2020高考英语一轮复习 unit 1 a land of diversity课件 新人教版选修8

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1、选修8 Unit 1 A land of diversity,基础知识梳理,考点知识导练,基础知识梳理 抓主干固双基,majority,1. n.大多数;大半 vi.专修;主攻 adj.主要的 2. vi.发生;出现 n.发生的事 3. vt.暗示 n.迹象,major,occur,occurrence,hire,elect,election,indicate,indication,6. n.申请人 v.申请;使用;应用 n.申请 7. n.海关;关税 n.风俗;习惯 n.顾客,客户 8. adj.显而易见的 adv.显而易见地 9. vi.滑动;滑行 n.滑动;滑倒 n.拖鞋,applica

2、nt,apply,application,customs,custom,customer,apparent,apparently,slip,slipper,10. v.到处都无 14.authority n. . 15.percentage n. . 16.boom n. .,reform,reformer,means,grasp,nowhere,权威;权力,百分比;百分率,(人口、贸易的)繁荣,1.take 包括;吸收 2. great/good many 许多;很多 3.team up 与合作或一起工作 4.make life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 5.by means . 用办法;

3、借助 6.keep 维持;坚持;沿袭(风俗、传统等) 7.live 继续存在;继续生存 8.back back 背靠背 9.mark 用线画出范围;标出界线 10.apply 申请;请示得到,in,a,with,a,of,up,on,to,out,for,1. today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language. 这就是今天超过40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言 的原因。 2.However, Native Americans were living in California at

4、 least fifteen thousand years ago. 然而,很可能至少在15 000年以前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。,That,is,why,it,is,likely,that,考点知识导练 解疑难提知能,1.means n.C方法;手段(单复数同形),by means of 用办法;借助 by all means 当然可以;一定;务必;尽一切办法 by this means 通过这种方式 by any means 无论如何 by no means 决不;一点都不(位于句首时,句子需用部分 倒装),高考运用:完成句子,But he is providing a few ye

5、ars during which the farmers will, perhaps,be able to find (其他 适应的办法).(2017江苏,阅读理解D) (尽一切办法),we should take immediate action to protect our environment. Can you solve the problem (用这种方法)? It is (一点都不) certain that the game will take place.,答案:other means of adapting By all means by this means by no

6、means,词语辨析:,I like her approach to the problem. 我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。,All possible means have been tried. 所有可行的方法都试过了。 Mr.Su adopted a new method of teaching. 苏老师采用了一种新的教学方法。 Animals communicate in various ways. 动物用各种不同的方式交流。 特别提示:means用作“方式,方法”讲时单复数同形。若all/some/several/ many means作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。若every/each

7、/one/a means作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。,2.majority n.大多数;大半,the majority of.大多数的 major in 主修 in the majority 占多数,高考运用:完成句子,答案:the majority The majority of were in the majority,For example,if you look at the audience at a classical concert, (绝大多数) is over the age of fifty. (大多数的) them take an online language test

8、 before starting their programme.(2016天津,阅读理解A) Young people (占了多数) at the meeting.,特别提示:当a/the majority of作主语时,谓语动词的数与of后的名词保持一致。 当the majority单独作主语时,谓语动词用单复数都可以。,3.occur vi.发生;出现,It occurs to sb.to do sth.某人想起做某事 ,高考运用:完成句子,答案:occur It occurred to me occurred to him,A great decline in young work f

9、orce is likely to (发生) in China,for instance.(2017江苏卷) (我突然想起) to visit my parents. It suddenly (他突然想到) that he had left his keys in the office.,写作联想:高考运用其他表达方式,It struck me that I should visit my parents. It occurred to me that I should visit my parents. 特别提示:表达“发生”之意时,occur与happen可以互换;另外occur,happ

10、en, take place, break out等表示“发生;爆发”的单词或短语都不能用于被动语 态或进行时态。 occur结构中主语不能是人,而是想到的事情或it。,4.take in包括;吸收;理解;欺骗;收留,take apart拆开;剖析 take on 呈现;开始雇用 take up 占去,占据;开始从事 take away 拿走;消除(病痛等) take down 记下来;拆掉 take over接管;接替,高考运用:语法填空,答案:in on up,Next time you take a walk,no matter where it is,take all the sigh

11、ts,sounds and sensations.(2018天津,阅读理解D) Some insects take the color of their surroundings to protect themselves. Peter will take his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.,5.team up with与合作或一起工作,catch up with赶上 put up with忍受 end up with以结束 come up with想出,高考运用:完成句子,答案:team up

12、 with catch up with put up with ended up with,Why dont you (与合作) Helen for the next part? They had encouraged Mac to carry on,and they would (赶 上) him soon.(2017浙江卷) I cannot (忍受) such hot weather any longer. The meeting (以结束) an encouraging song.,6.That is why today over 40% of Californians speak S

13、panish as a first or second language. 这就是今天超过40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。,That/This is/was why.那/这就是为什么(why 从句表示结果) That/This is/was because.那/这是因为 (because从句表示原因) The reason why.is/was that.的原因是 (表语从句常用that引导,而不用because),答案:why because why;is that,Not everyone acts the same in response to events,and that is what triggers one person may or may not trigger another.(2018北京,七选五) Tom came late for the meeting.That was he was ill. The reason the students favor the first one they can carry it with them wherever they go.,高考运用:语法填空,


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