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1、 M11 Body language Vocabulary1 摇晃_ 2 微笑_ 3 游客_ 4 拥抱_ 5 一起_6 触摸_ 7 手指_ 8 膝盖_ 9 嘴_ 10 外国的_11 个人的_ 12 礼貌的_ 13 事实_ 14 粗鲁的_15 英国人的_ 16 德语_ 17 俄语_ Phrases 1 握手_ 2 相互_ 3 臂挽臂的_ 4 一点也不_5 事实上_ 6 搬走_ 7 向某人挥手_8 按时_ 9 点头_ 10 太而不能_11 朝微笑_ 12 吻别/挥别_13 搬到某地_ 14 在校_ 15 外语_ Sentences 1 当我们会见参观者的时候我们中国人经常握手并微笑,并且有时候我们

2、会点头。 _2 在美国,一些人握手,一些人亲吻或相互拥抱。 _3 但是在英国许多人一点儿也不喜欢别人触碰他们。 _4 很简单,挥手说再见。 _ Grammar 祈使句 1.定义: 表达叮嘱、劝告、愿望、希望、禁止、请求或命令等的句子。 2 句式特点:a. 一般无主语。 说话的对象为第二人称的“你”或“你们”,即省略主语 you. b. 动词原形开头,无人称和数的变化。 Shake hands. Be on time. c. 否定句式:Dont + do Dont shout in the classroom. d. 语气: 表达请求,please;表示强烈语气,感叹号。 M11 随堂达标测试一

3、、单选1. Our new students _ here soon. A. is going to arrive in B. is going to arrive C. are going to arrive D. are going to arrive at 2. I like talking _ my best friend Lily after class. A. to B. in C. at D. for 3. -Well have a hiking trip, when shall we _? - Lets make it at half past eight _ the morn

4、ing of June 21st. A. meet; in B. meet; on C. met; in D. meeting; on 4. -Im very tired these days because of studying for physics. - Why not _ music? It can make you _. A. listen to; relaxing B. to listen to; to relax C. listening to; relax D. listen to; relax 5. Its important _ to the teacher carefu

5、lly. A. listen B. to listening C. to listen D. listened 6. In Britain many people dont like _ people to touch them at all. A. other B. another C. the other D. others 7. Tina was late, the teacher asked her to come to school _ next time. A. at time B. some time C. on time D. in time 8. In our class,

6、its not polite to look _, you should listen to the teacher carefully. A. else somewhere B. somewhere else C. anywhere else D. else anywhere 9. -Will you please _ up the flowers? -Sorry, I _. A. not pick; wont B. dont pick; dont C. not pick; dont D. dont pick; wont 10. Basketball is _ game in the wor

7、ld that _ people play it for fun and exercise. A. so popular a ; millions of B. such popular a; millions of C. such a popular; millions D. so popular a ; two millions 二、完成下列句子 1. They are looking forward _(visit) the Summer Palace. 2. _ (not write) on the wall. 3. Julie k_ her mother good night befo

8、re she went to bed. 4. There are lots of f_ students in Jilin University. 5. English is so hard that I cant learn it well. (同义句) English is _ _ _ _ _ _ well. 6. 那是容易的,挥手告别的。 Thats easy, _ to _ _.7. 不要和北美人站的太近。 _ stand _ close _ North Americans. 8. 我们应当微笑着面对生活。 We should _ _ life. 9. 他10岁时候随父母搬到了大连。 At the age of ten, he _ _ Dalian with his parents. 10. This iPhone 5 is one of the _ (参观者). He is looking for it everywhere. 2



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