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1、n 当前文档修改密码:2008年国家级教学团队推荐表 辅助资料团队科研工作相关资料(一)所主持及承担的科研项目清单:1. 重要海水养殖动物细胞工程育种技术,国家“十一五”“863”重大项目,300万元,2006-2010,主持。2. 重要海洋动物细胞系建立及培养技术,国家“十一五”“863”专题课题,100万元,2006-2010,第二主持。3. 基于胚胎角膜组织库的工程化角膜的开发与应用,国家“十一五”863重大项目,692万元,2006-2010,参加。4. 对虾连续性细胞系的建立,国家“九五”“863”课题,50万元,1999-2000,主持。5.小气道上皮CFTR介导与调控的离子转运和

2、免疫因子分泌 (),国家自然科学基金,30万元,2006-2008,主持。5. 中国对虾非特异性免疫及其调控机理研究,教育部骨干教师资助课题,6万元,1999-2000,主持。6. 栉孔扇贝胚胎干细胞的建系研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,6万元,2004-2005,主持。7. 大菱鲆病毒疫苗的研制。青岛市新兴海洋科技产业发展专项,20万元,2003-2005,主持。8. 海星促再生因子筛选及其再生机理研究,青岛市科技发展计划项目自然基金,5万元,2005-2006,主持。9. 养殖鲽类生殖调控和人工繁育技术研究及中试示范,国家“863”课题,参加。10. 养殖扇贝的遗传改良及中试示范

3、,国家“863”课题,参加。11. 新型甲壳质衍生物在角膜、骨组织工程中的应用研究,国家“863”课题,参加。12. 中国对虾非特异性免疫及其诱导机理研究(),教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目,6万元,1999-2000,主持。13. 小鼠和人透明带溶解因子的分离纯化及其cDNA文库的构建,教育部留学回国人员基金,2.5万元,1997-1999,主持。14. 水貂肠炎病毒单克隆抗体的制备研究,山东省八五攻关课题,3万元,1987-1990,参加。15. 转基因与辐射对小鼠早期胚胎发育的影响,山东省自然科学基金,2万元,参加。16. 扇贝大规模死亡流行病学研究(G),国家“973”项目,199

4、9-2004,子课题负责人。17. 海水养殖动物病原生物研究,教育部奖励项目,1999-2004,子课题负责人。18. 浅海养殖扇贝流行病控制技术”(2006AA),国家“863”项目,2006-2010,子课题负责人。19. 人造角膜内皮的研制及其移植应用的初步研究, 山东省眼科学重点实验室开放课题, 10万元,2007-2008, 主持。20. 海洋动物免疫相关基因的研究与开发,国家“863”课题,100万元,2005-2006,主持。21. 文昌鱼CD19类蛋白的鉴定及基因克隆与进化研究,国家自然科学基金课题,22万元, 2006-2008,主持。22. 大菱鲆白化相关基因的克隆(200

5、1AA),国家“863”课题,2006-2008,主持。23.蛋白-蛋白界面残基的能量分析(),国家自然科学基金,20万元,2005-2007,第2位。(二)已发表的代表性科研论文(仅SCI/EI部分)1. Fan Tingjun, Zhao Jun, Fu Yongfeng, Cong Rishan, Guo Ruichao, Liu Wanshun, Han Baoqin, Yu Qiutao, Wang Jing. Establishment of a novel corneal endothelial cell line from domestic rabbit, Oryctolagu

6、s curiculus. Science in China Ser C-Life Sci, 2007, 50(1):1-9.2. Tingjun Fan and Chiaki Katagiri. The mode of action on vitelline envelope of Xenopus hatching enzyme as revealed by its two molecular forms. Zoological Science, 1997, 14(1):101-104.3. Tingjun Fan and Chiaki Katagiri. Properties of Hatc

7、hing Enzyme from Xenopus Laevis. European Journal of Biochemistry, 2001, 268(18):4892-4898.4. Ting-Jun FAN, Ling-Yun JIN, Xiao-Feng WANG. Initiation of cartilage Cell Culture from skate, Raja porasa Gnther. Marine Biotechnology, 2003, 5(1): 64-69.5. Ting-Jun Fan, Xiao-feng Wang. In vitro culture of

8、embryonic cells from shrimp Penaeus chinensis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2002, 267:175-184.6. FAN Ting-Jun, HAN Li-Hui, CONG Ri-Shan, LIANG Jin. Caspase Family Proteases and Apoptosis. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2005, 37(11): 719-727.7. FAN Ting-Jun, JIN Ling-Yun

9、, WANG Xiao-Feng. Effects of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor and Insulin-like Growth Factor on Cultured Cartilage Cells from Skate Raja porasa. Oceanologia et limnologia sinica, 2003, 21(4):305-311.8. John D. Stubbs, Xiao-rong Tang, Ting-jun Fan, Stan DeBella. A China/United States partnership for se

10、condary school biology lesson plans introducing concepts of molecular biology and genomics linked with ecosystem studies. Molecular Biology of The Cell, 2000, 11(suppl.): 118.9. Li BJ, Fan TJ*, Yang LL, Cong RS, Li L, Sun WJ, Lu CX, Shi ZP. Purification and characterization of hatching enzyme from s

11、hrimp Penaeus chinensis. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2006, 451(2): 188-193.10. Zhen-Ping SHI, Ting-Jun FAN*, Ri-Shan CONG, Zhi-Hong TANG, Xiao-Feng WANG, Wen-Jie SUN and Ling-Ling YANG. Purification and Characterization of Hatching Enzyme from Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish Physiology and Biochemis

12、try, 2006, 32:35-42.11. Wang XF, Shi QX, Yuan YY, Zhou CX, Yu MK, Ajonuma LC, Chan LN, et al. Involvement of CFTR in uterine bicarbonate secretion and the fertilizing capacity of sperm. Nature Cell Biology, 2003, 5(10):902-906.12. XIE Chen, WANG Xiao-Fei, QI Xiu-Juan, LU Li-Li, CHAN Hsiao-Chang. Eff

13、ect of Huoxiang-zhengqi liquid on HCO3- secretion by intact porcine distal airway epithelium. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 2008, 60(1): 90-96.13. CHAN Hsiao-Chang, HE Qiong, AJONUMA Louis-Chukwuemeka, WANG Xiao-Fei. Epithelial ion channels in the regulation of female reproductive tract fluid microenvir

14、onment: implications in fertility and infertility. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 2007, 25, 59 (4): 495-504.14. Chan HC, Shi QX, Zhou CX, Wang XF, Xu WM, Chen WY, Chen AJ, Ni Y, Yuan YY. Critical role of CFTR in uterine bicarbonate secretion and the fertilizing capacity of sperm. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 200

15、6, 250(1):106-113.15. Reddy MM, Wang XF, Gottschalk M, Jones K, Quinton PM. Normal CFTR Activity and Reversed Skin Potentials in Pseudohypoaldosteronism. J Membrane Biol 203(3):151-9 (2005, IF3.2)16. Wang XF, Lytle C, Quinton PM. Predominant Constitutive CFTR Conductance in Small Airways. Respirator

16、y Research, 2005, 6(1):7.17. Wang XF, Reddy MM, Quinton PM. Effects of a New CFTR Inhibitor on Cl- Conductance in a Native Human Epithelium. Experimental Physiology, 2004, 89(4):417-425.18. Wang XF, Yu MK, Lam SY, Leung KM, Jiang JL, Leung PS, Ko WH, et al. Expression, Immunoloca-lization and functional activity of Na+/H+ exchanger isoforms in mouse endometrial epithelium. Biology of


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