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3、框架全面拉开,教育园区初具规模,行政中心区建设全面启动,联通、广电、报业等大楼已结顶,另有二十多个大型公建项目落地建设,一批招商引资和房地产开发项目正在火热建设中,一座崭新的现代化中心城市正在衢江西岸崛起。项目进展情况项目已列入衢州市区域卫生规划,供地条件成熟,基础设施配套完善。项目可供资料西区一期规划总平面图、用地红线图等。联系单位浙江省衢州市西区管委会招商办联系人周伟英垂询电话0570-传 真0570-地 址浙江省衢州市西区白云小区西侧邮 编电子信箱Project for International Economic and Technological CooperationProject

4、 TitleGeneral HospitalCooperationModeJoint Venture, CooperativeIndustryInfrastructureTotalInvestmentUSD 24.8 milProject Scale And ContentThe hospital occupies an area of 150 mu and at least 600 sickbeds. Total building area is m2. Volume fraction not more than 2; Construction density not more than 3

5、0%; Green areas coverage rate at least 35%; Construction highly not more than 60m; Construction layer is 4 to15; The land employment right adopts the license way to sell. The project should defer to three levels and B general hospital standard which the country stipulated to carry on the plan, the d

6、esign and the construction; Total construction period 3 years; Signs the land to sell the contract latter 10 months to complete the design, to request authorization, and begins to construct.Estimated Investment and Profit AnalysisProject total investment is approximately 24.8 million dollars. Financ

7、ial interior returns ratio is approximately 8%. Investment recycling contract is10 to 15 years.Project Background And Constructtion Conditions, Location And Institution Profile of Project UnitQuZhou urban district existing general 3 hospital, Chinese medicine one hospital, the woman guarantees two c

8、ourtyard, concentrates completely in the old city, moreover three levels and class B hospitals whole city only then QuZhou municipal peoples hospital. QuZhou urban district various hospitals always 1,500 sickbeds, near two years beds utilization ratio in 95%. New rural cooperatives medical service f

9、ixed point unit. Before 2006 years end sign the land to sell the contract, the construction examination and approval enjoy the project gauge to spend the related preferential policy. West project selected location QuZhou city west of area BaiYun main road, South of ShiLiang brook land parcel. This l

10、and parcel is in nearby the city main road or male principle, the transportation is convenient.Process of projectThe project has included QuZhou City Region Health Plan, for conditions are ripe, infrastructure necessary consummation.Documents availableWest an area issue of plan general layout, uses

11、the red graph and so on.Contact DepartmentQuZhou West District Management CommitteeContactZhou WeiYingTelephone0570-Fax0570-AddressThe West of Baiyun District, Quzhou CityPostcodeE-衢州市对外招商合作项目项目名称衢州市西区会展商务中心合作方式独资或合资所属行业基础设施投资总额(万美元)2800项目规模和内容 总用地面积约150亩,总建筑面积80000;建筑高度60m。建设成集展览、会议、商务、宾馆、酒店、旅游、文化为


13、捷,距离杭金衢高速公路衢州西出口3公里,位于两条城市主干道交叉口,处于连接新老城区的衢江大桥桥头;该地块处于西区规划金融商贸区,与占地780亩的新湖景住宅小区一路之隔。项目具有得天独厚的地理、交通和人气等优势。项目进展情况已完成规划、征迁工作,供地条件成熟,基础设施配套完善。项目可供资料西区一期规划总平面图、用地红线图等。联系单位衢州市西区管委会招商办联系人周伟英,郑勇美垂询电话0570-传 真0570-地 址衢州市西区白云小区西侧邮 编电子信箱Project For International Economic And Technological CooperationProject Tit

14、leQuzhou West District Conference Exhibition CenterCooperationModeForeign Investment or Joint InvestmentIndustryInfrastructureTotalInvestmentUSD 28 milProject Scale And ContentTotal area is about 150 acreages and building area is about 80000 m2. Building height is below 60m. The Center will comprise

15、 exhibition, conference, business, hotel, travel and culture. Total construction period is 36 months.Estimated Investment and Profit AnalysisTotal investment is RMB 220 million yuan. The investment income rate is 8.3%. The investment income period is 10-12 years.Project Background And Constructtion Conditions, Location And Institution Profile of Project UnitQuzhou is a famous national historical and cultural city an


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