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1、四年级英语上册第8单元试卷 姓名 听力部分 (30%)一、将所听到的单词或词组的序号填入题前的括号内,听一遍。(10分)( )1. A. fourB. fourteenC. forty ( )2. A. shoes B. shoeC. tooth( )3. A. make B. letC. tail( )4. A. big B. thinC. his( )5. A. 57B. 75C. 65( )6. A. hisB. herC. our( )7. A. earB. hairC. her( )8. A.tallB. dollC. ball( )9. A. these socksB. those

2、 socks C. this sock( )10. A. how manyB. how much C. how old二、听录音,根据所听内容,将相关内容用线连起来,听两遍(6分)23 yuan A130 yuan B215 yuan C346 yuan D49 yuan E513 yuan F6三、根据所听内容,选择正确的答语,并将其序号填入题前的括号内,听两遍。(6分)( )1. A. Yes, please. B. Theyre fifteen. C. Its thirteen yuan.( )2. A. Yes, she can B. Yes, she does.C. Yes, she

3、 is.( )3. A. Theyre nine yuan.B. How nice! C. Id like these socks.( )4. A. Its three yuan.B. I have three.C. Theyre three yuan.( )5. A. Its red and blue. B. Here you are.C. Theyre orange.( )6. A. Here you are. B. Im tall.C. Over there.四、根据所听内容完成下列短文,听三遍。(8分)Look at _ toy lion. He is very _and _. His

4、 _ is long. His _ are big. His _ is red. He wears(穿着)a pair(双)of blue _. They are _. He looks cool. 笔试部分 (70%)一、根据所给单词画线部分的发音规律补全单词。(5分)( ) 1 A eyes B nose C small ( ) 2 A tall B cute C short ( ) 3 A fat B thin C hair ( ) 4 A her B me C his( ) 5 A big B small C mouth二、英汉互译。(10分)1. 她的长头发_ 2. 只有十三元 _3

5、. 两只小耳朵_ 4. 她的大嘴巴_5. 这些胖娃娃_ 6.看这个机器人_ 7. 一个长鼻子_ 8. 多少钱_9. 他的大眼睛 10. 一位高个子男孩 三、单项选择题。(10分)( )1. Look at the girl. hair is long. A. She B. His C.Her( )2. His mouth small, but his eyes big. A. is, are B. is, is C. are, is( )3. Whos the woman with_ hair? Shes my _. A. tall; auntB. long; uncle C. long; a

6、unt ( )4. My ruler is long, but your ruler is . A. long B. short C. tall ( )5. _ is the cake? A. How many B. How much C. How nice( )6. -_ -Id like these dolls, please. A. Here you are. B. What do you like?C. What would you like?( )7. How many would you like? A. Five yuan.B. Five, please. C. Im five.

7、( )8. This our snowman . A. are B. is C. am( )9. _a thin girl. _ eyes are big .A. Shes ; Shes B. Shes ; Her C Her ; Her ( )10. Do you have _bananas? No, I _.A .some ; dont B. any ; cant C. any ;dont四、从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)( )1. What do you like?A. Twenty yuan.( )2. How many fans do you h

8、ave?B. Thank you.( )3. Can I have a look?C. I like cats. ( )4. What would you like?D. I can swim.( )5. How much is it? E. He is under the tree.( )6. Where is the king?F. Id like some fans.( )7. What about an fan?G. Twenty.( )8. What can you do?H. No, thank you.( )9. Do you have an umbrella?I. Yes, I

9、 do.( )10. Here you are. J. Sure.五、根据所给情景,选择合适的句子。(5分)( )1.你想知道这些水果多少钱,你会问:A. How much is it? B. How much are they? C.What are they?( )2.你对别人夸赞Helen很漂亮,可以说: A. Hes beautiful. B. Shes cool. C. Shes beautiful.( )3 你想告诉别人,你的头发很长,你会说: A. My hairs are long. B. My hair is long . C. My hair is short.( )4 你

10、想告诉别人你喜欢这些香蕉: A. Id like these bananas. B. I like these bananas. C. I like this banana.( )5 你想告诉别人,你买一件T恤衫花去了12元,可以说:A. Its twelve yuan. B. Im twelve. C. They are twelve yuan.六、选括号里所给词的适当形式填空。(10分,每空1分)1. How many (box boxes ) do you have?2. (Her She) is Nancy. eyes are big. (Her She)3. I like (robot robots). Look! This (robot robots)is cool. 4. Her hair _ (is are) long, and his eyes _(are is )big .5. How much _ (is are) the shoes? _ (Its Theyre) 45 yuan.6. I like _ (that those) pears in the box.七、下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正在横线上。(5分,判断与改错各0.5分)( ) 1. He hair is short. _ A B C( ) 2. He


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