山东省临沂市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第8课时 八年级上册 units 3-4练习

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《山东省临沂市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第8课时 八年级上册 units 3-4练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省临沂市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第8课时 八年级上册 units 3-4练习(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第8课时八年级上册 Units 34一、单项填空1On my visit to Australia, I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways.Awith Bin Cto Dat2My sister is _. She likes making friends.Ashy BseriousCoutgoing Dquiet3Your best friend is really talented _ learning foreign languages.Yes, he is also good _ other subjects.Ain; wit

2、h Bat; for Cin; at Dat; to4Which is _ clothes store in the town?Dream Clothes. Its _ than Blue Moon.Athe best; better Bthe worst; the worseCbest; better Dworst; better5The boy didnt find much _ about the topic on that website.Areport BarticleCinformation Dstory6Another person was hurt by the tiger i

3、n the zoo.What a pity! That is a lesson to us; we must take rules _Aquickly BclearlyCcarefully Dseriously7Shall we go to amusement park right away or the day after tomorrow?_. Any time will do.AExcuse me BHave a good time CIt is up to you DI am afraid I can not8There are _ sharing bikes in many citi

4、es. So there will be _ pollution.Aless and less; more and more Bless and less; fewer and fewerCmore and more; less and lessDfewer and fewer; less and less9Lets open the window to have some _ air here.Acheap Bfresh Ccareful Dnervous10Tom failed the exam again _ he tried his best.Athough Bif Cunless D

5、because二、阅读理解A(2018广西梧州中考)When I was in seventh grade, I was shy and quiet, so I was easily bullied(被欺负). I used to get very sad about it.In an art lesson, just while the teacher was out, a big boy took away my pencil case, threw it across the classroom and sat back down. Later on, he took my school

6、bag and pulled it towards him. I pulled back the schoolbag from his hand and for the first time, I pushed him away and hit him on the back. In the rest of lesson, I was nervous. I did nothing but imagined what would happen next.Then the teacher came to me, “Peter, are you OK?”“Yes,” I answered.“No,

7、you are not. Come to my office after class,” he said.There we had a long talk. He made me smile and I became confident again. He taught me some life lessons, and said, “Get up, and dont be a bully (欺凌弱小的人) yourself, but remember you are stronger inside, and if the bullies see this, they will stop.”I

8、 remember these words. From then on, every time as I walked to school, I put my head high on the way, and the bullying soon stopped.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。11Peter was often bullied in seventh grade.12Peter took away the big boys pencil case in an art lesson.13Peter had a fight with the

9、 big boy while the teacher was in the classroom.14Peter felt happy after he pushed the big boy away and hit him on the back.15The teacher told Peter he should be confident.B(2018辽宁辽阳中考)Where would you sit inside a park?On a good day, you go to a park. Where would you choose to sit in the park? This

10、will tell whether you can deal with a lot of responsibility(责任) or not. Analysis(分析)AYou do too much work, and some is not your responsibility. You need to learn to say no.BYou only think about your own business and problems. You dont usually care about others.CYou like to ask for help while there i

11、s a problem. You need to learn to solve problems alone.DYou dont like trouble. So you try to avoid taking too much responsibility.Just for fun. Dont take it seriously.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。16The passage is about the sense of _.Ahumor BartCdirection Dresponsibility17If you choose Picture A, you might _.Aonly

12、 care about yourselfBtake much responsibilityCdepend on others moreDdislike any difficulty18Tom often asks his parents for help. In the psychological test(心理测试), he may choose to sit in a park.Aon a chair Bnear the lakeCin a pavilion Dunder a big tree19No matter which picture you choose, you should

13、_.Atake it easy Bbelieve the resultCtake it seriously Dgo to the doctor20The passage may come from a(n) _.Ainstruction BmagazineCscience book Dnovel三、阅读表达根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(2016黑龙江绥化中考)Ten years ago, when I was in high school, Mrs. While was my language teacher. One day at lunch time, I was about to eat

14、 my cold fish sandwich and she suddenly asked me if she could buy my lunch from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot lunch from the cafeteria(食堂). I was very pleased. I had never thought of going to the cafeteria to buy my lunch like other students. The food at the cafeteria was too expensive for my family.Kids always complained about the cafeteria food but I really wanted to buy it. When we finished lunch that day, she told me that she was a Catholic and Catholics dont eat red meat on Fridaysthey eat fish on Fridays. After that, every Friday Mrs. White bought my f



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