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1、防作弊页眉 防作弊页脚 合同编号: Project No. 深圳万科第五园七期景观工程设计合同深圳万科第五园七期景观工程设计合同 Shenzhen Tangyue Large phase II project Landscape Design Service Agreement 项目名称: 深圳万科第五园七期 项目建设地点:中国深圳 设计内容 : 景观设计合同 委托方(甲方): 深圳市万科南城房地产有限公司 承接方(乙方): Karl Princic Design/Intaran Design Inc 签订日期:2010 年 8 月 Project Name: VANKE TANGYUE SH

2、ENZHEN Project Location:SHENZHEN CHINA Design Content: LANDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICE Party A: SHENZHEN VANKE XINGYE REAL ESTATE CO. LTD., Party B: Karl Princic Design/Intaran Design Inc Execution Date:Mar. 2010 防作弊页眉 防作弊页脚 目录目录 CATALOGUE 1.合同依据合同依据 2.项目概况项目概况 3.设计依据设计依据 4.设计范围设计范围 5.双方权利义务双方权利义务 6.费用、付款及

3、设计成果费用、付款及设计成果 7.违约责任违约责任 8.合同生效、终止及结束合同生效、终止及结束 9.一般条款一般条款 1.Bases of the Agreement 2.General Description of the Project 3.Bases of the Design 4.Scope of the Design 5.Rights and Obligations 6.Fees, Payment and Delivery of Documents 7.Liability for Breach of the Agreement 8.Execution and Termination

4、 9.Miscellaneous 防作弊页眉 防作弊页脚 1:合同依据:合同依据 合同与下列法律条款一致: 1.1 中华人民共和国合同法 、 中华 人民共和国建筑法 1.2 建设工程勘查设计市场管理规定 及其它有关建筑工程勘察设计的管 理法规和规章。 1.3 相关建设工程审批文件。 2:项目概况:项目概况 2.1 项目名称:深圳万科第五园七期 2.2 项目地点:中国深圳 2.3 建设规模:中国深圳万科第五园七 期项目总占地面积 68951。 3:设计依据:设计依据 3.1 合同所规定的内容。 3.2 甲方所提供的景观设计任务书 。 3.3 甲方确认的建筑底层平面图、市政 红线图及相关的基础资料

5、,如地勘 报告、水文报告等。 3.4 设计规范和规定应按照中华人民共 和国深圳市有关设计规范和设计规 定。 4:设计范围:设计范围 4.1 设计内容设计内容 4.2 设计深度设计深度 4.3 成果要求成果要求 详见附件详见附件景观设计任务书景观设计任务书 5:双方权利义务:双方权利义务 5.1 甲方权利义务甲方权利义务 1: Bases of the Agreement This Agreement is entered into in accordance with of the following laws: 1.1 “Agreement Law of Peoples Republic o

6、f China”, “Building Code of the Peoples Republic of China”; 1.2 “Market Administration Regulations for Engineering Construction Projects and Geological Surveys” and other relevant laws, codes and regulations; 1.3 The approved documents concerning Project construction. 2:General Description 2.1 Proje

7、ct Name: VANKE SHENZHEN TANGYUE 2.2 Project Location: Dongguan, China. 2.3 Project Scope:The TangYue Large phase II project is located in Dongguan, The project total property area of 350000 m2, landscape area of 108605m2. 3: Bases of the Design 3.1 Contents stipulated in the Agreement. 3.2 Specifica

8、tions for the schematic design, development design provided by Party A. 3.3 First floor plan, property line, master plan, design sub area graphic etc. proved by Party A. 3.4 Requirements,Interpretation verification of SZ government and Peoples Republic of China. 4: Design Scope 4.1 Design Content 4.

9、2 List of Documents 4.3 Specification of Deliverables Refer to Design Brief 5: Rights and Obligations 防作弊页眉 防作弊页脚 5.1.1 甲方按本合同规定的内容,向乙 方提交景观设计所必需的资料和 文件作为乙方设计的依据,并对 其完整性和正确性负责。 5.1.2 甲方应按本合同规定的金额和时 间向乙方支付设计费用。在设计 过程中,如因甲方的需要,对已 确认的设计要求做出重大修改, 而造成乙方增加额外开支,费用 由甲方负责,具体费用由甲乙双 方协商确定。 5.1.3 在收到乙方提交的阶段性设计文

10、 件后,甲方应及时以书面形式确 认,明确的提出修改意见及完成 时间。 5.1.4 甲方指定 陈悫陈悫 为本项目甲方负责 人;乙方指定 Karl Princic 为本 项目主要设计师,如果乙方更换 本项目设计负责人或主要设计师, 须提前一周书面以公文并法人签 字通知甲方,同时须征得甲方同 意。 5.1.5 甲方负责本合同中各方面与设计 内容相关的人员,在现场交流中 的组织协调工作。甲方负责景观 设计各阶段向政府部门进行申报 工作。 5.1.6 甲方上级对设计文件不审批或本 合同项目停缓建,甲方应按乙方 实际完成的工作量支付应付的设 计费。 5.1.7 若由于甲方的原因延误设计工期, 合同条款中相

11、应的出图日期将向 后顺延。 5.1 Rights and Obligations of Party A 5.1.1 Party A shall provide necessary documents and information to Party B as Party of the bases of the Project design performed by Party B and shall assume the responsibility for their integrity and exactness. 5.1.2Party A shall pay Party B for th

12、e Project design in accordance with the Agreement. If material modification is made by Party B according to the order of Party A, which causes additional expense, Party A shall pay Party B the additional incurred fees. The amount of such additional fees shall be negotiated in good faith by both Part

13、ies. 5.1.3Party A shall check and accept the design documents in writing in time after receipt. And Party A shall indicate its revise comments and time requirement. 5.1.4Party A assigns wayne as its Principal of the Project, and Party B assigns Karl Princic as its Principal of the project may not ch

14、ange its Principal or main architect without 7-day prior written notification to and written approval of Party A. 5.1.5Party A will arrange for communication between each design firm of the Parties and apply for the commissioning of the Project. 5.1.6If the parent company of Party A refuses to appro

15、ve the design or the Project is suspended, Party A shall pay Party B based on the amount of the design work performed by Party B and delivered to Party A in accordance with the relevant articles of this Agreement. 5.1.7If the schedule of the Project is delayed because of Party A, the design work delivery date shall be postponed accordingly. 防作弊页眉 防作弊页脚 5.1.8 对于乙方为履行本合同向甲方提 供的所有阶段性和最终设计成果, 及因履行本合同所产生的其他研 究成果,双方同意其所含有的一 切知识产权含著作权、申请专利 权和专利权等权利属于甲方所有 。成果提交甲方后,经甲方书面 同意,乙方可以发明人/作者的名 义在学术研究领域发表、申报评 奖。甲方在征询乙方



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