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1、英语专业四级词汇(新大纲)a anabandon v. 抛弃,放弃The pretty woman abandoned her husband And went away with all their money.那个漂亮的女人抛弃了丈夫并卷走了两人所有的钱。The scheme was abandoned when it was discovered it would be very costly.当发现这个计划费用太高时,就放弃了。abbey n.abcabdomen n.腹部,下腹ability n.能力Now,a momentous queston scientists face is

2、 how to use mans growing ability to genetically alter DNA.现在,科学家面临的一个重要问题是如何利用人类不断增长的能力从基因方面改组脱氧核糖核酸。He soon received promotion,for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable ability.不久,他就得到了提升,因为他的上司认为他的能力很强。able a.能够的I shall be able to come tomorrow.明天我能来。abnormal a.不正常的EI Nino has r

3、esulted in the abnormal weather in many parts of the world .厄尔尼诺现象已经导致了世界很多地区的气候反常。His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days,the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.这三天来,他的体温很不正常,最高达到40.5摄氏度。Abnormal human behavior may be caused by eating substances that upset the delicate chemical

4、 banlance in the brain .人的某些不正常行为也许是由于食用某些会破坏大脑中脆弱的化学平衡的物质所致。aboard ad./prep.登上On board the plane, a pretty air hostess greeted the passengers with a sweet smail,saying “Welcome aboard!” again and again .登上飞机,一位漂亮的空中小姐带着甜美的微笑迎接乘客,一遍又一遍的说:“欢迎登机!”abolish v. 废除Slavery was abolished in America after the

5、 Civil War in the 19th century.美国的奴隶制是在19世纪的南北战争后废除的。abolition n.废除aboriginalaborigineaboundabout ad.大约There are a lot of colds about at the moment.眼下很多人患感冒。above ad. Prep.We were flying above the clouds.我们在云层上飞行。abridge v. abroad ad. 在国外abrupt a.出其不意的,突然的There are abrupt weather changes.天有不测风云。abru

6、ptlyabsence n. absence sharpens love between lovers.小别加深恋人间的感情。absent a.Long absent ,soon forgotten.谚别久情疏。absent-minded a.心不在焉的absolute a.绝对的There is no absolute standard for beauty .美丽是没有绝对标准的。He is quite sure that its absolutely impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.他十分肯定,对他来说两天内完

7、成这项任务是绝对不可能的。absolutely ad.绝对地absolve v.absorb vt.吸收;Put some orange peels in the refrigerator andthey can absorb odd smell .把橘子皮放进冰箱里可以吧异味吸掉。be absorbed in sth .专心于某事He is so absorbed in his work that it would be a pity to disturb him .他干活那么专注,真不忍心去打扰他。She was so absorbed in her job that she didnt

8、hear anybody knocking at the door.他工作非常专心,以至有人敲门也没有听见。absorption n.吸收abstract a.抽象的The advice of cloning babies,however sound in the abstract ,is always dangerous when applied to practice.泛泛而谈克隆婴儿不管多么动听,付诸实施总是很危险。in the abstract 抽象地,理论上The author was required to submit an abstract of about 200 words

9、 together with his research paper.作者被要求提交研究论文是随附一篇大约200字的摘要。It is said that somewhere between the age of6 and 9,children begin to think abstractly instead of concretely.据说,小孩在6岁到9岁的某个阶段就开始发展抽象思维并取代形象思维。absurd a. 荒谬可笑的The idea that number “13” brings bad luck seems to be quite absurd.认为13是个不吉利的数字,这一观

10、念似乎挺荒唐可笑的。Even sensible men do absurd things sometimes.即使是明智的人有时候也会做些荒唐的事。It is absurb that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.做同样工作的女性获得的报酬应该比男性少,这真的荒谬透顶。There was once an absurb idea that the earth was flat and motionless .曾经有过一种荒谬的观点,认为地球是平的而且是静止不动的。abundance n. 大量

11、Nowadays in any city in China you can find an abundance of goods of all types and prices.现在,在中国的任何一个城市你都能看到大量各种各样、价位不一的商品。abundant a.丰富的The country is abundant in /with natural resources.这个国家的自然资源很丰富。Sea food of all kinds is abundant in the states that border the oceans.沿海各洲都盛产各种海鲜。abuse v.滥用Dont ab

12、use your previlige.不要滥用你的特权。It has been revealed that some government leaders abused their authority and positon to get illegal profits for themselves.据透漏,一些政府领导滥用职权,非法谋利。academic a.学院的;学术的A business-management major with a remarkable academic record, he easily got a well-paid job in a big firm.由于是工

13、商管理专业毕业,且学习成绩优异,所以他轻而易举地在一家大公司找到了一份高薪的工作。academy n.学院The Oscar Academy Award is granted by theU.S. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.奥斯卡金像奖是由美国电影艺术科学院颁发的。accelerate vt.(使)加速Does your heartbeat accelerate when you see the person of your heart?见到心上人时,你的心跳是否加速?Hill slopes are cleared of fores

14、ts to make way for crops,but this only accelerate the crisis.为种庄稼,山坡上的植被被清楚掉了,但这样只会加剧危险。accidental a.偶然的;非本质的accent n.口音accept v.接受Ive received a gift from him,but Im not goingto accept it . 我已收到他送的礼物,但我不准备接受。acceptable a.可接受的access n.(使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利 ,通路All children should have access to a good ed

15、ucation.所有儿童都应该有机会接受良好的教育。Undergraduate students have no access to the rare books in the school library.本科生无权查阅学校图书馆的珍藏书籍。Only a few people have access to the full facts of the incident.只有少数人能够了解到事件的全部事实。There is no access to to the house from the main road.主干道没有通向这所房子的路。Over a third of the population was estimated to have no access to the health services.据估计,有超过三分之一的人口无法获得保健服务。The peop


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