浙江省2019年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解模拟检测(二)训练

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1、阅读理解模拟检测(二)(共3篇,限时20分钟)ABee see, bee do. At least thats the conclusion of research published earlier this month in the journal PLOS Biology, showing that bumblebees learn to solve problems by watching each other.In the first study of its kind in insects, scientists constructed experiments that chall

2、enged bees to pull strings in order to access rewards of nectar (花蜜)The scientists hoped their study would throw light on a bigger picture: how social learning spreads through a population.In the study, Lars Chittka from Queen Mary University of London and his team made artificial flowers and filled

3、 them with artificial nectar made of sugar water. They put the flowers under a clear type of plastic and attached a string.Then they added bees. While most of the insects failed to reach the nectar, a few eventually figured out how to access it, by pulling the string.The team discovered that they co

4、uld greatly increase the success rate of the bees by first placing them inside a transparent (透明的) box where they could observe an experienced bee pull the string. Then, when the boxed bees were released, they often knew what to do and successfully pulled the string to obtain nectar.Next, the resear

5、chers added a bee that was experienced in string pulling to each of three new groups that had never seen the experiment before. Within a short time, about half of all those bees were soon pulling the strings. That result suggests the learned behavior could spread from bee to bee, similar to the way

6、cultural ideas spread in other animals, including people.The experiment suggests that social learning may be more widespread in the animal kingdom than people previously thought.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。英国科学家通过实验发现,蜜蜂可以从同伴那里学会新技能。1What happened after the bee pulled the string?AIt joined others.BIt saw flowers.

7、CIt found water. DIt got nectar.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“pull strings in order to access rewards of nectar (花蜜)”和第五段内容可知,蜜蜂把绳拉动之后就可以得到花蜜。2Why was an experienced bee added to new bee groups?ATo reduce the difficulty of the experiment.BTo watch the process of string pulling.CTo carry the experiment further.

8、DTo keep the bees interest.解析:选C推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“placing them inside a transparent (透明的) box where they could observe an experienced bee pull the string”和倒数第二段中的“each of three new groups that had never seen the experiment before”可知,在后一个实验中,蜜蜂面临的挑战升级,这样做的目的就是使研究更深入。3What does the study find?AMost anim

9、als create their own cultures.BStrings are particularly attractive to bees.CAnimals may have good social learning ability.DBumblebees may be smarter than other bee species.解析:选C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“the learned behavior could spread from bee to bee, similar to the way cultural ideas spread in other animal

10、s, including people”和最后一段中的“social learning may be more widespread in the animal kingdom than people previously thought”可知,这项研究发现动物们可能具有良好的相互学习的能力。BWhen I go to a new place the first thing I like to do is walk around the streets, to explore and get lost in the city. When I first arrived in Santiago,

11、 Chile, and took a walk around the city centre, one of the first things I noticed was how many street dogs there were.On every corner there was a sleeping dog. At every traffic light there was a dog waiting to cross. By every shop there was a dog waiting for food. At first I was nervous as I thought

12、 they might be aggressive. However, I have been here for more than a year now and every street dog I have seen has been passive, quiet and friendly.The dogs are accepted and welcomed here in Chile. I have never seen a street dog being mistreated. In fact, they are often given food and water by the p

13、ublic. Some people even make jackets for the dogs or put out beds or doghouses for them to sleep in.However, the dogs do not have an easy life: they are often hungry, cold or injured. The government does not provide much care for these dogs.Some people believe that the situation is getting out of co

14、ntrol and that it is unacceptable to have so many dogs on the streets. The dogs can sometimes cause problems such as car accidents if they run into the road. There are about 2.5 million street dogs in Chile and the dog population is growing faster than the human population. Many Chileans think that

15、all the street dogs should be sterilized (使绝育) so that they cannot breed. Others think that people should reduce the dog population by killing them.The future of street dogs is uncertain but for now it looks like they are here to stay, with their population expanding year by year.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。作者初到智

16、利就发现那里的流浪狗很多,且其数量还在不断增加。由此引发的问题引起了人们的关注。4What caught the authors attention after his arriving in Santiago?AFine local shops. BLots of street dogs.CMany cute pet dogs. DBroken traffic lights.解析:选B细节理解题。由第一段末的“one of the first things I noticed was how many street dogs there were”及第二段开头的“On every corner . for food.”可知,作者刚到圣地亚哥就注意到那里大量的流浪狗。5What do we know about street dogs i


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