2019届高考英语一轮优化探究(话题部分)话题6 选修6 unit 3 a healthy life课件 新人教版

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《2019届高考英语一轮优化探究(话题部分)话题6 选修6 unit 3 a healthy life课件 新人教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届高考英语一轮优化探究(话题部分)话题6 选修6 unit 3 a healthy life课件 新人教版(67页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、核心考点 突破,随堂巩固 提升,基础知识 回顾,选修6,Unit 3 A healthy life,基础知识 回顾,abuse,stress,ban,quit,strengthen,accustom,stressful,stress,illegal,desperate,illegal,ashamed,awkward,desperately,desperate,mental,abnormal,mental,mentally,automatic,addicted,automatic,automatically,unfit,disappointed,addicted,addictive,effect

2、,chemist,survival,prejudice,relaxation,relax,relaxation,relaxed,香烟;纸烟,酒精的,青少年,青春期的,困难的;强硬的,收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程,肺,小包;小盒,理解(力),附录;附件,女性的;雌性的,雌性的动(植)物;女人,to,on,due,to,like,into,away,are addicted to,to,accustomed to,to,In spite of,of,feel like,spite,takes risks,take,getting,into,at,was ashamed of,As you kno

3、w,I do hope you can attend the,exhibition of papercutting,as enthusiastic a season as,It is,that,核心考点 突破,to,accustomed,automatically,when/while,harmful,smoking,to become,some,disappointed,would succeed,addiction,Addicted,addictive,accustomed,effective,What parents say has a great effect on their chi

4、ldren.,to save,to start,on,across,applying,In spite of the rain,did,随堂巩固 提升,a,going,ashamed,Being addicted,stressful,it,Disappointed,Accustomed,embarrassed,be banned,she does intend to come here,found it difficult to learn math,as good an actress as,have an effect on,It is only when we cant see perfectly that,


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