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1、1III. 中国文化翻译 (中译英 50%)1传统的中国绘画是一门独特的美术(fine art) ,无论是风格还是技巧都与世界其他艺术门类迥然不同。中国人绘画采用毛笔(brush )蘸墨汁或颜料,灵巧地挥洒(wield)于纸上。画家用深、浅、浓、淡的点(dot )和线构成一幅图画。在优秀画家的手里,毛笔和墨汁非常具有表现力,它们不仅是绘画的工具,也是画家艺术追求的象征。与水墨画相比,宫廷画(palace painting)注重细腻的画法、细节的描绘,以及丰富的色彩(elaborate coloring ) 。参考译文Traditional Chinese paintings constitut

2、e a unique school of fine art, a school that, in style and techniques is vastly different from any other fine art school in the world. The Chinese do paintings with brushes, dipping their brushes in ink or paint and then skillfully wielding them. Painters produce on the paper pictures with lines and

3、 some heavy, and some light, some deep, and some pale dots. In the hands of a good painter, brushes and ink can be highly expressive. Because of this, they are seemed not only as tools for drawing pictures, but also as a symbol of artistic pursuit. In comparison to ink and wash painting, the palace

4、paintings pay attention to fine brushwork, details and elaborate coloring.2黄河(the Yellow River)是中华文明和中华民族的摇篮(cradle ) ,所以又被称作“母亲河” 。黄河长达 5464 公里,是中国第二大河。黄河的平均流量为每年48 亿立方米,还不到长江的 1/20。传说,这条河里的一条龙给中国人民带来笔画(stroke) ,以后发展为汉字(Chinese character) 。然而,黄河也是中国的伤心事,因为其灾害性的洪水造成无数人死亡。强大的洪水经常改变河道(course of the ri

5、ver) 。参考译文The cradle of Chinese civilization and the Chinese race, the Yellow River is called the Mother River. The Yellow River is 5,464 km in length and is the second largest River in China. The average volume of the flow of the Yellow River, 48 billion cubic meters each year, is not more than one

6、-twentieth of the Yangtzes. Legend has it that a dragon from the river brought to the Chinese the strokes from which the Chinese characters developed. However, the Yellow River is known as Chinas sorrow because it has caused countless deaths through its devastating floods. The powerful floods have o

7、ften changed the course of the river.3象征幸福的圆圆的汤圆(dumpling)是在元宵节(Lantern Festival)吃的传统食物。现在,在中国这些汤圆也是一种流行的甜点。汤圆有两种:一种是由白糖和红糖(brown sugar) 、带香甜味的桂花(osmanthus) 、坚果(nut)和芝麻(sesame seed)做的;另一种有肉和蔬菜馅料(fillings) 。目前,为追求真正独特的口味(flavor) ,中国人已经开始在汤圆中加入巧克力,尽管传统上是煮汤圆,但油炸甜汤圆越来越受欢迎。参考译文2Round sweet dumplings trad

8、itionally are eaten for happiness on the Lantern Festival. Today these dumplings also are a popular dessert in China, and come in two varieties: one is made of white and brown sugar, sweet-scented osmanthus, nuts and sesame seeds; the other has meat and vegetable fillings. Recently Chinese have begu

9、n adding chocolate for a truly unique flavor, even though boiled dumplings are traditional, fried sweet dumplings are becoming popular.4元宵节(Lantern Festival)是在阴历的(lunar) 一月十五日。早在西汉时期,它已经成为具有重要意义的节日。猜灯笼“谜语”(riddle)是节日的核心部分(essential part)。灯笼的主人会将谜语写在一张纸条上并贴在灯笼上。如果游客想到了谜语的答案,他们就将纸条拿下来去灯笼的主人那里查看答案。如果他们

10、答对了,就会得到一份小礼品。这项活动最早出现在宋代。因为谜语集趣味和智慧于一身因为猜谜集趣味和智慧于一身,它在社会各阶层(all society levels)都很流行。参考译文 The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. As early as the Western Han Dynasty, it had become a festival with great significance. Guessing lantern “riddles” is an essential part of the F

11、estival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answers. If they are right, they will get a small gift. The activity emerged in the Song Dynasty

12、. As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social levels.5中国是一个文化、语言、风俗和经济水平都很多样化的(diverse)地方。经济格局尤其多样化。大城市如北京、广州和上海是现代化的,相对富裕的。然而,约 50%的中国人仍然生活在农村地区,尽管中国只有 10%土地是可耕地(arable land) 。数百万农村居民仍然依靠体力劳动(manual labor)或役畜(draft animal)耕作。两三百万农民迁到城镇寻找工作。一般来说,南部和东部

13、沿海地区彬内陆地区更富有,西部和北部,以及西南部是非常不发达的地区。参考译文China is a very diverse place with large variations in culture, language, customs and economic levels. The economic landscape is particularly diverse. The major cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai are modern and comparatively wealthy. However, about 5

14、0% of Chinese still live in rural areas even though only 10% of Chinas land is arable. Hundreds of millions of rural residents still farm with manual labor or draft animals. 200 to 300 million former peasants have migrated to town s and cities in search of work. Generally the southern and eastern co

15、astal regions are wealthier while inland areas, the far west and north, and the southwest are much less developed.Comment t1: 加 of 36几个世纪以来,中国人在自然中寻求灵感(inspiration)和自我认知(self-knowledge) 。因此,中国园林倡导回归自然世界。由于城市土地一直昂贵,中国城市的园林相对都比较小,但是每一个中国园林都致力于(devote to)让岩石、植物和水看起来比它实际上要更好,因为中国的园林设计师用巧妙的方式(clever way)

16、把游客从一个独特的有利视角(vantage point)带到另一个有利视角。参考译文For centuries, the Chinese have sought inspiration and self-knowledge in nature. Hence, the gardens in China evoke the natural world. Because land has always been expensive in cities, urban China gardens are relatively small, but the space of every Chinese garden devoted to rocks, plants and water seems much greater than it actually is because of the clever ways in which Chinese garden designers lead the visitor from one unique vanta



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