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2、ire extinguisher in plastic injection mold design AbstractPlastic mold is the plastics industry and plastic molding machine form a complete set, give plastic products to complete configuration and accurate size of tools. The main topic is covered in mold design for the fire extinguisher, the fire ex

3、tinguisher covered with a light weight, easy to clean, corrosion-resistant aging, high strength, long service life, making easy, low prices and so on. The design is based mainly on plastic parts and plastic form of the process to determine the mold surface, gating system, select the injection machin

4、es, molding parts to calculate the size of mold, and the design of the Supporting Plate and other components. This design with some runner injection, using the oblique guide column core-pulling mechanism and and oblique slippery pieces of core-pulling mechanism for lateral core-pulling, push the fin

5、ish stripping. Through the entire design process that can be achieved in the mold plastic parts required in this process,movement is reliable, the structure is reasonable.Key words:Fire extinguisher plastic injection mould design;Injection mould;Point gate;Inclined guide pillarIII主要符号表 角 塑料制件尺寸公差 模具

6、成型零件制造公差 塑料对金属的摩擦系数I目 录摘要 .IAbstract .II主要符号表 .III1 绪论 .11.1 概述 .11.2 塑料模具发展状况 .21.3 本次设计的目的及意义 .32 塑件材料分析与方案论证 .52.1 塑件的工艺分析 .52.1.1 塑件的材料 .52.1.2 聚丙烯的基本特性 .52.1.3 聚丙烯的成型特点 .52.1.4 聚丙烯的注射成型工艺参数 .52.2 方案论证 .62.2.1 研究对象 .62.2.1 研究方案 .73 注射成型机的选择 .93.1 估算塑料体积 .93.2 注塑机的注射容量 .93.4 注塑机选择及其相关参数 .93.4.1 注塑机选择 .93.4.2 XS-ZY-1000 型注塑机的主要参数 .93.5 注塑机的校核 .103.5.1 最大注射量校核 .103.5.2 锁模力校核 .103.5.3 模具厚度校核 .103.5.4 开模行程校核 .114 浇注系统设计 .124.1 浇注系统的功能 .124.1.1 浇注系统的组成 .124.1.2 浇注系统设计


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