广东省茂名市化州市2019届高三二模考试英语试题 含解析

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《广东省茂名市化州市2019届高三二模考试英语试题 含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省茂名市化州市2019届高三二模考试英语试题 含解析(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2019年广东省茂名市化州市高考英语二模试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)AWriting Contests, Grants & Awards in 2019 The Writing Contests, Grants (补助金) & Awards database includes details about the creative writing contests-including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, and more-that weve

2、 published in Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it Use the online submission systemCatherine Doctorow Innovative Fiction PrizeA prize of 15,000 is given annually for a novel, or a story collection US writers

3、who have published at least three books of fiction are qualified Submit a manuscript (手稿) of any length, a brief biography, and a list of three previously published books of fiction with a 25 entry fee by November 1, 2019University of Alabama Press, PO Box 870380, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487( 773)702-7000W

4、alt Whitman AwardA prize of 5,000 is given annually for a poetry collection by a poet who has not published a book of poems in a standard edition The winning book will also be distributed to 5,000 members of the Academy of American Poets Submit a manuscript of 48 to 100 pages with a 35 entry fee by

5、November 1, 2019Academy of American Poets, 75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901, NewYork, NY10038( 212)274-0343Gabriele Rico Challenge in Creative EssayA prize of 1,333 is given annually for an essay Using the online submission system, submit an essay of up to 5,000 words with a20 entry fee, by November 1, 201

6、9 All entries are considered for publication Visit the website for complete guidelinesSan Jose State University, English Department, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA95192( 408)924-4425Brooklyn Nonfiction PrizeA prize of 500 is given annually for a work of nonfiction that is set in Brooklyn, NewYo

7、rk, and expresses the regions rich soul and intangible (无形的) qualities through the writers actual experiences of Brooklyn Submit an essay of up to 2,500 words by November 15, 2019 There is no entry feeBrooklyn Nonfiction Prize, PO Box 491, New York, NY10156( 207)778-70711. Who has the qualification

8、to attend the contest for the prize of15,000? _A. Whoever has written 3 novel booksB. Whoever has published at least 3 booksC. US authors whove published 3 novel booksD. US writers whove written 3 poetry collections2. What will happen to your manuscript if you win Walt Whitman Award? _A. It will be

9、published as a book of poemsB. It will be read by all the academy membersC. It will be distributed to whoever likes poemsD. It will become a book that will sell well3. Brooklyn Nonfiction Prize is different from the other three writing contests in that _ A. the work must be a writers real experience

10、sB. its entry fee is higherC. it has a deadline earlier than themD. the winners have no prize money【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇广告布告类阅读。文章主要讲述了四个写作比赛的奖项的基本情况。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段A prize of 15,000 is given annually for a novel, or a story collection. US writers who have published at least three books

11、of fiction are qualified可知,发表过3本小说的美国作者有资格参加比赛获得$ 15,000的奖金。故选C。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段The winning book will also be distributed to 5,000 members of the Academy of American Poets Submit a manuscript of 48 to 100 pages with a 35 entry fee by November 1, 2019可知,如果你赢得沃尔特惠特曼奖,所有学院成员都会阅读你的手稿。故选B。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据

12、倒数第二段A prize of 500 is given annually for a work of nonfiction that is set in Brooklyn, NewYork, and expresses the regions rich soul and intangible (无形的) qualities through the writers actual experiences of Brooklyn 可知,布鲁克林非虚构小说奖与其他三个写作竞赛不同,因为作品必须是作家的真实经历。故选A。【点睛】文章内容较为简单,文章考查到细节理解题,对此类题型,考生可以首先从问题中找

13、到关键词然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别。如小题1中选择项中3 novel books与文中的three books of fiction表达的同一个意思,这些都考生需要比较它们之间的细微区别。BWhen a special occasion arrives, a colorful gift bag or a box often finds its way to a doorstep, an office desk or a mailbox But once in a while, a pres

14、ent arrives at an unexpected moment as a reminder that someone is thinking about usWanda Anderson of Richland, US, remembers such a gift The rosebushes were finally in full bloom on that day in spring Seeing roses always brings to mind Wandas childhood memories To this young girl, those flowers were

15、 a luxury We never had money to buy extra things, so even a tired rose was something to cherish, Wanda saidNowadays, to have a backyard filled with many different roses is pure enjoyment Wanda especially loves the very first blooms Her husband, Dale, devotedly tends the roses and knows this little fact about his wife So, on this particular morning, he picked the very first flowers of spring, fresh from the garden But as Dale came back into the house, he was met by a neighbor who had stopped in for a quick visit As the woman turned to go, Dale graciously (有风度地) handed the roses t


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