2020版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 1 the world of our senses知能演练 轻松闯关(含解析)牛津译林版必修3

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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 1 the world of our senses知能演练 轻松闯关(含解析)牛津译林版必修3_第1页
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2020版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 1 the world of our senses知能演练 轻松闯关(含解析)牛津译林版必修3_第3页
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《2020版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 1 the world of our senses知能演练 轻松闯关(含解析)牛津译林版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语大一轮复习 unit 1 the world of our senses知能演练 轻松闯关(含解析)牛津译林版必修3(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 The world of our senses课时练1阅读理解提速练学生用书P263(单独成册) 阅读理解A(2019湖北七校第一次联考)Leaders shape history and here is a selection of the most remarkable views into these public figures plus firsthand accounts by those with access to them.Margaret Thatcher by Charles Moore (2013)Before Moore published the fi

2、rst volume of his biography, there had already been a mountain of books on Thatcher. Moores account is different. He shows that far from being fearless, she could often be fearful without cause. The final volume will include her fall from power.Harold Wilson by Ben Pimlott (1992)Harold Wilson had be

3、come a ghostly figure when this book was published in 1992. The absence heightened a sense of mystery. Who was he? How to explain his seemingly contradictory characteristics? Pimlott solves some of the mysteries; the book is detailed until Wislons final phase as prime minister in 1974.Churchill by R

4、oy Jenkins (2001)Jenkins writes as a politician as well as a historian, analyzing Churchills historic moves from the opinions of one who had also spoken in the Commons. Jenkins had resigned from high positions in battles over policy, and as one that changed parties, though not as frequently as Churc

5、hill did.Roy Jenkins by John Campbell (2014)Campbell calmly narrates many political and personal dramas, including Jenkins intense relationship with Anthony Crosland when they were both students at Oxford. Campbell also addresses Jenkins various affairs with women. Like Jenkins political heroes, he

6、led many lives. Campbell is sharp in describing each of them.Diaries, Volumes One to Six by Alastair Campbell (2017)Love or hate him, Campbell remains the master of the inside story, not just because of his unusual ideas on the relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. This is an incredibly

7、detailed book on what its like to live inside No. 10:the cruel space of events; and the constant conflict with the media.【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了五本有关改变历史的世界伟人的传记,书的作者是掌握这一伟人的第一手资料者。文章具体介绍了作者姓名、出版时间、书的内容等。1Which of the following leaders has the largest number of books written about him/her?AHarold Wils

8、on.BChurchill.CMargaret Thatcher. DTony Blair.C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,在摩尔出版他的第一本传记之前,已经有很多关于撒切尔夫人的书了;其他四本书的介绍中都没有提及曾经有专门介绍该政治家的书出版。据此可知,在介绍的五个政治领导人中,写撒切尔夫人的书最多,故C项正确。2Which writer was once a politician?ABen Pimlott. BCharles Moore.CJohn Campbell. DRoy Jenkins.D解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,詹金斯是一位政治家,也是一位历史学家。故D项

9、正确。其他作者都没有提及曾经是政治家。3Whats the authors purpose of writing the passage?ATo introduce some histories on elections.BTo recommend some books on leaders.CTo tell some mysteries about historians.DTo think highly of some famous leaders.B解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了五本有关改变历史的世界伟人的传记,书的作者是掌握这一伟人的第一手资料者,文章具体介绍了作者的姓名

10、、出版时间、书的内容等。据此可知,本文旨在推荐一些关于政治领导人的书籍,故B项正确。B(2019广东六校联盟联考) NEW YORKA massive winter storm paralyzed much of the US. East Coast on Thursday and Friday, dumping as much as 46 centimeters of snow from the Carolinas to Maine. It also caused flooding on the streets of Boston due to swelling storm tides, f

11、orced the cancellation of nearly 5,000 flights and closed businesses, offices and schools.Some meteorologists(气象学家) classified the storm as a “bomb cyclone” for its sharp drop in atmospheric pressure would be followed immediately by a blast of cold air that could break records in more than two dozen

12、 cities and bring wind chills as low as40 during the weekend.From Baltimore, Maryland, to Caribou in Maine, efforts were underway to clear roadways of ice and snow as wind chill temperatures were to plunge during the day, reaching40 in some parts after sundown, according to the National Weather Serv

13、ice.Utility companies across the East worked to repair downed power lines early on Friday as about 21,000 customers remained without electricity, down from almost 80,000 the day before, and issued warnings that temperatures may become dangerously low.“If the temperature in your home begins to fall,

14、we recommend taking shelter elsewhere until service can be restored. You can find warming centers by contacting local authorities,” National Grid power company, which serves Massachusetts, said on Twitter.Airlines canceled 4,000 flights on Thursday and hundreds more on Friday, according to FlightA,

15、an online tracking service.Mayor Bill de Blasio said it could feel like30 on Friday and Saturday nights with the wind chill. “This is a serious, serious storm, and may be the most severe in 2018,” he said at a news conference.New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency for the south

16、ern part of the state, while New Jersey Governor Chris Christie declared a state of emergency for several counties.【解题导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。大规模的暴风雪于周四和周五袭击了美国东海岸,给当地的生产和生活造成了严重影响。4Which of the following is NOT the consequence of the massive winter storm?ABreakdown of the US. coast.BFlooding in Boston.CCancellation of nearly 5,000 flights.DCl


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