For everybody, England meant gentlemen, fair play, and good


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