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1、Subject: Successful Princeton Applicant Through all of my accomplishments and disappointments, I have always been especially proud of the dedication and fervor I possess for my personal beliefs and values. Unfortunately, it has often been difficult for me to remain outwardly firm and confident in a

2、town where most people think alike and reject exceptions. Whenever I have expressed my position as a pro-life advocate, peers have badgered, accused, and ridiculed me for simply believing in something that they scorn. Despite all the pressure, I never waive red from my belief, yet I became frustrate

3、d and began to lose the courage to publicly express my opinion on this controversial topic. To gain some insight and reassurance for myself, I attended the New Jersey Right to Life Convention in the spring of 1995. This experience uplifted me and offered great inspiration and enlightenment. At the c

4、onvention I received an overwhelming amount of support and encouragement from wonderful people who advocate the very principles I believe in. This convention was so inspiring that the next day in school I was able to relate my experience to one of my biggest opponents on the subject. Also, the abund

5、ant information available at the convention enabled me to defend my position on abortion more effectively. Attending this convention accomplished two things. It proved my commitment to my belief, in that I took the initiative to strengthen and support my opinion, refusing to give up or lose heart. U

6、nlike many others, I was eager and willing to gain new knowledge so I may successfully promote my belief to others. In addition, this convention invigorated my confidence to stand up for what I believe in and taught me to never lose the courage of my convictions * Subject: Successful Cornell Applica

7、nt Tell us about opinion have you had to defend. How has this affected your belief system? I chuckle to myself every time I think about this. I am perceived as a mild-mannered, intelligent individual until I mention that I am involved in riflery. It is interesting to watch someones expression change

8、. It is as if I instantaneously grew a pair of horns and a sharp set of claws. Believe me this gets worst; I am a member of the NRA. I try to tell these folks that I belong to the NRA to fire my rifle. “Oh my God! You fire real guns? with real bullets?!?“ they remark with a perplexed look on their f

9、ace. Besides having horns and claws, I now possess a tail and leathery wings. This is how it began five years ago. I had played on a soccer team for several years. As I grew older I began having difficulty playing soccer because of shortness of breath. I was diagnosed as having mild asthma, which en

10、ded my soccer career and eliminated my participation in most physical sports. Shortly afterward, during a Boy Scout summer camp, I participated in riflery at their shooting range. This was the first time I had ever touched a firearm. To my amazement, I won the camps first place award for marksmanshi

11、p. I was more than eager when a friend of mine asked me if I would like to join a shooting club. My parents were wary when I asked to join the rifle club. My mother feared guns, but my father felt there was no problem with trying this sport. Gratefully, he gave me the opportunity to try rifle marksm

12、anship, despite secretly hoping that I would quit. Both of my parents were afraid of what people would think about their sons involvement with guns. Like my parents a majority of people believe that all firearms are dangerous to our society. All they remember are the hysterical news releases of stre

13、et violence and injured children. I am often asked how many deer Ive shot. Frankly, I could never bring myself to injure another living creature and neither would most of the competitors I have met. Yet, I keep finding myself defending the sport from all of the misconceptions that surround it. Most

14、people have developed a negative impression of the sport and I have found that these prejudices are difficult, if not impossible, to rectify. Because of this conflict, I have become an open minded individual. I express my opinions without reservation, and I have learned to accept opinions and viewpo

15、ints contrary to my own. I do not intend to alter what I enjoy because of the ignorance of friends and acquaintances. If people have a negative view of me simply because of the sport I am active in, then they must be so superficial that they cannot see the person who I really am. I am no longer appr

16、ehensive of being perceived as a gun toting, trigger happy fanatic, even though I still endeavor to educate my friends and relatives on the beauty of this sport. * Subject: East Asian Studies Its not often that a kid growing up in small-town New Mexico strikes up a passion for Chinese civilization. Nevertheless, my interest in different cultures flourished during my childhood and adolescence in New Mexico. The beauty and breathta


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