2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 unit 1 advertising学案(含解析)牛津译林版必修4

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1、Unit 1 Advertising一、课前基础自查 (一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1welfare n 幸福、安全和健康;福利2campaign n. 运动3motto n. 座右铭;格言,箴言4intelligence n. 智力,才智;情报5comprehension n. 理解力,领悟能力;理解练习6amazed adj. 大为惊奇7breath n. 气息;呼吸8publisher n. 出版社,出版机构;出版人,发行人9eyecatching adj. 引人注目的10nationwide adj. & adv. 全国范围的(地),全国性的(地)11multiply v

2、i. & vt. 成倍增加,迅速增加;乘,乘以12pleased adj. 高兴,满意;乐于(做某事).重点单词(写其形)1mental adj. 心理的;思想的,精神的;智力的2recommend vt. 推荐;建议,劝告;介绍3aspect n. 方面;层面4update vt. & n. 更新;提供最新信息;使现代化5design vt.& n. 设计6.analysis n分析,分析结果7consult vt. 咨询;请教8react vi. 做出反应,回应9urge vt. 敦促,力劝;竭力主张n. 强烈的欲望,冲动10purchase vt. 购买,采购n. 采购;购买的东西11c

3、ure vt. 治愈;解决n. 药物,疗法;对策12comment n. 评论,评价vi. 评论,议论13aim vt.& vi. 以为目标;瞄准n. 目的,目标14tip n. 建议,提示;顶端,末梢;小费vt.& vi. (使)倾斜,倾覆;给小费15bargain n. 便宜货;协议vi. 讨价还价16appeal vi. 有吸引力;呼吁,恳请n. 吸引力;呼吁,恳求17trick n. 骗局;玩笑,恶作剧;把戏,戏法;诀窍vt. 欺骗,欺诈 .拓展单词(通其变)1innocent adj.清白的,无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的innocence n清白,无罪2persuade vt.说服,劝说

4、;使信服persuasive adj.有说服力的;劝说的,劝诱的3advertise vt.& vi.做广告,宣传advertisement n广告;广告宣传advertising n做广告;广告活动;广告业4benefit vt.& vi.使受益;得益于 n益处;救济金;奖金beneficial adj.有益的,有帮助的5promote vt.推广,宣传;促销;促进,推动promotion n促进;晋升;促销活动6determine vt.确定;查明;决定;裁决determined adj.坚决的,果断的,有决心的determination n决心,果断7personally adv.个别地

5、;就本人而言;本人,亲自personal adj.个人的,亲自的8fool vt.欺骗,愚弄 n傻瓜foolish adj.愚蠢的foolishness n愚蠢9latest adj.最新的late adj.& adv.晚的(地),迟的(地)later adv.后来10poisonous adj.有毒的poison n毒药 vt.毒害11shock n震惊,惊愕 vt.使震惊,使惊愕shocked adj.震惊的shocking adj.令人震惊的12skilful adj.有技巧的,熟练的skill n技巧skilled adj.熟练的语境活用1He tried to persuade he

6、r but failed. It appeared that what he said wasnt persuasive at all.(persuade)2Roses father is a skilled mechanic so she has become skilful at repairing bicycles too.(skill) 3Cycling is highly beneficial to our health. That is to say, we can get much benefit from cycling.(benefit)4We launched a big

7、advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste, and the promotion succeeded at last. In return for our efforts, all the staff in our department were promoted.(promote)5He was shocked at the shocking news, for I could see the shocked look on his face.(shock)6She is a determined girl, so we know t

8、hat once she has determined to do something, she will make her dream come true with great determination.(determine)7The man insisted that he was innocent and that he was as straight as an arrow. Anyone who doubted his innocence was wrong.(innocence)8It is reported that some children were poisoned by

9、 the poisonous food.(poison)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.believe_in相信2for_free 免费3be_meant_to 旨在,目的是4even_if/though 虽然,即使5fool_sb._into_doing_sth. 欺骗某人做某事6fall_for 上的当,受的骗7play_tricks_on 欺骗;捉弄8deal_with 涉及,关于;处理,应付9be_amazed_by/at 对感到惊讶10figure_out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出11in_advance 提前12appeal_to 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁1

10、3get_sth._across 把某事表达清楚14discourage_sb._from_. 劝阻某人15die_from 死于16be_concerned_about 关心;挂念17do_market_research 做市场调查1.The measures are_meant_to prevent the river from being polluted.2Children, as well as adults, usually play_tricks_on each other on Halloween.3I wanted to figure_out what made the di

11、fference.4We knew we could depend on her to deal_with the situation.5I think what appeals_to me about his painting are the colours he uses.6Passengers are reported to have died_from their serious injuries.7I had created a way to get my message across while using as few words as possible.8Even_if/tho

12、ugh it should rain tomorrow, we will continue our work.9No matter how hard I try to convince you that is a trick, you fall_for it every time.10It was advised that all the students should be_concerned_about each other and help each other in our class.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.Even if an ad does not l

13、ie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent.即使一则广告没有撒谎,也并不意味着这则广告就是完全清白的。even if意为“即使”,用来引导让步状语从句,它相当于even though。(2017天津高考满分作文)即使期末考试快到了,我依然会设法挤出时间锻炼身体。Even_if_the_final_exam_is_around_the_corner,_Ill still manage to find time to work out.2.There are even PSAs to teach us how to live healthy liv

14、es.甚至还有一些公益广告教我们如何健康地生活。“特殊疑问词不定式”结构可作主语、宾语、表语等。(2017北京高考满分作文)我们讨论了视频里面放什么。We debated over what_to_put_into the video.3.When it comes to advertisements, we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them!谈及广告,我们都必须运用自己的智慧,而不要做广告的奴隶!when it comes to .意为“当谈及的时候”。(2018天津高考写作佳句)说到我们的训练计划,我很快会发邮

15、件给你,希望你能就计划提出一些建设性的意见。When_it_comes_to_our_training_plan,_I will email it to you soon, hoping you can offer some constructive suggestions regarding it.4.According to the publisher, readers do seem to be interested in this new novel.根据出版商的说法,读者的确好像是对这本新小说感兴趣。“do/does/did动词原形”表示对谓语动词的强调。(2018全国卷写作佳句)我确实相信你会度过一段美好的时光。I do_have_the


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