外研版高中英语Book 5 Module 7 Revision Vocabulary学案 无答案

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1、 Learning Design Book5 Module7 Time: 2019-8-20 Designer:Zhou Shuying Module 7 RevisionVocabulary Class _ Name _ Group _I. Learning aims:1. Revise words about jobs, sports, animals, food and festivals.2. Improve the memory ability.3. Develop the command of English.4. Know that they can do some volunt

2、ary work to help others and protect our environment. They should be a person who will do a job beneficial to society, like a certain sport, love and protect animals, especially endangered ones and have a balanced diet. In general, be a good, healthy and useful person. II. Learning important points:1

3、. Memorize the words about jobs, sports, animals, food and festivals.2. Improve the command of English.III. Learning difficult points:1. How to memorize the words as quickly as possible.2. How to improve the command of English.IV. Learning procedures:Step 1. Lead-in Name the following jobs. Step 2.

4、Vocabulary Talk ShowSay as many words about jobs as possible.科学家 _ 工程师 _ 医 生 _ 护 士 _ 教师 _ 警 察 _ 公务员 _ 志愿者 _ 销售员 _ 厨师 _ 理发师 _ 商 人 _ 司 机 _ 图书管理员_律师 _会 计 _ 接待员 _ 秘 书 _ 导 游 _ 飞行员 _ Step 3. Guessing Play this game, first in pairs and then the whole class.Work in pairs and Student A: Think of a job. Write

5、 some facts about it, but do not say what the job is. Think about these questions.1. How many hours do you work?2. Do you work outside or indoors?3. Is the job well paid?4. Do you travel a lot in your job?For example: I work several hours a day. I work indoors. My job is not paid very well. I often

6、face students. (teacher)Read the facts to your partner. Pause after each fact for him/her to guess. Continue giving information until your partner guesses the job.Student B: Listen and try to guess the job.Write some facts about the job:_Then play the game together, one student reading on the platfo

7、rm, the other students guessing.Step 4. Lead-in Look at the photos. Say who the people are and which sports they play. Step 5. Vocabulary Talk ShowSay as many words about sports as possible.篮 球 _ 足 球 _ 羽毛球 _ 乒乓球 _ 排球 _ 网 球 _ 棒 球 _ 高尔夫球 _ 保龄球 _ 橄榄球 _ 斯诺克 _ 中长跑 _ 马拉松 _ 接力赛 _ 滑雪 _ 体 操 _ 拳 击 _ 游 泳 _ 跑 _

8、 爬山 _ Step 6. PracticingWrite the names of the sports these people do or play.1. Muhammad Ali _2. David Beckham _3. Deng Yaping _4. Kip Keino _5. Li Ning _6. Yao Ming _Check the answers together.Step 7. Lead-in Say the names of the following animals. Step 8. Vocabulary Talk ShowSay as many words abo

9、ut animals as possible.老 虎 _ 狮子 _ 大象 _ 长颈鹿 _ 熊猫 _ 藏羚 _ 猩猩 _ 犀牛 _ 熊 _ 猴 _ 鼠 _ 狐狸 _ 狼 _ 蛇 _ 斑马 _ 企鹅 _ 鳄鱼 _ 恐龙 _ 鹰 _ 蝴蝶 _ 蜻蜓 _ 龙 _ 袋鼠 _ 松鼠 _ 海豚 _Step 9. PracticingWrite the names of each animal, and the class it belongs to.Step 10. Lead-inWhat festival is it? Step 11. Vocabulary Talk Show1. Say as many

10、 festivals as possible.Traditional festivals in China:春节 _ 元宵节 _ 清明节 _ 端午节 _ 七夕节 _ 中元节 _ 中秋节 _ 重阳节 _ Common festivals in foreign countries:情人节 _ 复活节 _ 愚人节_ 母亲节 _ 父亲节 _ 万圣节 _ 感恩节 _ 圣诞节 _ 狂欢节 _Other holidays:妇女节 _ 劳动节 _ 儿童节 _ 教师节 _ 国庆节_ 2. Say as many types of food as possible.肉 _ 猪肉 _ 猪排 _ 猪蹄 _ 鸡肉 _ 牛肉 _ 鱼 _ 羊肉 _ 香肠 _ 火腿 _ 螃蟹 _ 龙虾 _ 大虾 _ 蔬菜 _ 土豆 _ 大白菜_ 胡萝卜 _西红柿 _茄子 _ 洋葱 _ 蘑菇 _ 南瓜 _ 玉米 _ 饺子 _ 面条 _Step 12. MemorizingMemorize the unfamiliar words about jobs, sports, animals, food and



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