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1、Unit 8 Daydream a Little,Eugene Raudsepp,Directions:,Read the poem “DREAMS” written by Langston Hughes.,DREAMS Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow,.,梦想 兰斯顿休斯,紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消亡,

2、生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀, 再也不能飞翔。 紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消丧, 生命就象贫瘠的荒野, 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长。,Henry J. Kaiser (凯泽): (1882 1967) American industrialist,- being the chairman of the executive committee of the company formed to build Hoover Dam (1931) - establishing the first health maintenance organization (1938) - managing Pacific coa

3、st shipyards (during WWII) - being the chairman of Kaiser Industries, an enterprise involving steel, aluminum, and home building (19451967),亨利凯泽 (Henry John Kaiser),美国实业家,亿万富翁,凯泽铝业公司,凯泽钢铁公司、凯泽水泥和灰泥板等100多家公司的创始人,二战期间成为全世界知名的造船大亨和美国的国家英雄,被称为现代造船之父。4年时间造了1490艘船 - 平均一天一艘。,Florence Nightingale (1820 -191

4、0) 南丁格尔,- serving in the Crimean War (1854) - being called the “The Lady with the Lamp” - the first woman to be given the Order of Merit (1907) - establishing the Nightingale School and Home for Nurses in London - her books becoming the first definitive textbook for the nursing field,1820 年 5 月 12 日

5、出生于意大利佛罗伦萨。其父是旅意英侨,家庭十分富有,内阁大臣们是她家的常客。南丁格尔本人受过正规的高等教育,可以用英、意、法、德语自如交谈。她自童年开始,即对护理工作深感兴趣,乡间度假时,常常跑去看护生病的村民。 南丁格尔于1854年10月21日和38位护士到克里米亚野战医院工作。当时用品缺乏,水源不足,卫生条件极差。她克服种种困难,改善医院后勤服务和环境卫生,建立医院管理制度,提高护理质量,使伤病员死亡率从 42%,急剧下降到 2%。,同时,南丁格尔对伤病员的关怀爱护感人至深。她协助医生进行手术,减轻病人的痛苦;清洗包扎伤口,护理伤员;替士兵写信,给以慰藉;掩埋不幸的死者 她每天工作 20

6、多个小时,夜幕降临时,她提着一盏小小的油灯,沿着崎岖的小路,在 4 英里之遥的营区里,逐床查看伤病员。士兵们亲切地称她为“提灯女神”“克里米亚的天使”。 “5.12”国际护士节就是为了纪念这位近代护理的创始人而设立的,这一天是弗洛伦斯南丁格尔的生日。,Thomas Edison (1847 1931),Thomas Edison was one of the greatest inventors and industrial leaders in history. Among his nearly 1, 100 patents the most ever issued to one perso

7、n are the phonograph, which became the first practical method of recording and playing the back sounds, a motion picture camera and projector, and the incandescent lamp an inexpensive and safe source of light for everyday use in homes. Among Edisons greatest achievements was the development of one o

8、f the first research laboratories. Here in Menlo Park and West Orange, New Jersey, Edison and his assistants developed thousands of inventions.,托马斯爱迪生(Thomas Edison)是举世闻名的美国电学家和发明家,被誉为“世界发明大王”。他除了在留声机、电灯、电话、电报、电影等方面的发明和贡献以外,在矿业、建筑业、化工等领域也有不少著名的创造和真知灼见。1868年10月28日,爱迪生申请平生第一项专利电子投票记录仪。1877年11月21日,爱迪生发

9、明留声机。1892年,汤姆休斯顿公司与爱迪生电力照明公司合并成立了通用电气公司,开始了通用电气在电气领域长达一个世纪的统治地位。1910年8月27日,爱迪生发明了有声电影。,Sigmund Freud (1865-1939),- He was an Austrian physician who revolutionized ideas on how the human mind works. - He established the theory that unconscious motives control a lot of behavior. - His work has helped

10、millions of patients who are mentally ill. - His theories have brought new approaches in child rearing, education, and sociology and have provided new themes for many authors and artists. - Most people in Western society view human behavior at least partially in Freudian terms.,西格蒙德弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freu

11、d),知名医师、精神分析学家,犹太人,精神分析学的创始人,被称为“维也纳第一精神分析学派”。他提出“潜意识”、 “自由联想”、 “心理防卫机制”等概念,在临床心理学的发展史上具有重要意义。著有梦的解析、精神分析引论、图腾与禁忌等。被世人誉为“精神分析之父”,二十世纪最伟大的心理学家之一。,Main idea of his interpretation of night dreams:,1) Dreams express the subconscious mind. 2) Dreams are absurd because our conscious mind wont acknowledge

12、our subconscious ideas thus disguises them. 3) In our dreams, we return to the modes of thinking of childhood. Our thinking becomes concrete, pictorial and illogical, and expresses ideas and wishes we are no longer conscious of.,New Words,amount v. 等于,合计;n. 数量,I still do a certain amount of work for

13、 them. 我仍旧为他们做一定数量的工作。 Consumer spending on sports-related items amounted to $9.75 billion. 消费者在体育相关用品上的消费总共达到了97.5亿美元。,.,amount to: 达到;等于,相当于,The number of books in the reference room amounts to 3,000. His suggestion amounts to saying that there is still room for improvement in the work. 他的建议等于是说工作

14、还有改进的余地。,hostile: adj. 敌对的;不友善的,The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state. 西方对这个有影响力的国家的敌对态度已趋缓和。 be hostile to 反对,attitude:n. 态度,看法;姿势,He took up a compromising attitude towards the question. 他对这个问题采取了妥协的态度。,attitude toward(s)/to positive attitude negative attitu

15、de,对.的态度,积极态度,消极态度,.,interfere with: 干扰,妨碍,I hope that this misunderstanding will not interfere with our friendship.,benefit: v.&n. 利益,好处,The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town. Both sides have benefited from the talks.,contribute vt.&vi. 贡献,捐献,Smoking certainly contributed to his ea

16、rly death. They contributed food and clothing for the refugees(难民). make contributions to 做贡献,捐献,.,contribute to: 使发生,有助于,Your timely help contributed greatly to our success. 你的及时帮助大大有助于我们的成功。,span: vt. & n. 跨度,跨越,He has a short attention / concentration span. 他不能长时间集中注意力。 The batteries had a life span of six days. 电池的使用寿命是6天。 The river Thames is spanned by many bridges. 泰晤士河上有很多桥。,a life span,a memory span,in a span,寿命,记忆力持续时间,在一段时



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