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1、,What is the core doctrines of Puritans? For what reasons the British people came to American continent?,They wanted to 1. flee from the religious and political oppression and persecution. 2.thirst for greater economic opportunity, for land, and for adventure. 3. They want to establish a new Garden

2、of Eden in the last hidden land.,It is a critical commonplace now that American literature is based on a myth, that is _. A. the ancient Greek myth of Zeus B. the British myth of the Saint Grail C. the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden D. the Legend of the Sleepy Hollow,The first permanent English

3、 settlement in North America was established at _. A. Jamestown B. New York C. Boston D. Concord,John Smith (chapter 1): A True Relation of Virginia 关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述 A Description of New England 新英格兰叙事 John Winthrop (chapter 2): The History of New England 新英格兰史 A Model of Christian Charity 基督教之爱,William

4、Bradford (in Chapter 2) was born into the family of yeoman farmer(自耕农,1590-1657) has been considered one of the greatest of colonial Americans. Bradford is the first governor of Plymouth. His greatest work : the History of Plymouth Plantation (annals) Simplicity, earnestness and direct reporting,Sel

5、ect Reading of his poem: P8 From my years young in days of youth God did make known to me His Truth And calld me from my native place For to enjoy the Means of Grace In wilderness He did me guide and in strange lands for me provide As Pilgrim passed I to and fro (来回的),The poet in the poem tells the

6、readers about why he comes to the new world. From his childhood, he knows he is a chosen person and is led to the land which is the gift by God. He is not lost in the land because God would guide his way and provide him with necessities. Here the poet identifies himself “As Pilgrim passed I to and f

7、ro”,Two important writers: Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor,Anne Bradstreet (in Chapter 4), who has been praised as the first noteworthy American, was born into the family of a sturdy Puritan. She was the first poet and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be recognized. He

8、r father was the steward of the Earl of Lincoln.,Anne Bradstreet started reading the Bible at six or seven. At sixteen, she married Simon Bradstreet, who had became the governor of Massachusetts in 1645. They had 8 children in total. Her poems: the Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America. To My Dear

9、and Loving Husband,The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America,缪斯作为女神,为主神宙斯与记忆女神谟涅摩绪涅所生专司文艺,再加上天生丽质,所以气质非凡普遍认为一开始只有三个缪斯:墨勒忒、阿俄得、谟涅墨、三个缪斯体现了远古时代人们进行崇拜仪式时所需要的诗歌形式和技巧。,Features of Anne Bradstreet,She wrote on the four elements, the constitutions and ages of man, the seasons of the year, and the chief em

10、pires of the ancient world. Some of her poems were with early feminism and Romanticism. Later her poems were permeated with thick religious thoughts.,Contemplations P12,I heard the merry grasshopper then sing, The black-clad cricket bear a second part; They kept one tune and played on the same strin

11、g(line) Seeming to glory in their little art Small creatures abject (low voices) thus their voices raise, And in their kind resound their Makers praise, Whilst I, as mute, can warble forth no higher lays?,沉思,我听见蚱蜢欢乐的歌声 黑囊蟋蟀附上第二段奏鸣 它们整齐列队,唱着同一支曲调 在这小小的艺术里,似乎光荣无上。 其它生物低声无语,它们的歌声便分外嘹亮 在那亲切的回响李,将造物主赞扬 为

12、何我, 却如哑巴般, 不能演绎出更高昂的篇章。,To My Dear and Loving Husband,If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; If ever wife was happy in a man, Compare with me ye women if you can. I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, Or all the riches that the East doth hold. My l

13、ove is such that rivers cannot quench(熄灭), Nor ought but love from thee, give recompense赔偿. Thy love is such I can no way repay, The heavens reward thee manifold I pray. Then while we live, in love lets so persevere, That when we live no more, we may live ever.,致我亲爱的丈夫,若说世上有两人如水乳相融不分,那定然是我和你。 若说世上有一

14、位男子得到了妻子所有的爱,那定然是你; 若说世上有一位妻子能因男子而得到所有的快乐, 女人们,你们谁能和我相比呢? 我珍视你的爱更甚于所有金矿 或是所有东方宝藏。 河水不能浇熄我的感情, 唯有你的爱能把一切偿清。 你的爱我无以为报, 只祈求上苍赐予你所有的好。 在生之时,我们要坚持相爱, 百年之后,我们才能永远同在。,Some comments,朱小琳博士在其论文“在天国与俗世之间安妮布拉兹特里特的诗性超越”提到:北美殖民时期女诗人安妮布拉兹特里特诗歌创作风格清新细腻,意象单纯率真,有较高的艺术价值。诗人拷问父权、神权和教义,揭示了清教规范和人本主义思想之间的冲突,她以对人性的深刻洞察力和理解

15、力调节了清教对世俗生活的刻板要求,凸显了早期女性对社会意识形态的认知和评价。(社会科学论坛),杨保林:“诗为心声安妮布拉兹特里特及其诗歌艺术”(贵州大学学报(社会科学版)2010年第2期) 安妮.布拉兹特里特是美国第一位著名的女诗人,她的诗歌反映了北美殖民地早期移民尤其是妇女的生活和感情。安妮从小就受古典文学的熏陶,她以诗歌这一经典文学体裁为媒介书写自我、表达情感,并对诗歌进行了一些有意义的实验。安妮的诗真切、细腻而有节制,主题涉及宗教、家庭和社会等层面,在一定程度上折射出了早期女性移民与当时的社会语境之间的关系。,Conclusion,Bradstreets finest poems are

16、 closest to her personal experience as a Puritan wife and mother living on the edge of the wilderness. Another theme in her poems is her religious experience. In her writing Bradstreet gives an insight of Puritan views of salvation and redemption.,Bradstreets poems of religious experience and domestic intimacy were unique and genuine, delicate and charming embodying her profound understanding of religion and humanity. All these can find expression “To My Dear


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