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1、2003 Southwestern Publishing Company,1,The Internal Environment: Resources, Capabilities and Core Competence,Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson,Chapter 3,2,Strategy Implementation,Chapter 11 Organizational Structure and Controls,Chapter 10 Corporate Governance,Chapter 12 Strategic

2、Leadership,Strategy Formulation,Strategic Competitiveness Above-Average Returns,Strategic Intent Strategic Mission,Chapter 2 The External Environment,Chapter 3 The Internal Environment,The Strategic Management Process,Feedback,Strategic Inputs,Strategic Actions,Strategic Outcomes,Chapter 13 Strategi

3、c Entrepreneurship,Chapter 6 Corporate- Level Strategy,Chapter 9 Cooperative Strategy,Chapter 5 Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics,Chapter 8 International Strategy,Chapter 4 Business-Level Strategy,Chapter 7 Acquisition and Restructuring Strategies,3,Sustainability of a Competitive Advanta

4、ge競爭優勢之持久性,Sustainability of a competitive advantage is a function of: the rate of core-competence obsolescence due to environmental changes老化速度 the availability of substitutes for the core competence替代品 the imitability of the core competence複製,4,External and Internal Analyses,By studying the extern

5、al environment, firms identify what they might choose to do,Opportunities and threats,5,External and Internal Analyses,By studying the internal environment, firms identify what they can do,Unique resources, capabilities, and core competencies (sustainable competitive advantage),External and Internal

6、 Analyses,6,Challenge of Internal Analysis,How do we effectively manage current core competencies while simultaneously developing new ones?現有與新核心能力 How do we assemble bundles of resources, capabilities and core competencies to create value for customers?組合與創造價值 How do we learn to change rapidly?迅速變革

7、,7,Three Conditions Affecting Managerial Decisions About Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies,Uncertainty regarding characteristics of the general and the industry environments, competitors actions, and customers preferences Complexity regarding the interrelated causes shaping a firms envi

8、ronments and perceptions of the environments Intraorganizational Conflicts among people making managerial decisions and those affected by them,8,內在環境分析的關鍵問題包括:,下列三種情況,使管理者很難制定資源、能力與核心能力方面有關決策:,若能克服上述三項關鍵性問題, 將會是難得的企業能力,9,Components of Internal Analysis,10,Resources are what a firm has to work with-i

9、ts assets-including its people and the value of its brand name,Resources represent inputs into a firms production process. such as capital equipment, skills of employees, brand names, finances and talented managers,11,Tangible Resources Financial Physical Human resources Organizational,Intangible Re

10、sources Technological Innovation Reputation,12,Capabilities become important when they are combined in unique combinations which create core competencies which have strategic value and can lead to competitive advantage,13,Capabilities are what a firm does, and represent the firms capacity or ability

11、 to integrate individual firm resources to achieve a desired objective,14,Core competencies are resources and capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage over rivals Core competencies distinguish a company competitively and make it distinctive McKinsey and Co. recommends using three

12、 to four competencies when framing strategic actions,15,Valuable: Capabilities that help a firm neutralize threats or exploit opportunities,16,Rare: Capabilities that are not possessed by many others,17,Costly to imitate: capabilities that other firms cannot develop easily, usually due to Unique his

13、torical conditions Causal ambiguity Social complexity,18,Nonsubstitutable: capabilities that do not have strategic equivalents Invisible to competitors Firm specific knowledge Trust-based working relationships between managers and nonmanagerial personnel,19,Core Competence as a Strategic Capability,

14、The source of,Does it satisfy the criteria of sustainable competitive advantage?,Yes,No,20,Performance Implications,Valuable?,Rare?,Costly to Imitate?,Nonsubstitutable,Competitive Consequences,Performance Implications,No,No,No,No,Competitive Disadvantage,Below Average Returns,Yes,No,No,Yes/ No,Compe

15、titive Parity,Average Returns,Yes,Yes,No,Yes/ No,Temporary Com- petitive Advantage,Above Average to Average Returns,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Sustainable Com- petitive Advantage,Above Average Returns,21,價值鏈分析 價值系統 確認主要價值活動 資源的利用與控制,價值活動的相對比較,資源與活動的平衡評估,確認組織的優勢與劣勢,確認核心競爭能力,22,價值系統,產業價值鏈 指上中下游企業的價值系統 分析價值系統的目的在

16、於確認上下游(供應商與購買者)之間的關係與對企業經營的影響 例如供應商的交貨能力將會影響企業的生產與交貨,23,確認主要的價值活動,價值活動的分類 基本活動/支援性活動 可以增加最終產品價值的活動 考量每項活動的成本與可能創造的利潤 考量可以改善的現有活動 活動分類- 按照不同經濟效益 按照對產品差異化的衝擊 按照對成本的衝擊,24,Service,Marketing & Sales,Outbound Logistics,Operations,Inbound Logistics,Firm Infrastructure,Human Resource Mgmt.,Technological Development,Procurement,Margin,Margin,Primary Activities,Support Activities,The Basic Value Chain,25,資源的利用與管制,如何利用與管制有限資源,以降低成本與增加產品在顧客心目中的價值 檢討每一項活



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