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1、外研版五年级上册英语教学设计2019年8月Module1 Unit1 There wasnt a clock here before.【教学目标】 知识技能目标(1)学会以下单词和词组:before(以前)现在(now)不同点(difference)操场(playground)钟(clock)房子(house)两年前(two years ago)喂鸟(feed the birds)长凳(bench)(2)学会使用以下句式:There was a There wasnt a There is a There isnt a There were some There werent anyThere

2、 are some There arent any 情感态度目标通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学进行交流,教会学生用不同语境时态来描述环境变化的。培养同学们对环境变化的观察力,使同学养成注重观察细节、观察生活的情感态度。【教学重难点】对于学生而言,正确使用句式:There was a 或There wasnt a 既是重点也是难点,让学生表述环境变化也是难点,教师要采用多种方式进行操练。【课前准备】电子白板、课件【教学过程】1、课堂导入:教师可通过与学生交流,了解学生的假期生活。提问:How was your summer vacation?Where did you go

3、on summer vacation?When did you come back?2、学习课文:下面,我们听Lingling Sam和Amy的对话,看看他们为我讲述什么故事。(进入课文学习)提问:(1)We know Lingling is going to go to England with Amy. Today they are going to go to the park. Lets study. Please open yours books and look at the pictures and then answer the questions.(2)Where are t

4、hey?(3)Whats the park like now?教读: There are swings here.There is a pond.There are ducks, too.3、指导学生看图,理解,教师一边指导学生看图,一边帮助学生了解课文内容。4、教师让同学与自己的同桌进行模拟对话。5、根据图片学习本课的新单词,教读单词:before(以前) 不同的(different) 滑梯(slide)鸭子(duck)操场(playground)秋千(swing)池塘(pond)等。6、听课文录音,跟读课文。7、训练任务:完成Practise巩固同学们对本课知识的掌握。【教学后记】Unit

5、2 There are tall trees now.1 【教材分析】通过两张操场的对比图引出本课内容,学习big和small,little和tall的对比,继续让孩子们巩固There be 句型在过去时态的用法,【教学目标】知识目标1、复习unit 1中的单词和词组;2、能熟练掌握单词 before now playground;3、There was There were There is There are句型的理解和运用。能力目标能初步运用句型There was There were There is There are描述事物或场景的变化,在图文或场景中灵活运用本课内容。情感目标通过

6、对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学进行交流,教会学生用不同语境时态来描述环境变化的。培养同学们对环境变化的观察力,使同学养成注重观察细节、观察生活的情感态度。同时培养同学们小组合作意识,爱校爱家的美好情感。鼓励学生仔细观察,积极动脑。教学重难点【教学重点】运用句型there was, there were, there is, there are描述事物或场景的变化。【教学难点】there was, there were, there is, there are句型结构的理解和运用。【课前准备】Tape recorder, Multimedia【教学过程】Step 1. Warm-

7、up出示五张图片,学生认读记忆图片(图片内容以单数形式出现)。再出示十张图片,其中包含刚才学生读过的五张图,学生根据自己的记忆用There was a before. There wasnt a before.来说。同样方法出示内容为复数形式的图片,There were before. There werent before.Step 2. Presentation1. Before Listening:(出示挂图)T: Look at the pictures of the school.Does it look different now?S: Yes, it does.2. While

8、listening:1) 听CD-ROM,每一遍解决一个问题。Q1: How about the trees?There were lots of little trees here.Now there are tall trees. Q2: How about the playground?playground 操场, 教读。There was a small playground here.Now there is a big playground.2) Listen and repeat. Then practice.Step 3. After listening方式:跟读,自读,分角色

9、朗读等。1) How about our school?trees, playground, classroom, school gate There were . Now there are There was . Now there is Example:There was a small school gate.Now there is a big school gate.2) Look and say.a) What can you see in Picture 1?A small blackboard, small desks, small chairs What can you s

10、ee in Picture 2?A computer, a big blackboard, big desks, big chairs b) Find the differences.Example:There were small desks in the classroom before.There are big desks in the classroom now.c) Practice in pairs. Example:(Student A closes his/her book.)B: There were small desks in the classroom before.

11、A: There are big desks in the classroom now.After three turns, the students should swap roles.Step 4. HomeworkA. Listen and repeat.B. Try to sing the song.C. Write something about our school.【教学后记】Unit2 There are tall trees now.2【教学目标】 知识技能目标(1)学会以下单词和词组:孩子(child)兄弟(brother)家庭(family)图画、照片(picture)学

12、校(school)钟(tree)课桌(desk)教室(classroom)鸡(chicken)鸡蛋(egg)(2)复习unit 1中的单词和词组:Before(以前)现在(now)不同点(difference)鸭子(duck)操场(playground)钟(clock)房子(house)两年前(two years ago)喂鸟(feed the birds)长凳(bench) 情感态度目标通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学进行交流,教会学生用不同语境时态来描述环境变化的。培养同学们对环境变化的观察力,使同学养成注重观察细节、观察生活的情感态度。同时培养同学们小组合作意识,爱校爱

13、家的美好情感。鼓励学生仔细观察,积极动脑。【教学重难点】本课中要求学生记忆并使用更多新单词和新短语,对于学生而言,正确使用句式:There was a 或There wasnt a 既是重点也是难点,让学生表述环境变化也是难点,教师要采用多种方式进行操练。以学唱歌曲的轻快方式,让同学加深记忆。 【课前准备】教材的配套光盘教材配套的单词卡片教师准备的图片课堂所需课件【教学过程】1、课堂导入:出示五张图片,学生认读记忆图片(图片内容以单数形式出现)。再出示十张图片,其中包含刚才学生读过的五张图,学生根据自己的记忆用“There was a before. There wasnt a Before.

14、”来说。同样方法出示内容为复数形式的图片“There were before. There werent Before”。然后,出示五张图片,学生认读记忆图片(图片内容以单数形式出现)。再出示十张图片,其中包含刚才学生读过的五张图,学生根据自己的记忆用“There was a before. There wasnt a Before.”来说。2、学习课文:下面,我们看到的,是同一学校的两张不同时间拍下的照片。学生阅读书上的课文,教师播放课文录音,在每句后停顿,学生跟读,同时回答问题。问题1:How about the trees?回答:There were lots of little trees here. Now there are tall trees.问题2: How about the playground?



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