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1、山东对外合作项目(2013)一、节能环保NO.1 一、项目名称聊城安杰新能源发电有限公司风光能装备制造产业园项目二、项目单位简介聊城安杰新能源发电有限公司是一家以专利技术作支撑,致力于科研、开发、推广、制造太阳能、风能新能源的高科技新兴企业。公司拥有太阳能风能综合发电站、太阳能风能综合发电系统及各种风光能灯具等系列产品。其中以AJD2K为代表机型的太阳能风能综合发电系统已达到先进水平。三、项目内容及建设规模该项目投资50亿元,规划用地2000亩,分别建设,年产5亿套LED灯及灯具、年产10万台微风级风力发电机、年产10万台套全矾流储能器、年产500MW太阳能光伏组件等项目。四、项目建设条件现已

2、完成可研、设计、土地等项前期准备工作。五、项目总投资总投资7.8亿美元。六、市场及经济效益分析预测项目投产后可实现年总产值150亿元,利税15亿元。七、合作方式合资合作。八、联系方式联系地址:山东省高唐县经济合作局官道北路519号联 系 人:张华邮 编:联系电话:0635-1. Enerfy Efficiency and Environmental ProtectionNO.1 I. Project nameThe Project of the Wind and Light Power Equipment Manufacturing Industry Park by the Liaocheng

3、 Anjie New Energy Power Generation Co., Ltd.II. Brief introduction to the project unitLiaocheng Anjie New Energy Power Generation Co., Ltd. is a rising hi-tech enterprise with the support of patent technologies, to engage in scientific research, development, popularization and manufacturing of the n

4、ew power of solar and wind energy. The company has the Integrated Solar and Wind Power Station, Integrated Solar and Wind Power Generation System and series of wind and light power lamp products. Among them, the Integrated Solar and Wind Power Generation System, represented by the AJD2K model, has r

5、eached the advanced level.III. Project content and construction scaleThe gross investment of the project is RMB 5 billion with planning land usage of 2,000 mu. The following projects will be constructed: the annual output of 500 million sets of LED Lamps and lighting fittings, the annual output of 1

6、00,000 breeze-level wind power generators, the annual output of 100,000 sets of all alum flow power accumulator, the annual output of 500 MW Solar Energy Photovoltaic Modules, etc.IV. Conditions of the constructionThe first-phase preparations, including feasibility study, design, land acquisition, e

7、tc., are completed.V. Total investmentUSD 780 millionVI. Analysis and prediction of market and economic benefits After the project is put into operation, the annual output value will be RMB 15 billion with the profit and tax of RMB 1.5 billion.VII. The modality for cooperationJoint venture, cooperat

8、ive operationVIII. Contact informationAddress: No. 519 Guandao North Road, the Economic Cooperation Bureau, Gaotang County, Shandong ProvinceContact: Zhang HuaPostal code: Telephone: +86-635-N0.2一、项目名称:国能生物发电集团有限公司分布式能源项目二、项目单位简介:国能生物发电集团有限公司成立于2005年7月,由国家电网公司与龙基电力集团有限公司共同投资设立,注册资本金20亿元。是我国从事生物质能综合开

9、发利用的专业化公司。公司利用国际先进的生物质直燃发电技术和中国丰富的生物质资源,投资建设生物质发电项目,并上下延伸产业链,生产、加工生物质能燃料以及灰份的再循环利用等。三、项目内容及建设规模:项目位于泰安市,装机容量为275MW,占地面积150亩,年消耗天然气2-2.5亿立方米,机组投运后可供热面积200万平方米,同时工业负荷40-50吨/小时,年发电量约7亿kwh。四、项目建设条件:分布式能源是国家大力发展的一种新兴能源技术,项目规划已经完成。五、项目总投资:总投资1.6亿美元。七、合作方式合作八、联系方式联 系 人:张玉太 邮 编:联系电话:0538- 电子信箱:No. 2I. Proje

10、ct nameThe Project of the Distributed Energy by the National Bio-Energy Group Co., Ltd.II. Brief introduction to the project unitNational Bio-Energy Group Co., Ltd was founded in July 2005. It is joint-invested in by State Grid Corporation and Longji Power Group Co., Ltd. with the registered capital

11、 of RMB 2 billion. It is a specialized corporation engaging in biomass energy comprehensive development and application, investing in biomass power generation projects by means of the international advanced biomass direct combustion power generation technology and the rich biomass resources in China

12、, and extending the industry chain upwards and downwards for the production and processing of biomass fuel and recycling of ash, etc.III. Project content and construction scaleThe Project is located in Taian City, covering the area of 150 mu and intended to install two power units with capacity of 2

13、*75MW. After put into operation, the units will consume natural gas of 200-250 million m3. Annually, provide the heating area of 2 million m2, the industry load of 40-50 tons/hour and the annual power-generation about 700 million kWh.IV. Conditions of the constructionThe distributed energy is a risi

14、ng new energy technology vigorously developed by the state. The planning for the project is completed.V. Total investmentUSD 160 millionVI. The modality for cooperationCooperative operationVII. Contact informationContact: Zhang YutaiTelephone: +86-538-Email: N0.3一、项目名称通裕重工股份有限公司年产3000支3MW以上纤维保持型风电直驱

15、主轴项目二、项目单位简介通裕重工股份有限公司成立于2002年5月,注册资本2.7亿元,总资产30亿元,是国家级重点高新技术企业,现有员工2000人,下设三个工业园区;公司形成集大型合金钢锭、电渣锭冶炼、万吨压机锻造、大型热处理、重型机加工和涂装工程于一体的产业链条,是中国重要的MW级风力发电机主轴生产基地。三、项目内容及建设规模项目新增建筑面积32154平方米,主要建设锻造车间、热处理及加工车间等,购置自由锻造液压机、台车式燃气炉、重型卧式车床等设备96台(套)。本项目建设规模为年产3MW以上纤维保持型风电直驱主轴3000支。四、项目建设条件该项目位于禹城高新区通裕重工装备制造园,配套水、电、汽、污水处理、通讯、交通等基础设施已建设完毕,立项、规划、土地、环评等手续办理完毕。五、项目总投资项目总投资1.1亿美元。六、新增主要生产能力和经济效益本项目全部投产后,每年可新增销售收入15亿元,实现利润3.5亿元。七、合作方式合作八、联系方式联 系 人:安杨邮 编:联系电话:0534-电子邮箱:No. 3I. Project nameThe Project of the 3MW and Above Fiber-Retaining Wind Power Direct-D



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