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1、面向老年人的面向老年人的平板电脑推广策略研究摘要根据国家现行法律的规定,凡是年满60周岁的或者60以上的人员都被成为老年人。老龄化是我们国家目前的一个非常重要的特征,老年人人口数量也在不断的增加,也就意味着他们的需求对于各个行业来说占有非常大的比例,创造老年市场是一个新的发展契机。老年人的心里和生理特征都在不断的发生变化,也就意味着市场的变化性也在不断的增加。我们国家对于老年人的市场已经提出了相关的服务政策,鼓励一切关于老年人市场的活动。 面向老年人的平板电脑是目前人们比较青睐的一类产品,但是占有这个营销市场的大部分都是年轻人。这也是有原因的,首先,电子类产品的更新速度不断的加快,老年人接受的

2、程度不如年轻人。特别是随着第四代信息技术时代的到来,不管是在硬件还是在软件上来说,电子类的产品更新的速度都是非常快的。老年人对于这些产品虽然也会感兴趣,但是由于各种各样的原因,阻碍了他们去接受这些产品。其次,就是老年人的心里特征,根据专家分析,上了年纪的人,对于某一种形式的东西习惯于他原来的存在的方式,不喜欢自己依赖的东西更新换代的那么快,这对于电子类的产品来说是一个非常大的弊端。 根据老年人的以上的一些特征,就要求想要拓展老年人市场的开发商来说,将老年人的这些心理的特点以及他们接受新事物的能力充分的考虑进去。针对老年人开发面向老年人的平板电脑,在整体的设计上就需要考虑很多。对于成年人来说,软

3、件的使用是非常的容易的,但是对于老年人来说,软件的使用是非常困难的。因此,在开发的时候就需要将这个因素考虑到里面。将产品研发出来以后,就需要将产品推销出去。营销对于商品来说是其功能的体现,也是商家获得利益的最主要的活动。 本文主要对老年人的心里的特征以及生理的特征进行阐述,通过这一系列的心里状况的分析得出阻碍老年人接受面向老年人的平板电脑的最根本的因素,通过一系列的调查来得出他们对于软件的接受的程度以及环境对于他们接受能力的影响。针对这些具体的情况制定一系列的营销的策略,从产品的各个角度进行分析,抓住吸引老年人的特色,并且对产品进行向导性指示,最终能够达到推广的目的。关键字:老年人、面向老年人

4、的平板电脑、推广策略ABSTRACTAccording to the current law of the provisions of the state, who over the age of 60 or more than 60 people have been become the elderly.Ageing is the current our country a very important characteristic of the elderly population is also in constant increase, which means they demand

5、for various industries occupies very large proportion, the elderly market is a new development opportunity.The heart and physiological characteristics of old people are constantly changing, also means that the variability of the market also is constantly increasing.The market of our country for the

6、elderly is put forward the related service policy, encourage all activities on the elderly market.The tablet is now people prefer a class of products, but the marketing most of them are young people.This is also a reason, first of all, the renewal speed of electronic product constantly speeding up,

7、the extent of the old people to accept as well as young people.Especially with the advent of the era of the fourth generation of information technology, both in hardware and software, electronic product update speed is very fast.The elderly for although also will be interested in these products, but

8、 because of various reasons, prevent them to accept these products.Second, is the heart of the old features, according to expert analysis, elderly people, for a certain kind of things are accustomed to his way of the existence of the original, dont like what they rely on upgrading so fast, it is for

9、 electronic products is a very big drawbacks.According to the above some of the characteristics of the elderly, requires developers to extend the elderly market, will these psychological characteristics of old people and their ability to accept new things fully into consideration.For the elderly to

10、develop tablet computers, on the design of the overall need to consider a lot.For adults, the use of the software is very easy, but for the elderly, the use of the software is very difficult.Therefore, in the development of needs will be the factors to consider.The product research and development,

11、you need to sell products.Marketing for goods is a reflection of its function, and the interests of merchants to obtain the main activities.In this paper, the characteristics of the in the mind of the aged and the physiological characteristics, through this a series of heart condition analysis in ol

12、d people to accept the most fundamental factor of tablets, through a series of surveys to draw their acceptable level for software and the influence of environment for their ability to accept.According to these specific conditions to develop a series of marketing strategy, from the different angles

13、of the product were analyzed, and seize the attract the characteristics of old people, and to guide product instructions, eventually be able to achieve the goal of promotion.Key words: the elderly, tablet, promotion strategy目 录1绪论.31.1问题提出.31.2研究背景.51.3研究目的与意义.71.4研究方法.82相关理论评述.92.1 国外理论研究.92.2 国内理论研究.113面向老年人的面向老年人的平板电脑推广现状与问题分析.133.1行业现状.



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