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1、目录 在ADE 中自动设置model library.3 About Spectre output format4 A question about ADE Line Broken 5 Simulate with netlist using spectre in ADE.7 spectre arithmetic exception8 Import CDL.9 Assign Net Expression.10 Transient NOT Converge11 SWEEP PARAMETER WITH CORNER ANALYSIS13 设置Corner Analysis14 Multiple M

2、odel Library15 Revise/Add Property Name through CDF Editor.16 Measure DAC INL/DNL with Verilog-A Measure Cell in ahdlLib17 电路图和 Verilog module 的混合仿真.20 spectreVerilog with Hierarchical Verilog Design.22 Problem with Calculator and Wavescan26 Interrupt and Recovering from a Transient Analysis28 Spect

3、re Simulation in the Background.33 Instantiate Cells with Parameters and the Related PEX - 1 - Problem35 ncelab unable to find a unit named mixedsignal_236 May I import the attached verilog AMS files using Import - Verilog 38 May I run Monte Carlo in parallel.39 PIN/NET Name Clide 42 Release Locked

4、Cells with clsAdminTool.43 Capacitance Table44 - 2 - 在在ADE 中自动设置中自动设置 model library envSetVal(“asimenv.startup“ “simulator“ string “spectre“) asiSetEnvOptionVal(asiGetTool(spectre) “modelFiles“ list(list(“/home1/cdsmgr/data/tsmc18RF1p6m/models/spectre/rf018.scs“ “tt“) list(“/home1/cdsmgr/data/tsmc18

5、RF1p6m/models/spectre/rf018.scs“ “tt_3v“) 费老劲了,找了半天没有 solution,后来研究半天 tsmc 的 pdk 才知道. 这样你可以把上面那两句放到.cdsinit 文件中,就把这个文件放到你的工作目录就行了. 我 觉得如果你们用标准的 PDK 的话,应该自动就会有这个功能,至少我在 tsmc 的里面看到了. About Spectre output format There are two ways to change Spectre output format from sst2 to psfbin. 1. You can add this

6、 line to your .cdsenv: spectre.envOpts simOutputFormat string “psfbin“ 2. Use in location ADE-Setup-Environment-userCmdLineOption : -format psfbin A question about ADE Line Broken hnlMaxLineLength 的正确设置方法如下, hnlSetDef( hnlMaxLineLength 72 ) 可以在CIW 中输入,也可以在.simrc 里面定义。 参 考 Open Simulation System Refe

7、renceTM, Product Version 5.1.41 , Chapter 6, Customizing the HNL Net-Based Netlister 。http:/ 以下是Cadence技术支持人员提供的方法,第一次有效,后来常常无效。上面的新方法也是一 次有效,然后就无效。 - 没错,我得到RD那边的解释也是说是程序和path会断成两行,中间插入了个多余的空格. 你可以自己在home目录或者你的工作目录建个文件叫.simrc 比如在里面写上 hnlMaxLineLength

8、= 2000 对仿真我现在也只能在tool方面帮你看一下,电路方面我是初学,还得跟你们多 学习,因为我主要是在后端. 你们公司的欧阳我们都是哥们,呵呵. 不用客气. /*zsgaocadence 021 - 61222367*/ From: Yawei Guo mailto: Sent: 2007年 12月 7 日 10:56 To: Jason Gao Subject: 答复: A question about ADE 谢谢。问题解决了。我刚才又观察了一下,给你的出错信息中忽略了一个细节。 Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. “inp

9、ut.scs” 8: Unable to open input file /export/edatools/IC5.1.41/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/quan tity.spectre. No such file or directory. 区别在于那一行变成了两行。 打开 input.scs 文件,那一句是 Include “/export/edatools/IC5.1.41/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/quan tity.spectre” 这样就找不到那个文件。 手工修改这一句就好了。 也许是续行的符号 没

10、起作用,也许是多了空格或回车。 你告诉我的那个hnlMaxLineLength=2000,我理解是增大行的长度到 2000 字符。这 样就不会有额外的续行。 在 ADE窗口里create netlist,生成的input.scs文件 中那一句变成 Include “/export/edatools/IC5.1.41/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/quantity.spectre” 你真的对 Cadence 很熟悉啊,问过好几次技术支持,你这里总是最快最准确的。 顺便再问一下,.simrc 在哪里? 发件人发件人: : Jason Gao mailto: 发

11、送时间发送时间: : 2007 年 12 月 7 日 10:26 收件人收件人: : Yawei Guo 主题主题: : RE: A question about ADE 在 ciw 里面打 hnlMaxLineLenght=2000,或者在.simrc 里面加上 /*zsgaocadence 021 - 61222367*/ From: Yawei Guo mailto: Sent: 2007年 12月 5 日 19:06 To: china_crc Subject: A question about ADE Hi, When I simulate with Spectre in ADE,

12、it reports an error shown below. Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. “input.scs” 8: Unable to open input file /export/edatools/IC5.1.41/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/quantity.spectre. No such file or directory. How do I solve this problem? Thanks. 郭亚炜 鼎芯通讯(上海)有限公司 Tel: +86-21-50804588

13、-198 Fax: +86-21-50804788 Email: Simulate with netlist using spectre in ADE If I have the spice model of LM7372 shown in the attachment and a schematic of DAC. How do I simulate the DAC and LM7372 together in ADE? I have schematic of the DAC, but the spice model of LM7372 is netlist only. Solution:

14、 Open ADE, click setup - Simulation Files. Then fill in the Include path and Stimulus File. An example is the spice netlist for the output driver which is used in DAC testing. driver.sp.txt # Ouput Driver for DAC018T40M 10-bit current-steering DAC testing * Change R1, R2, R3, and R4 from 400 to 200

15、* Add RL1. .include LM7372.MOD XOP1 IN- IN+ V+ V- OUT_Q LM7372 R1 OUT_QN IN- 200 R2 IN- OUT_Q 200 R3 OUT_QP IN+ 200 R4 IN+ 0 200 V+ V+ 0 5 V- V- 0 -5 RL1 OUT_Q 0 150 RL OUT_Q 0 50 $ The input impedance of Spectrum Analyzer .PLOT V(IN+) V(IN-) V(V+) V(V-) V(OUT_Q) spectre arithmetic exception 在尝试 Ken

16、 Kundert的例子时候出现一个算法异常。这个例子是为演示 Simulating Switched- Capacitor Filters with SpectreRF而设计的tah.ckt。出错的过程如下。 I simulate the circuitry with the following command. Spectre E tah.ckt It terminates with an fatal error. The simulation is recorded in the file error.log. Would you please resolve the problem for me? Thank you



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