2020版英语高考新攻略江苏专用大一轮精练Module3 Unit3 Backtothepast单元提升含答案

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1、Module 3Unit 3Back to the past课文巩固用本单元所学要点填空。The city of Pompeii was founded in the 8th century BC. Near the city was a volcano. 1.(在公元79年的8月24日),the volcano erupted and lava,ash and rocks 2.(从中喷涌而出)onto the surrounding countryside. It continued to erupt for the next two days. 3.(许多人被活埋),and so was

2、the city. Most of the human 4.(遗骸) from Pompeii have been found on the roads away from the city. The people were 5.(逃离这座城市)for their lives. However,they could not get away 6.(足够快),so they were buried 7.(在火山灰下).答案1. On 24 August AD 792.poured out of it3.Many people were buried alive4.remains5.fleeing

3、 the city6.fast enough7.beneath the ash单元话题写作假设你班最近举行了一次班会,讨论怎样使英语学习变成一件快乐的事。请你根据下表所提示的信息,为某网站写一篇短文,谈谈你们的讨论情况并提出你的建议。词数 150左右。讨论情况1.课内互动(师生或生生互动);2.课外活动(演讲或晚会等);3.运用英语(口头或书面交流);你的建议(请根据自己的经历与感想提出两至三点建议)写作导写1.确定文体和表达的口吻本文讨论怎样使英语学习变成一件快乐的事,并提出自己的建议,是一篇说明文。表达时以第一人称为主。2.统筹时态这是一篇说明看法和介绍方法的文章,所以全文中心时态为一般现

4、在时态。3.推敲要点表达方法(1)表达怎样使英语学习变成一件快乐的事时,可以借鉴以下句子表示建议:First of all, we can have more interactive in class, such as., we can take part in more out-of-class activities like.Thirdly, we need to find more opportunities to people in English.From my , there are many other and relaxing ways. For example.All in

5、all, is more free time and space.(2)可能用到的词汇:进行采访角色扮演参加课外活动英语演讲比赛提高英语技能用英语与人交流参加英语俱乐部交英语笔友4.确定要点表达顺序和段落结构本文可以分三段。第一段,关于使英语学习变成一件快乐的事的讨论情况。(Recently, we had a discussion to make learning English relaxing and fun.)第二段,根据自己的经历与感想提出两至三点建议。(For example, we can English songs and English movies.)第三段,结论。(All

6、 in all,what we need is more and.)5.范文填空Recently, we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun. Most students believe that there are many ways to do so. (1) (首先),we can have more interactive activities in class, such as discussions, interviews, story-telling and role-play. (2

7、)(用这种方法),we can have more fun learning English. Secondly, we can take part in more out-of-class activities like English speech contests and English evenings. (3)(通过这些活动)we can improve our English skills in an easy and relaxing way. Thirdly, we need to find more opportunities to communicate with peop

8、le in English, (4)(无论他们是英语老师还是同学,无论是外国人还是中国人),because using English is the best way to learn. (5) (这些想法听起来既合理又实用).From my experience,there are many other interesting and relaxing ways. For example, we can listen to English songs and watch English movies. We can also watch English programmes on TV, j

9、oin English clubs or make English penfriends on the Internet.(6) (总之),what we need is more free time and space.答案3.(1)activitiesSecondlycommunicate withexperience;interestingwhat we need(2)have interviewsrole-playtake part in out-of-class activitiesEnglish speech contestsimprove English skillscommun

10、icate with people in Englishjoin English clubsmake English penfriends4.on how;listen to;watch;free time;space5.(1)First of all(2)In this way(3)Through these activities(4)whether they are English teachers or classmates, foreigners or Chinese(5)These ideas sound reasonable and practical(6)All in all教师

11、备用话题微写作【写作要求】根据下面的素材,用本单元所学词汇和句式结构翻译下列句子。1.古人们兴建了很多著名建筑物。People from ancient times founded many famous buildings.2.它们中有些逐渐破败不堪,有些仍然存在。Some of them gradually lie in ruins, some remain today. 3.根据文献记载,为了纪念这些逝去的文明,有些已经被重建或修复。In memory of these lost civilizations, some of them have been rebuilt or repai

12、red according to the documents.4.由于像沙尘暴这样的自然灾害, 这些遗留下的建筑物遭受到很大的破坏。Because of natural disasters like sandstorms, the remaining buildings are greatly destroyed.5.很多研究者和学者在寻找方法保护这些文化遗物。Many researchers and scholars are looking for solutions to protect these cultural remains. 6.越来越多的人意识到这些文化遗产的伟大意义并加入到保

13、护它们的行列中。More and more people are aware that the cultural relics are of great significance and join in protecting them.【联句成篇】把以上句子联成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。【参考范文】People from ancient times founded many famous buildings. Some of them gradually lie in ruins, some remain today. In memory of these lost civilizatio

14、ns, some of them have been rebuilt or repaired according to the documents. Because of natural disasters like sandstorms, the remaining buildings are greatly destroyed. Many researchers and scholars are looking for solutions to protect these cultural remains. There is no doubt that more and more peop

15、le are aware that the cultural relics are of great significance and join in protecting them. 单元词汇拓展速记1.“n.+n.”构成的合成词steamboat n.汽船armchair n.扶手椅sandstorm n.沙尘暴teamwork n.协作airfield n.(军用)机场2.后缀为“-storm”的合成词rainstorm n.暴风雨snowstorm n.暴风雪thunderstorm n.雷暴brainstorm n.灵感3.“no+n.”短语集合no doubt无疑no wonder 难怪no way 不行no hurry 不用着急


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