2020版高考英语新增分大一轮译林(江苏)版渐进写作讲义:Step One 第7讲 含答案

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《2020版高考英语新增分大一轮译林(江苏)版渐进写作讲义:Step One 第7讲 含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语新增分大一轮译林(江苏)版渐进写作讲义:Step One 第7讲 含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第7讲避免头重脚轻的it句型在英语中,为了避免头重脚轻,保持句子平衡,经常运用it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语后置,作真正主语或宾语的常为不定式或从句,有时也可用动名词。it有时也可以用在一些固定句型中。灵活地运用it句式可使文章更高级,结构更紧凑。一、it作形式主语的常用句型1.It takes (sb. ) some time/energy/effort.to do sth. It took the students about two hours to finish cleaning the classroom that day.那天花了同学们大约两个小时才把教室打扫完。2

2、.It is/was形容词(of/for sb. ) to do sth. In order to have much knowledge of Chinese culture,it is important for you to be aware of the content,Tang poetry.为了掌握许多中国文化知识,对你来说,了解唐诗的内容非常重要。(2017全国)3.It is/was形容词that.It is true that the Internet plays an important role in our daily life.确实,网络在我们的日常生活中扮演重要的角

3、色。4.It is/was名词(of/for sb. ) to do sth. In the end,kids as we are,its our duty to control ourselves,which will greatly help our lives and study.最后,尽管我们是孩子,但是自控是我们的责任,它会对我们的生活和学习大有帮助。5.It is/was名词that.It is an honour that I have been chosen to give a speech on behalf of my school.被选中代表我的学校做演讲,我很荣幸。6.

4、It is/was过去分词that.Its said that rap music was invented by a classical musician in 1912.据说,说唱音乐是一位古典音乐家在1912年创立的。7.It seems/appears/happensthat.It seems that our teacher have known the truth.好像我们的老师已经知道了真相。8.It occurs to/hits/strikes sb. that.It suddenly hit me that traditional culture like tea cultu

5、re was of great charm and huge value.我突然想到,像茶文化一样的传统文化很有魅力和价值。(2018北京)9.It mattersthat/wh-/if/whether从句It matters that everyone does something to protect our earth.每个人做些什么来保护地球是很重要的。10.It is/was ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事了It is your turn to sweep the floor today.今天轮到你们扫地了。11.It is/was time for sb.

6、 to do sth. 某人该做某事了It is (about/high) time that sb. did/should do sth. 某人该做某事了I know it is time for me to set aside some time to practice my oral English.我知道是时候抽些时间来练习我的英语口语了。Jack is a great talker.Its high time that he did something instead of just talking.Jack是一个很喜欢说大话的人。到了他做点事情而不是只讲大话的时候了。12.It i

7、s/was no good/no use/useless doing sth. 做某事没有好处/用处It is no use reasoning with her.She is always so stubborn!和她讲道理是没有用的。她总是那么固执!13.It is/was no surprise/wonder that.不足为怪,难怪The Internet keeps us informed of the latest news in the house.It is no wonder that its so popular worldwide.互联网使我们在家就能了解最新的新闻,难怪

8、它在全世界那么受欢迎。14.It is worthwhile doing/to do sth. 做是值得的It is worthwhile reading English every day.Keep it up!每天读英语是值得的。坚持下去!即时训练1使用it句型完成句子1.如果他们家有小孩的话,带个小礼物是个不错的想法。(2018全国)Itisagoodideatobringasmallgift if they have young children.2.那种情况下,根据排名买书既方便又节俭。(2018江苏) In that case,itisbothconvenientandeconom

9、icaltobuy books according to the ratings.3.显而易见,互联网对于我们的学习有帮助。Itisobviousthat the Internet is of great help to our learning.4.难怪他的英语口语那么好!他在英国待过两年。Itisnosurprise/wonderthat his oral English is so good.He stayed in England for two years.二、it作形式宾语的常用句型1.动词it形容词/名词(to) do/doing/that从句(常见的动词有:find,feel,

10、think,consider,make,believe,guess,suppose,assume)(1)He has made it clear that the meeting will not be put off.他已宣布会议不会被推迟。(2)In a word,wild release makes it much more convenient for us to choose what books we like.总之,自由分享使得我们选择所喜欢的书籍方便得多。(2015重庆)2.Id/Ill appreciate it if.如果我将不胜感激I would appreciate i

11、t if you can give me some advice on how to solve these problems.如果你能给我一些怎样处理这些问题的建议,我将不胜感激。3.sb. likes/loves/hates/dislikes it when.某人喜欢/不喜欢I dislike it when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I dont like.我不喜欢中国主人不停地给我夹我不喜欢的菜。即时训练2用it句型完成句子1.我认为对你来说,和同学们相处好是非常重要的。Ithinkitveryimportant for you

12、to get on well with your classmates.2.如果你能在我处于困境中时帮我的忙,我将非常感激。Illappreciateitif you can do me a favor when I am in trouble.三、it用于其他常用句型1.When it comes to.当谈到The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it come

13、s to reading.报告中所分享的最令人鼓舞的数据表明:在阅读方面,父母是孩子的榜样和重要的引导者。(2018全国)2.It is/was the first/second.time that.has/have/had done sth. 这是某人第一/二次做某事It is the first time that he has won the Nobel Prize in Literature.这是他第一次获得诺贝尔文学奖。3.It is/has been一段时间since.自从多长时间了It has been two weeks since you came here for the

14、exchange program,which has benefited us all.自从你们来这儿作交流活动已两周,这对我们都有益。(2016天津)4.Itbe一段时间before.多久之后就/才Dont be upset.It will be about two years before we meet again.不要伤心了。大约两年之后我们还会再见面。即时训练3用it句型完成句子1.当谈及我所在的班级时,我必须说我不能忍受一些同学的自私。(2015广东)Whenitcomesto my class,I have to say that I cant stand some classm

15、ates selfishness.2.这是我第一次远离家乡,我发现很难适应。(2018河北衡水中学模拟)ItwasthefirsttimethatIhad lived far away from home,so I found it hard to fit in.综合演练.用it句型完成句子1.很遗憾,这个暑假我不能去美国,因为我得为上大学做准备。(2018四川双流中学一模)Itsapitythat I cant come to America this summer,as I must prepare for university.2.他擅长数学。当说到英语,他就很弱了。He is good at maths.But whenitcomestoEnglish,he is very weak.3.我认为参加比赛对你来说是一个好机会。I thinkitagoodchanceforyoutoparticipatein the competition.4.当那天到来



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