四年级英语上册 unit 1《sports and games》(story time)教学设计 人教新起点

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四年级英语上册 unit 1《sports and games》(story time)教学设计 人教新起点_第1页
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《四年级英语上册 unit 1《sports and games》(story time)教学设计 人教新起点》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语上册 unit 1《sports and games》(story time)教学设计 人教新起点(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit1 Story Time教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)四年级上册Unit1 Sports and Games【课 时】Story Time一、教学目标1. 能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂Story Time的故事,完成故事后的句子排序活动。2. 能够在教师的指导下表演小故事。二、教学建议1. 读前活动(1) 谈论足球运动。教师播放一段足球运动的视频,或者出示足球、球门、球员等图片,提问:What sport is it? Do you like it? Do you often play it? Who do you often play with? Are you go

2、od at it?(2) 导入故事。教师介绍:Bill and Mike like football very much. They want to play football together. But look!(出示最后一张图:Mike和Bill沮丧的表情)What happens? Can you guess?学生同桌讨论、猜测可能发生了什么。2. 读中活动(1) 学生自读,验证预测。学生默读,限时六至八分钟。学生可以用中文讨论。之后,全班讨论:Why do Bill and Mike look worried?教师总结并板书:They broke the window.(2) 师生共

3、读,理解故事。呈现图。教师提问:What do Mike and Bill want to do? Where can they do it? Can they do it on the street? 引导学生回答:They need a place to play. 教师板书并带读a place to play。教师继续提问:Whats Mikes suggestion? 播放录音,学生跟读:No problem! We can go to the park.呈现图。教师提问:Where are they now? Can they play football now? What do t

4、hey need now? 引导学生回答:They need a goal. 教师板书并带读a goal,出示足球、球门、球衣的图片,请学生根据图和上下文猜猜goal的意思。教师继续提问:They need a goal. Whats Mikes idea? 播放录音,学生跟读:No problem! We can use our schoolbags.呈现图。教师提问:They have a place and a goal. What do they need next? And what do they do?教师播放录音,请学生跟读图的对话,也可以让学生两人一组朗读对话。之后教师与全班

5、讨论:What do they need? 并板书 some more players, two teams, a ball。Tip:教师可以出示图片帮助学生理解player和team的词义。呈现图。教师引导:They have a place, a goal, players, teams and a ball. They can play football. But, they have a new problem. What is it? 学生根据图片和板书回答:They broke the window.教师引导:What do they need now? 教师播放录音,请学生跟读:

6、Oh no! Now we need an excuse. 教师板书an excuse并解释:They need a reason to explain their carelessness.教师继续引导:Look at Mike. Does he know what to do? No, he doesnt. So he says, “Thats a problem!” 板书并带读,请学生读出沮丧的语气。3. 读后活动(1) 欣赏视频。教师播放配套光盘,请学生完整欣赏故事。(2) 朗读。教师播放故事录音,请学生细致模仿语音、语调。之后学生分组分角色朗读故事。(3) 完成B项活动。请学生先自己完成,之后同桌讨论,最后在教师的引导下借助板书核对答案。(4) 拓展讨论。针对故事的结尾,教师引导:If you were them, what would you do and what would you say? 学生分组讨论后全班交流,教师总结并板书,如:Im sorry. I wont do it again.(5) 分组练习、表演。Tip:此环节为备选活动。根据学生的实际能力和课堂实施情况灵活处理。可以让学生课后演练,另外组织课本剧展演。三、备选活动【板书设计】Unit1【教学反思】3


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