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1、,Unit 2 What a day!,星期一: Mon.=Monday 星期二: Tues.=Tuesday 星期三: Wed.=Wednesday 星期四: Thur.=Thursday 星期五: Fri.=Friday 星期六: Sat.=Saturday 星期天: Sun.=Sunday,What day is it today ? It is,一月份JAN. Jan.=January 二月份FEB. Feb.=February 三月份MAR. Mar.=March 四月份APR. Apr.=April 五月份MAY May.=May 六月份JUN. Jun.=June 七月份JUL.

2、 Jul.=July 八月份AUG. Aug.=August 九月份SEP. Sept.=September 十月份OCT. Oct.=October 十一月份NOV.Nov.=November 十二月份DEC.Dec.=December,What date is it today? It is in(月,年) It is on the+ 序数词 +of +月,Whats the weather like today? How is the weather today?,rain(n,v) (雨,下雨),rainy (adj) 多雨的,wind(n) (风),windy (adj) 多风的,询

3、问天气方式,Whats the weather like today?,cloud(s)(可数n) 云,cloudy(adj) 多云的,sunny(adj) 晴朗的,sun(n) 太阳,Its cloudy .,Its sunny .,Its windy.,Its rainy.,Story time,Sunday ,20th September It was sunny in the morning. Su Hai , Mike ,Liu Tao and I went to the park by bike. There was a parrot show in the park. We sa

4、w some interesting parrots. Then,the weather became windy and cloudy. We flew kites high in the sky. It was time for lunch. We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks.,We saw some ants on the bread and honey. There were some bees too. We could not eat our lunch! In the afternoon

5、, there were black clouds in the sky. It rained. We were hungry and wet. What a day!,dumplings 水饺,honey 蜂蜜,parrot 鹦鹉,bee 蜜蜂,ant 蚂蚁,drinks 饮料,meet过去式 met Eg:1.昨天我在街上遇到了我的英语老师。 I met my English teacter in the street yesterday. lose 过去式 lost 2.上周我把钥匙弄丢了。 I lost my key last week.,look+adj 看起来. look sad

6、look happy look excited look angry look young,What happened? Whats the matter? This morning this afternoon 多用于过去式句子中 I-(get)up late this morning. I-(lose) my wallet this afternoon.,Unit 2 重点单词,sunny晴朗的 show 展示、展览 interesting 有趣的,有意思的 weather 天气 become 变成,变为 windy 有风的 cloudy 多云的 high 在高处 sky天空 bring

7、带来 honey 蜂蜜 drink 饮料 ant 蚂蚁 bee 蜜蜂 cloud 云 rain 雨 rainy 多雨的 meet 遇见 lose 丢失 know 知道,Unit 2 重点短语(ST-ST),1、by bike 骑自行车 2、a parrot show 一场鹦鹉表演 3、some interesting parrots 一些有趣的鹦鹉 4、become windy and cloudy 变得多风并且多云 5、fly kites high 风筝放的很高 6、in the sky 在天空中 7、black clouds 乌云 8、hungry and wet 又饿又(浑身)湿透 9、

8、play basketball 打篮球 10、in the playground 在操场上 11、Well done! 做得好。 12、go away 走开,Unit 2 重点短语(Cartoon time),13、look sad 看上去难过 14、lose my new kite 丢了我的新风筝 15、want to know why 想要知道为什么 16、climb up 爬上 17、fly too high (放风筝)放的太高了 18、hold onto 抓紧 19、fly away 飞走 20、near the hill 在小山附近 21、watch a film 看电影 22、ha

9、ve a picnic 野餐 23、do the housework 做家务,课后练习,英汉互译 1. 抓紧_ 2. 一些蜜蜂和蜂蜜_ 3. 一场鹦鹉展览_ 4. 放风筝_ 5. 飞走_ 6. many black clouds_ 7.well done_ 8. have a picnic_ 9. what happened?_ 10. this morning_,句型转换 1.Mike played basketball yesterday.(用every day 代替yesterday) Mike _ _ every day. 2.The children went to school b

10、y bike.(对划线部分提问) _ the children _ to school? 3.Liu Tao is having a picnic now.(改成一般过去式) Liu Tao_ _ _ just now. 4. I was at home last night.(改成一般疑问句,作否定回答) _ _ at home last night? No, _ 5.Jim watched TV last Sunday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Jim _ last Sunday?,翻译句子(14分) 1.你看上去很难过,怎么了? You _ _. Whats the _? 2.在儿童节

11、,我和哥哥去钓鱼,我们很开心。 On childrens Day,I_ _ _ my brother.we_ very happy. 3.泰兴经常下雨,每年春天都有很多雨水。 It often _in taixing.There _ much _here in spring. 4.昨天的天气怎么样? 是晴天。 How _ the _ yesterday? It_ _.,改错:把错的地方画出来并在横线上改在。 Yesterday is Tuesday. I get up very early. In the morning I ate biscuits. I went to school ver

12、y early. I have English and Chinese in the morning. At half past eleven I had lunch. I play football with my classmates in the afternoon, After school I do my homework. 1. iswas 2._ 3._ 4._5._,阅读理解 The Road family often does housework together at the weekends. Pam often cleans bedrooms. Her father b

13、uys groceries (食品杂货) for the next week. Her mum washes the clothes. John, Pams brother, cuts grass in their garden. The Roads often ride a bike to the park nearby. In the park, they can play basketball and football. They always have a good time there. It is happy when a family works and plays togeth

14、er.,根据短文内容选择正确答案5% ( ) 1. How many people are there in the Road family? _ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. ( ) 2. The Road family likes to _. A. go on a picnic B. go shopping C. have a rest D. go to the park ( ) 3. When the family work together, they feel_. A. tired B. happy C. angry D. sad,( ) 4. _ cuts the grass in the garden. A. Father B. Mother C. Pam D. John ( ) 5. A good title (标题) for the passage is _.


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