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1、英语文体学引论,第六章: 日常谈话、即席解说、公众演讲,第一节 日常谈话 英语:口语 第一位 书面语 第二位 日常谈话英语是整个英语中最自然、最生活的一部分。,下面我们分析一段谈话,录自英国一位教授与自己指导的一位博士研究生之间的一次交谈。他们二人所使用的方言是受过教育的中产阶级使用的所谓的“标准英语”,他们的口音是标准发音。交谈双方既是师生,又是好友,关系很密切,这保证了谈话在随便的气氛中进行。,谈话背景: 1、一位教授与自己指导的博士研究生之间的交谈 2、使用的方言是“标准英语” 3、口音是标准发音 4、交谈双方既是师生,又是好友,关系很密切 5、谈话在随便的气氛中进行,(P=教授 S=研

2、究生 F=第三者) S: (Hi) F: (Well), how did you get on Jenny? S: I didnt bloody get it. F: Didnt bloody get it, oh dear. S: I didnt (get it). P: (You probably) swore at the panel. S: I didnt. I did, must admit, I put my foot in it once or twice. F: Well. S: No, they were ever so nice about it, nice as once

3、 can be, but; well, he said he said he said hed have given it to me if it hadnt been, been for Malaysia, Malay or what Malaysia. I think I kept saying Malaysia which didnt endear me any- Malaya, or you have to keep going to Malay F: Oh! S: Didnt console me actually.,P: Didnt you, I mean, didnt you g

4、ive the impression that you were actually dying to go to Malaysia? S: Im not a very good liar actually. God. I put my foot in it. He had some prize blerk and afterwards he took me aside and said, um, -you did put your foot in it at least three times, but we didnt hold it against you, and you know at

5、 one stage some old geezer in the corner who mustve been at least a hundred and eighty says um, er Do you think linguistic has anything to say to the teaching of ah foreign languages in this country? And I said well yeah P: Mum, he mustve been professor of French or German. S: He was. P: Yeah. S: Bu

6、t I didnt know that and he said um- so I said take somewhere like Lancaster where they have, you know, possibly one of the finest applied linguistics department,and , yet the teaching of English, um Italian and French are in the dark ages. There was this horrible silence and he said well we three tr

7、oglodytes in the corner over here would like a bit of advice - and the other-the other thing of Sinclair sort of stung me about um which is um I shouldnt have been stung, cos he was obviously on my side and I said, he he said er did I think I had P: Have some, have some coffee Jenny. S: um did I thi

8、nk I had P: please Jenny, its Christmas today you know. S: Hes enjoying himself cos he s taking me apart panel: 审查小组。 put my foot in it: 说错话。 prize blerk: 头号傻瓜(俚语)。 geezer: 怪老头,老家伙(俚语)。 troglodytes: 史前野蛮人。,谈话摘录中的话语特点:,1、Filler 例:and/but/er/um等 作用:取得话语权,保持话语、思路的连贯;,2、Repetition 例: he said he said he

9、said 作用: 回忆谈话内容,保持话语权;,3、Omission/Incompleteness 例:省略号的使用, 作用:方便更快地交流;,4、Slang 例: Prize blerk, Geezer等 作用:表达说话人情感,5、Unclear meaning 例: 作用:,从摘录中可以看出,日常谈话英语出在句法、词汇和语音方面有其独特之处外,还有一些更为复杂的特点,如语义的含混不清、话题的随意变化和语言的不流畅和不精确。,为适应这些特点,我们分六个方面来分析这段谈话: 1、句法结构 2、词汇 3、语音 4、语义 5、话题转变 6、语言流畅性。,1、句法结构,包含四个方面的具体内容: 句子长

10、度及结构、动词词组、名词词组、句子种类。,主要涉及句子划分问题, 主要特点:短小、简单、容易理解、容易组织 划分标准:连接词(and/but等)、谈话人的语调和停顿等,1.1 句子长度及结构,例: S: (Hi) F: (Well), how did you get on Jenny? S: I didnt bloody get it. F: Didnt bloody get it, oh dear. S: I didnt (get it). P: (You probably) swore at the panel. S: I didnt. I did, must admit, I put m

11、y foot in it once or twice. F: Well.,日常谈话文体特点:句子短,结构简单。 分析要点:句子数量、单词数量、平均每句话包含单词数、简单句和并列句句数等,1.2 动词词组 本篇摘录特指有虚拟语气的动词词组。,例1: S: well, he said he said he said hed have given it to me if it hadnt been, been for Malaysia, Malay or what Malaysia. (P202) 虚拟语态,一般表示猜测和不肯定,可以缓和语气,使说话人显得谦逊客气。,例2: S: and the o

12、ther-the other thing of Sinclair sort of stung me about um which is um I shouldnt have been stung, (P203) 被动语态,使用较少。,例3: S: I didnt. I did, must admit, I put my foot in it once or twice. (P202) 本段谈话中,因是叙述往事,故多用一般过去时; 在评论性谈话中,一般现在时比过去时用的多。,分析要点:语态结构(虚拟语态、被动语态等) 时态应用(一般过去时、一般现在时占统治地位),1.3 名词词组 通常是指有修饰

13、的名词,日常谈话文体中,通常包括: 一个成分的名词词组、 多个成分的名词词组,即限定词+主名词, 例: my foot, the corner等;,除形容词外,限定部分有时也可能是介词词组或是简单的修饰从句; 例: P: Mum, he mustve been professor of French or German. (P203),1.4 句子种类 在摘录中,日常谈话文体中的主要句式是陈述句和疑问句,以疑问句为主。,日常谈话中, 疑问句,主要用于双方互相问问题; 例1: F: (Well), how did you get on Jenny?,陈述句,主要用于叙述或评论某事; 例2: S:

14、 I didnt bloody get it.,祈使句使用较少。 例3: P: Have some, have some coffee Jenny.,另外,在分析句子种类时,需要注意的是句子中直接引语和间接引语的使用。,直接引语:通常引述原说话人的原始话语内容,及话语形式; 例1: S: well, he said he said he said hed have given it to me if it hadnt been, been for Malaysia, Malay or what Malaysia. (p202),间接引语:通常引述原说话人的话语内容,用词造句可以与原话不同。 例

15、2: S: And I said well yeah (p203) 但在日常谈话中既无必要也不可能(由于记忆的限制)引述原话。,从以上分析中可以看出,,1、日常谈话问题的句法结构的主要特点: 短小、简单、容易理解、容易组织,2、日常交流的目的: 交流、表达思想。,3、谈话过程: 随想随说,无事先准备;说话的同时,既要考虑接下来要说的,也要观察听话人的反应(有无在听,是否感兴趣),进而决定是继续讲下去还是转移话题。因而为照顾全面,日常谈话的语言结构就相对简单,并容易理解。,2、词汇,日常谈话文体用词: (1)特点:短小、简单、易懂 (2)词义方面:非正式的词多、带有感情色彩的词多、夸张性的词多,

16、接下来,我们将从词形、词义两个方面对有关词汇问题进行分析:,2.1 词形,(1)分析要点: 单词数量、单词长度(字母/词素)、词的内部结构,词汇特点: 词汇选择面窄(尤其是动词)多是英语中的基本动词,而且词的重复率高,例: And I said well yeah中,若用answer或reply更为合适确切。,原因: 在日常谈话中,说话人为腾出精力照顾其他方面,不得不把语言形式限制在最简单的程度。,2.2 词义,大量使用非正式的口语化词汇,有时甚至是俚语和禁忌语,这在其他语体中比较少见。,日常谈话中, 除地名、特有或专业名词外,一般都是常见词,以及口语化的词或词组。 例:get, get on,



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