2019年高考英语 语法必考考点(12)状语从句(含解析)

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1、2019年高考英语语法必考考点(12):状语从句含解析李仕才【考点解读】在复合句中,修饰主句或主句谓语的句子叫作状语从句。状语从句可位于主句之前,也可位于主句之后。状语从句可分为时间、地点、原因、结果、条件、方式、让步、比较和目的等九大类。一、状语从句引导词列表从句类型从属连词时间状语从句as, after, before, once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while, as soon as地点状语从句where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere原因状语从句because, since, as, now (tha

2、t), seeing that, considering that, in that结果状语从句that, so that, so/such .that .目的状语从句so that, in order that, for fear that, in case, for the purpose that条件状语从句if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that, in case, provided that比较状语从句than, as .as, not so/as .as方式状语从句as, as if/though, how让步状语从句though,

3、although, even if/though, however, whatever, as, while【点睛】(1)上述有些连词除了能引导状语从句外,还可引导定语从句和名词性从句。在使用的时候,要根据句子结构和句意来判别和区分不同的从句,正确使用引导词。以where为例,试比较下列多种从句的区别。You are to find it where you left it. (地点状语从句)Tell me the address where he lives. (定语从句,先行词为the address)I dont know where he came from. (宾语从句)Where

4、he has gone is not known yet. (主语从句)This place is where they once hid. (表语从句)(2)在两个分句间要有一个且只有一个连词,千万不能按汉语习惯。Because he was ill, he didnt come to school. He was ill, so he didnt come to school.(3)在时间、地点、条件、方式或让步状语从句中,若从句的主语与主句的主语一致(或从句的主语为it),从句的谓语又包含动词be时,从句中的“主语be”部分可省略。When (he was) asked about it

5、, he kept silent.Fill in the blanks with articles when (they are) necessary.If (it is) possible, Ill explain it again later.She stood at the gate as if (she was) waiting for someone.二、时间状语从句1. “一就”的表达如下表词类常用词例句从属连词as soon asHe started as soon as he received the news.副词immediately, directly, instantl

6、yThey phoned immediately they reached home.名词/名词短语the minute/moment/second/instant, every/each timeThey ran away the moment they saw the guard.Each time I was in trouble, he would stand by.句型结构no sooner .than ., hardly/scarcely .when .No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.2. till和until的

7、用法(1)肯定句中,主句谓语动词必须是延续性动词,意为“某一动作一直延续到某时间点才停止”。He remained there till/until she arrived.(2)否定句中,主句谓语动词必须是非延续性动词,从句为肯定式,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始”。I was not aware that I forgot my ticket till/until I got to the station.(3)till不可置于句首,until可以。(4)强调和倒装句中,not .until应视为一个整体,同时被强调或置于句首。It was not until you told me tha

8、t I had any idea of it.Not until you told me did I have any idea of it.3. before和since的用法(1)before常用于表示“还未就;不到就;才;趁;还没来得及”等含义。We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.He rushed out of the house before I could say anything else.(2)句型It was/will be时间段before .意为“过了多久才”。It was not long

9、 before . /It will not be long before .意为“不久就”。It will be one year and a half before I come back.It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.(3)since从句的谓语动词一般是短暂性动词,主句谓语动词则是延续性动词或反复发生的动作。since引导的从句时态为一般过去时,主句时态为现在完成时或现在完成进行时。She has been working for the company since she left school.

10、(4)句型It is/has been时间段since .意为“自从到现在多久了”。It is a long time since I saw you last time. I have not seen you for a long time.It has been two years since I was admitted to this key middle school. I was admitted to this key middle school two years ago.It is three years since I smoked a cigar. It is thre

11、e years since I stopped smoking a cigar.三、原因状语从句1. because, as, since, now that的用法区别如下表:引导词位置内涵语气能否回答why能否强调because主句前或后直接原因强能能as主句前或后已知原因弱不能不能since/now that主句前Why are you absent from the meeting? Because I am ill.He is disappointed because he didnt get the position.As his mother was a great music l

12、over, he lived with music from birth.Since his music style was new, he decided his hairstyle had to be new too!2. 除了状语从句外,一些介词短语也可以表示原因。如:because of, thanks to, due to, owing to, on account of等。They were late because of the traffic.3. for引导表示原因的并列句,补充说明根据什么推断出前一分句的结果。He must have gone to bed, for th

13、e light is out.四、地点状语从句注意地点状语从句与定语从句的区别,试比较:This is the place where we used to live a few years ago.Lets go where we can find a better job.五、目的状语从句与结果状语从句1. so that引导的目的状语从句及结果状语从句的区别:(1)so that引导目的状语从句时,只能置于主句之后,从句谓语部分常需用情态动词can, may, could等,可用in order that代替。后者更正式,引导的状语从句可置于主句前或后。(2)so that引导结果状语从

14、句时,从句的谓语部分一般没有情态动词,其作用等于so。试比较:We got up early so that we could catch the train. (此句只强调早起的目的,结果未明)We got up early so that we caught the train. (此句表明了早起的结果:赶上了火车)2. so .that与such .that引导结果状语从句的区别:其规律由so与such的不同词性决定。such是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。常见以下几种句型结构:(1)so形容词/副词that从句。He was so excited tha

15、t he could not say a word.(2)sucha/an形容词单数可数名词that从句。Its such a good chance that we must not miss it.(3)such形容词复数名词/不可数名词that从句。It was such fine weather that we went out for a walk.(4)so形容词a/an可数名词单数形式that从句。试比较:Mike is such an honest worker that we all believe him. Mike is so honest a worker that we all believe him.(5)somany/much/few/little名词that从句。在“两多两少”(many/much/few/little)前要用so来修饰。He earned so little money t



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