2019高考英语一轮达标 unit 5 meeting your ancestors练题(含解析)新人教版选修8

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1、Meeting your ancestors李仕才一、阅读理解。It used to be one of the worlds most splendid train stations,sitting on the FrenchSpanish borderbut then it fell into disrepair.Now,writes Chris Bockman,the building is showing new signs of life.The train station was built in iron and glass,complete with a hospital,a

2、restaurant and living quarters for customs officers from both France and Spain.At the time it was nicknamed the “Titanic of the Mountains”But after the day the station was opened in 1928 by the French president and the Spanish king,flaws quickly became obvious.The rail gauges(轨距)were different,so pa

3、ssengers still had to change trains.It made transporting goods too slow.In the early 1930s,as few as 50 passengers a day were using the station.And then things got worse.During the Spanish Civil War,the tunnels on the Spanish side were sealed off to prevent Republican rebels(反叛者)from bringing weapon

4、s in.Later,the French lost interest in the line.When a train derailed on the French side in 1970,that signaled that France abandoned the line.The grand building itself went to rot.The tracks rusted,the ceilings fell in with the severe winter weather and vandalism (故意破坏财物的行为)did the rest.But a few ye

5、ars ago the local government in Aragon decided to buy the place and restore it,claiming it was a major part of Spanish history.The French government has agreed to reopen the line on its side too.If all goes to plan,the “Titanic of the Mountains” could be back in business within five years before the

6、 end of 2022.It is reported that the massive wooden ticket counters at the station have already been restored.1The following factors contributed to the shutdown of the train station EXCEPT _.Aits poor appearanceBdifferent gaugesCthe Spanish Civil WarDslow transporting speed2When the train station re

7、opens,it may celebrate its _ anniversary.A52nd B72ndC94th D89th3What will probably happen to the train station?AIt will be repaired.BIt will be turned into a museum.CIt will be knocked down.DIt will be sold to the French government.4What is the best title for the text?AThe Design of a Train StationB

8、The War Between France and SpainCThe History of a Train StationDThe “Titanic of the Mountains” Coming Back【解题导语】本文讲述了法国和西班牙边境的一座火车站的历史变迁。【难句分析】But a few years ago the local government in Aragon decided to buy the place and restore it,claiming it was a major part of Spanish history.分析:这是一个复杂的简单句。buy

9、the place与restore it是并列的不定式短语,作decided的宾语;claiming it was a major part of Spanish history是现在分词作伴随状语,claiming后是一个宾语从句。译文:但是几年前,阿拉贡的当地政府决定买下这个地方并且恢复它,声称它是西班牙历史的重要一部分。1A考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The rail gauges(轨距)were different, so passengers still had to change trains”可知,轨距不同是造成火车站关闭的原因之一;根据第三段中的“During the Spa

10、nish Civil War, the tunnels on the Spanish side were sealed off to prevent Republican rebels(反叛者)from bringing weapons in”可知,西班牙内战是造成火车站关闭的原因之一;根据第三段中的“It made transporting goods too slow”可知,运输速度慢是造成火车站关闭的原因之一。故选项A不是造成火车站关闭的原因,所以选A。2C考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“But after the day the station was opened in 1928”和第

11、五段中的“If all goes to plan,theTitanic of the Mountains could be back in business within five years before the end of 2022”可以计算出:2022192894(年),当其恢复使用时可以庆祝其94周年纪念日,所以选C。3A考查推理判断。根据第五段首句“But a few years ago the local government in Aragon decided to buy the place and restore it”可知,几年前阿拉贡的当地政府要购买并且恢复该火车站。r

12、estore意为“使恢复,修复”,所以选A。4D考查主旨大意。根据全文尤其是第一段中的“the building is showing new signs of life”和第五段中的“If all goes to plan, theTitanic of the Mountains could be back”可知,选项D能够概括全文,所以选D。二、单句语法填空。1They _(interrupt) by a sudden and urgent knock at the door.答案:were interrupted表示过去发生的动作,且主语they与interrupt之间为被动关系,故应用

13、一般过去时的被动语态,填were interrupted。2We have no alternative but _(sell) our house to pay the debt.答案:to sellhave no alternative but to do . “除之外别无选择,只能做”。3It is generally _(assume) that stress is caused by too much work.答案:assumedIt is assumed that . “普遍认为”。4We should bear in mind that teamwork is of great

14、 _ (significant) to both our society and ourselves.答案:significanceof great significancevery significant “意义重大/非常重要”。5Once _(arrest), he was likely to betray everything to the police.答案:arrestedarrest与其逻辑主语he之间为被动关系,故用过去分词在句中作状语。6If only I _ (look) ahead a few days ago! Then I wouldnt have been feeli

15、ng so worried now.答案:had looked由语境和句子结构可判断if only后应用虚拟语气;由时间状语a few days ago 可知表示与过去事实相反,故应填had looked。look ahead “向前看;为将来打算”。7This is a historic building _(date) back to the 17th century.答案:datingdate back todate from表示“追溯到”,无进行时,无被动语态,句中已有谓语动词is,且building和date back to存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故应填现在分词dating作后置定语。8I am fed up _this weather; its time we had some sunshine.答案:withbe fed up with “受够了;厌烦”。9Sometimes we went ahead and did it, regardless _the consequences.答案:ofregardless of “不管;不顾”。10While working out the problem, you should p


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