2019版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 21 human biology课件 北师大版选修7

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1、先熟读背诵精彩句型烂熟于心,核心句型升级,某英文报正就“智能手机的利与弊”这一话题进行讨论。请你根据提示用英语写一篇短文给该报投稿,并就合理使用智能手机提出自己的建议。,注意:1.开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2.词数100左右;3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Smartphones have become part of our daily life.,【参考范文】 Smartphones_have_become_part_of_our_daily_life.Wherever we are, we can see people busy playing with their smartph

2、ones. Smartphones benefit us. They not only help us get information around the world more quickly and easily, but also relieve the pressures of life. However, every coin has two sides.When spending too much time on smartphones, we dont have time to communicate face to face with our friends or family

3、, and our life, studies and work will be badly affected. In my opinion, we should avoid using smartphones too much except for the purpose of learning. Meanwhile,its necessary for us to take part in more outdoor activities.,后临摹仿写妙语佳句信手拈来,根据句仿写 1.不管你做什么事情,粗心不是一个好习惯。 根据句仿写 2.那个足球运动员在地上滚来滚去,好像腿部受了重伤。,Be

4、ing careless is not a good habit,_. The football player is rolling on the ground _.,whatever/no matter what you do,as if hurt badly in the leg,.重点单词识记联想运用 会书写 一、核心单词 1._ vt. 消化 2._ vt. 滥用 3._ vt. 寻找 4._ adj. 每年的,一年一次的 5._ vi. 满足;迎合,digest,abuse,seek,annual,cater,6._ vt. 款待 7._ vt. 推迟;延期 8._ vi. 下降 9

5、._ n. 情形;情况 10._ vt. 重建,treat,postpone,decline,circumstance,rebuild,二、阅读单词 1.fundamental adj. _ 2.circulate vi. _ pulsory adj. _ 4.temporary adj. _ 5.emotion n. _ 6.routine n. _ 7.interval n. _ 8.enhance vt. _ 9.controversial adj. _ 10.contradict vt. _,根本的;基础的,循环,强制性的,义务的,临时的;短暂的,情感,情绪,常规;惯例,间隔;间歇,增

6、强,提高,有争议的,与(其他事物)相矛盾,11.violate vt. _ plicated adj. _ 13.interpret vt. _ 14.identify vt. _ 15.minimum n. _ 16.prescription n. _ 17.institution n. _ 18.extension n. _ 19.sceptical adj. _ 20.absurd adj. _,违反,违背,复杂的,翻译,解释,确定;认出,识别,最低;最小,处方,团体;公共机构,延期,怀疑的,不合理的;荒谬的,三、拓展单词 1._ vt.联合;团结;统一_ adj.团结的_ n.联合 2

7、._ vt.容忍_ n.容忍;忍受_ adj.宽容的,容忍的_ n.宽容;容忍 3._ vt.反对_ adj.相反的;反对的 n.反义词_ n.反方;对立面_ adj.相反的,对立的 4._ vt.禁止_ n.禁止;禁令_ adj.禁止的 5._ n.信心_ adj.守信的;忠实的_ adv.忠实地,真诚地 6._ vt.装备;使有准备_ n.装备;装备品,unite,united,union,tolerate,toleration,tolerant,tolerance,oppose,opposite,opposition,opposed,prohibit,prohibition,prohib

8、itive,faith,faithful,faithfully,equip,equipment,7._ vt.认为;提交_ n.屈从,屈服;意见;提交_ adj.服从的 8._ adj.荣幸的_ n.特权 9._ n.大笔钱财;巨款_ adj.幸运的_ adv.幸运地_ adv.不幸地 10._ vt.使丧失;抢劫_ n.抢劫犯_ n.抢劫 11._ n.& vt.担心;担忧_ adj.担心的;有关的_ prep.关于,submit,submission,submissive,privileged,privilege,fortune,fortunate,fortunately,unfortun

9、ately,rob,robber,robbery,concern,concerned,concerning,会积累 1.“annual”相关形容词全扫描,minutely 每分钟的 hourly 每小时的 daily 每日的 weekly 每周的 monthly 每月的 quarterly 每季度的,2.表示“推迟/耽搁”的词汇,postpone v. delay v.& n. hold up put off,3.聚焦“状况,情况”相关名词,circumstance state situation condition status,4.盘点含有re-前缀的高频单词,rearrange v. 重

10、新排列 recover v. 重新遮盖 reconsider v. 重新考虑 rebuild v. 重建 reproduction n. 再生产 reunion n. 重逢 reconstruction n. 重建,复原,5.“oppose”近/反义词大全,reject v.拒绝 object v.反对;不赞成 agree v.同意disagree v.反对 agreement n.同意disagreement n.不同意 approve v.赞成;批准disapprove v.不赞成 approval n.赞成;批准disapproval n.不赞成,6.“财富”相关名词小聚,fortune

11、 treasure wealth possession property,会应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Our school offers good _ and you will be well _ with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip) 2.I admire you for your _,because you can _ things which cant be _.(tolerate) 3.Our parents are _ about our health.As far as Im _,we should tal

12、k with them and tell them our _.(concern) 4.Several _ _ the bank of an enormous sum of money,making the largest _ of this city in the last decade.But they were soon caught by the police.(rob),equipment,equipped,tolerance,tolerate,tolerant,concerned,concerned,concerns,robbers,robbed,robbery,5.As a fa

13、mous saying goes,_ is strength.If _,we can overcome all the difficulties,so lets _ together.(unite) 6.The students living far away from the school were strongly _ to the plan.Their _ prevented the plan from being carried out.(oppose) 7.As we all know,an _ meeting is held _.(annual) 8.They prepared a report for _ to the council,in which they _ that the evidence was unreliable.(sub


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