新台币外币定期存款申请书 - (不可转让)

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《新台币外币定期存款申请书 - (不可转让)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新台币外币定期存款申请书 - (不可转让)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新台幣/外幣定期存款申請書 - (不可轉讓)APPLICATION FOR NEW TAIWAN DOLLAR/FOREIGN CURRENCY FIXED DEPOSIT - (NON-NEGOTIABLE) 日 期Application Date:定期存款編號Fixed Deposit No.:致: 日商三井住友銀行股份有限公司To: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, 台北分行/ 國際金融業務分行(貴行) Taipei Branch/ Offshore Banking Branch (the Bank)1.茲同意以本公司名義存放新台幣 / 外幣定期存

2、款於貴行,I / We hereby request you to establish with your bank an NT$ / foreign currency fixed deposit in my / our name,金額為 in the sum of: 為期 for a period of,月 month(s)年 year(s),幣別 currency金額 amount年利率為 at the interest rate of% p.a.,自 from至 to。2.本項存款資金將以下列勾選之方式交予貴行:Funds for this deposit are delivered a

3、s follows支票 in Check (號碼Check No.)。請逕自本公司之活存 / 外幣存款帳戶中提取轉存。(帳號 A/C No.)。Please debit my DDA-NT$/DDA-Foreign currency account with you其它 Others()* 傳真指示,請予以扣款,正本候補。(Instruction via Fax, please proceed debit, the original will be delivered afterwards.)3.本定期存款到期時請依下列勾選方式辦理 At maturity of this deposit :本

4、金及利息以與原存款相同之期限自動續存,其利率以當日牌告之利率為準。Please automatically renew the principle and accrued interest thereon to another fixed deposit for the same period (tenor) at the then board rate.本金以與原存款相同之期限自動續存,其利率以當日牌告之利率為準,利息請存入本公司於貴行之支存 / 活存 / 外幣存款帳戶。(帳號 A/C No.)。Please automatically renew the principal for ano

5、ther fixed deposit for the same period (tenor) at the then board rate and credit the accrued interest thereon to my/our Current/DDA-NT$/DDA-Foreign currency account with your本金及利息請存入本公司於 貴行之支存 / 活存 / 外幣存款帳戶。(帳號 A/C No.)。Please credit the entire proceeds to my/our Current/DDA-NT$/DDA-Foreign currency

6、 account with your其它Others()。4.上述自動續存不以一次為限,本公司同意如擬終止自動續存之約定應於存款到期至少二個銀行營業日通知貴行。This deposit may be automatically renewed more than once. I / We agree that should any termination of the automatic renewal be desired, prior notice ( at least two banking business days to the scheduled maturity thereof

7、) shall be served on your bank.5.定存解約之相關規定,請參照背面說明。In terms of the terms and conditions relating to fixed deposits termination, please refer to the reverse side of this application.6.本公司瞭解:定期存款,貴行僅發給確認書並不製發定存單。I / We understand that no certificate of deposit will be issued, but that your bank will i

8、ssue a confirmation for this deposit.7.本項存款應適用本公司與貴行簽定之存款總約定書及其嗣後修定之各項內容。This deposit shall be governed by your banks General Agreement for Deposits, as may be amended from time to time.公司名稱 The Applicant:(以下限銀行使用 Bank Use Only)GMApproveCheckMakeSign Verify簽章(帳戶原留印鑑) Signature and/or Seal:本人/本公司/申請人

9、/客戶使用本文件時同意並承諾(1)不變更本文件內容及/或文字;(2)遵守本文件所載之條款;及(3)若因更動本文件內容及/或文字而造成 貴行損失時願負一切責任。 I/We/Applicant/Company/Customer/Client hereby agree(s) and undertake(s) that when using this document (1) not to modify the content and/or the wording of this document; (2) to obey the provisions on this document; and (3

10、) to be responsible for and to indemnify SMBC against any damages and losses arising out of or in connection with the content and/or the wording of this document is modified.條件與條款TERMS AND CONDITIONS 辦理定存中途解約者,應於7日前告知貴行,若未於7日前告知,經貴行同意亦得辦理。定存中途解約之本金和利息應一次全部結清。新台幣定存不足一個月者不予計息;存期滿一個月者,按實際存期依存入當日存滿月數牌告利

11、率八折計算,或由貴行與存款人依公平原則約定之。外幣定存依實際存期,按存入時貴行牌告或議定利率付息,但存款人應支付因提前解約所致生手續費用及利息成本。I/We shall notify your bank 7 days prior to the fixed deposit early termination.Your bank could agree to make early termination when my/our prior notification is unavailable. The principle and interests shall be settled once i

12、f such deposit is terminated early. There is no interest payable if NT$ fixed deposit exiting no longer than one month.If NT$ fixed deposit exits more than one month, the interest shall be calculated according to the board rate for the actual tenor at a discount of 20%, or as mutually agreed by the parties.The interest payable for foreign currency fixed deposit shall be calculated according to the board rate or mutual agreed interest rate for the actual tenor. I/We shall be responsible for the charges and interet costs involved in early termination.


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