2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 units 3-4 protecting ourselves & law and order教学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10

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2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 units 3-4 protecting ourselves & law and order教学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10_第1页
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《2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 units 3-4 protecting ourselves & law and order教学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 units 3-4 protecting ourselves & law and order教学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修10(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Units 34Protecting ourselves & Law and order单词拼写应用核心单词1slide n降低,衰退;滑动 vi.& vt.降低,衰退;(使)滑行,滑动2trap vt.使陷入困境;使陷入圈套;夹住,卡住 n陷阱,圈套;困境3wipe vt.抹去;擦拭4theoretical adj.理论的;理论上存在的5involve vt.使成为必要;牵涉;(使)参加6download vt.下载 n已下载的数据资料7suspect n嫌疑犯,可疑对象 vt.怀疑(某人有罪);怀疑(某事属实或可能发生,尤指坏事)8offensive adj.冒犯的,极其讨厌的;攻击性的9

2、request vt.& n要求,请求10considerate adj.体贴的,为他人着想的11import vt.进口,输入,引进 n进口,输入;进口产品12jog vi.慢跑语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1Several girls were trapped(trap) between floors because the lift broke suddenly.Luckily,they called for help and were soon rescued.2(2017浙江卷语法填空) She suspected(suspect) that one of her three dau

3、ghtersthen ten,eight,and sixhad picked it up,but the girls said they hadnt.3She left the light on in the bathroom at his request(request)4My husband who is three years senior to me,is very considerate(consider) and always places me in the first place.5The boss kicked him out for an offensive(offend)

4、 remark,so he thought it was unfair to him.6The country exports coal but imports(import) wheat every year,because it cant supply much food to people there.7(2017天津卷单项填空)Nowadays,cycling,along with jogging(jog) and swimming,is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise.拓展单词1bath n沐浴;浴缸;浸

5、,泡bathe vt.& vi.(给)洗澡,沐浴2die v死亡dead adj.死的,去世的death n死亡deadly adj.致命的;彻底的3prevent vt.预防,防止prevention n预防,防止4conclude vi.& vt.(使)结束;下结论;推断conclusion n结论;结束5conscience n良知,良心conscious adj.有意识的,察觉到的unconscious adj.无知觉的,昏迷的;无意识的unconsciously adv.无知觉地;无意识地consciously adv.有知觉地,有意识地;清醒地6react v反应,回应reacti

6、on n生理反应,副作用;回应,反应7assess vt.评估;估算assessment n评估,估算8negotiate vt.& vi.商定;谈判,协商negotiation n谈判9apply v申请;应用applicant n申请者application n应用;用途;申请语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1If an applicant would like to apply to become an assistant in our company, he/she should send us an application before December 31,2018. (apply

7、)2Another World Bank report concluded that GM crops have little to offer to the challenges of worldwide poverty and hunger. However,some experts noted that there were limitations to their conclusions. (conclude)3She found a poor man lying unconscious(conscious) on the floor when she opened her door.

8、 She said it was conscience made her call 120,saving his life. (conscious)4These days,after the death of her parents,she becomes one of those people who are in need of deadly help. (die)5A schoolgirl saved her fathers life by kicking him in the chest after he suffered a serious allergic reaction whi

9、ch stopped his heart. The doctor said that his father is likely to react to some special smell. (react)6Because of lack of water in that country,people there have few chances to have a bathSeniors,on average,bathe less than twice a month. (bath)7They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiat

10、ionIt is not clear whether the president himself is willing to negotiate with the common people. (negotiate)阅读词汇1breast n(女子的)乳房;胸部2abortion n堕胎;(计划等)中止3agenda n工作计划表;议事日程 4capsule n胶囊;太空舱5intellectual property n知识财产 6hatred n仇恨7database n(计算机)数据库 8visa n签证9cooperation n合作 10draft vt.起草,草拟;选派,抽调 n草稿

11、;草案;草图11cafeteria n(学校的)食堂;自助餐厅 12lame adj.站不住脚的,无说服力的;跛的,瘸的13suspension n暂令停学;暂停,延期14authentic adj.真品的,正宗的;真实的;逼真的15compensate vt. & vi.补偿,弥补;给(某人)赔偿拓展联想1.由后缀“-ment”构成的名词面面观equipequipment 装备developdevelopment 发展argueargument 争论establishestablishment 建立employemployment 雇用improveimprovement 提高amuseam

12、usement 娱乐assessassessment 评估2.归纳含前缀“un-”的高频形容词unconditional 无条件的unmanned 无人操作的;自控的unambitious 无野心的unfinished 未完成的undoubted 无疑的unconscious 不省人事的uncomfortable 不舒服的unfortunate 不幸的3.含“spect”的单词一览suspect n嫌疑人aspect n方面inspect v. 检查,视察respect n& vt. 尊敬,尊重introspect v. 内省,内观prospect n&v. 展望,勘探retrospect n

13、&v. 回顾,回想短语多维应用高频短语1burst on the scene 突然出现2wipe away 消除,去除3over again 再,重新4contrary to 与相反5a guilty conscience 内疚,问心有愧语境运用选用左边短语的适当形式填空My mother suffers severe arthritis(关节炎). She has to take some pills to wipe away the pain. The doctor advised her to rest.Contrary to the doctors instructions,she w

14、ent back to work. With her illness getting worse and worse,she couldnt stand up at last. I really wish that a top doctor would burst on the scene one day and help my mother stand up over again.6put into effect 使生效,实施7join forces (与)合作;联合8turn down 调低(音量),拒绝9lose sb.to. 因而失去某人10be faced with 面临语境运用选用

15、左边短语的适当形式填空Yong Hui,a restaurant boss,was upset for losing many customers to an unbalanced diet. If she didnt do something,her restaurant would be faced with closing down. However,her opponentWang Pengs business was prospering for providing a balanced diet. At last,he persuaded Yong Hui to join forces with him. When



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