2020版高考英语一轮复习 module 2 the renaissance课件 外研版选修8

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1、Module 2 The Renaissance,原文缩写,关键知识,基础知识,原文缩写再现 巧复现重记忆,Renaissance means “rebirth” in French,1. was used to describe a period in European history.During the Renaissance there was a big change of style in art,architecture, music,literature 2. ideas. Renaissance artists found new ideas for their work i

2、n classical Greece and Rome,but they looked forward by 3. (open)new frontiers in the arts.Painters discovered how 4. (use) perspective and the effects of light;composers put different voices together and created polyphony;architects preferred 5. (design) buildings with more light.The sense of explor

3、ation which 6. (motivate) the artists went hand in hand with a new type of philosophy.For the first time, philosophers put people,not religion,at the centre of 7. universe.Besides,the Renaissance was a time of 8. (science) invention.For example,Leonardo,who was well 9. (know) for the world-famous pa

4、inting the Mona Lisa,was also a 10. _(skill) inventor.,答案:1.which 2.and 3.opening 4.to use5.designing/to design 6.motivated 7.the 8.scientific 9.known 10.skilled,1.effect n.效果;作用;影响,关键知识盘点 解疑难提智能,典例链接: These activities have a good effect on the growth of children. 这些活动对孩子们的成长有很好的影响。 The new law shal

5、l come into effect from May. 这条新法律将从五月份起生效。 It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took effect. 将近一个小时,安眠药才起作用。,In effect,our wages will fall by 2%. 实际上,我们的工资将下降2%。 In mental illness, there is a complex relationship between cause and effect. 精神疾病有复杂的因果关系。,巧学活用:,The drug has a bad on humans s

6、o the government should take measures to prevent it from spreading.(effect) 吸烟对你的健康有很坏的影响,因此你最好戒掉它。 Smoking your health,so youd better give it up.,effect,effective,has a bad effect on,2.loss n.丢失;丧失,典例链接:,The loss of glaciers(冰川) there due to global warming represents an enormous threat to agricultu

7、re. (2017江苏,阅读理解D) 因全球转暖而导致的冰川消失对农业是一种巨大威胁。 She said his death was a great loss to herself. 她说他的死对自己来说是巨大的损失。 The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence. 对于如何应对暴力问题,政府现在一筹莫展。 In 1986 Land Rover made a loss of nine hundred million pounds. 1986年,路虎亏损9亿英镑。,3.debt n.债务;人情债,典例链接:,He h

8、ad enough money to pay off his outstanding debts. 他有足够的钱偿还亏欠的债务。 He was already deeply in debt through gambling losses. 赌博输的钱已经让他负债累累。 Out of debt, out of danger. 谚语无债一身轻。,4.blame n.(对错事或坏事应付的)责任 vt.责备,指责;把归咎于,典例链接:,We shouldnt blame technology for our shortcomings. 我们不应该因为自己的缺点而责备技术。 One of the com

9、puters is broken and shes blaming it on me. 其中有台电脑坏了,她就怪罪于我。 Officials believe that more than one person may be to blame for the fire. 政府官员们认为,这场火灾可能不止一个人负有责任。,Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.(2017全国,七选五) 早晨起床对很多人来说是很困难的,人们往往把这归罪于闹钟。,特别提示:“be

10、 to blame for sth.”意为“对某事应负责或受指责”,主动表 被动。,巧学活用:用blame的相关词语完成下面小片段,别再指责杰克了。他已经因为他的失误受到指责了。另外,该受到指责的是他的伙伴,因为他把责任都推到杰克身上了。 Dont Jack any more. He his mistake. Whats more,it is his partner who ,as he Jack.,blame,has been blamed for,is to blame,laid/put all the blame on,5.inspire v.赋予灵感,启示,启迪;激励,鼓舞,典例链接:

11、,His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me. 他的一番鼓励激起了我的信心。 He inspired many young people to take up the sport. 他激励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。 I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts. 我希望这次成功能激励你更加努力。 The Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decade

12、s. 几十年来,莫尔文丘陵为很多艺术家和音乐家提供了灵感。,巧学活用:,She had the time and the to develop her talent,which her parents greatly.(inspire),inspiration,inspired,6.leave sth.behind把抛在后面,遗留,超过,典例链接:,What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? 你想要给后人留下什么样的遗产? Leave the boy alone, he can make up his own mind. 不要去打扰这男孩,

13、他会自己作决定的。 Ill leave you to it. 这事我就留给你做了。 Never leave children playing near water alone. 千万不能让儿童在水边独自玩耍。,Im sorry Ive left some of your questions unanswered. 很抱歉,你的一些问题我没有回答。,特别提示:表示“把忘/落在某地了”应用动词leave,而不用forget。如“我把手套忘/落在公共汽车上了”应译为:Ive left my gloves on the bus。,巧学活用:,With so many parents flooding

14、into big cities to make money, many children were left . I met Professor Green in the street the other day and he told me he would soon leave Britain. Hes in a bad mood right now. Wed better leave him . No wonder you couldnt get through. Youve left a zero in this phone number. I wonder why they left

15、 such an important question.,behind,for,alone,out,aside,7.on behalf of代表,典例链接: On behalf of my Government I have the honour to make to you the following communications. 我荣幸地代表我国政府向您转达如下内容。 The president cant be here today,so Im going to speak in his behalf. 总裁今天不能来,所以我将代表他发言。,基础知识达标 细疏理固双基,effect,affect,effective,loss,lose,blame,无可责备的,inspire,inspiration,inspiring,seek,搜索者;探求者,disturbing,disturbed,disturb,basically,basic,base,skilled,skill,skillful,appeal,appealing,suspect,suspected,calculate,calculation,gifted,gift,猜疑,可疑的,passion,热烈的,debt,reckon,结果;后果,激发,激励,behind,on,on,i


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