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1、宝宝满月宴相册/宝宝生日会相册/宝宝生活记录相册,记录人:,今日主角,在这美丽的夜晚,因您们的光临 我倍感幸福,谢谢大家,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now sta

2、rting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you

3、are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to,LOVELY,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the

4、center of the new lives you are now,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ alwa

5、ys be at the center of the new lives you are now,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to bui

6、ld together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are n

7、ow starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the n

8、ew lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at t

9、he center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Chr

10、ist always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,LOVELY,May Jesus Christ always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness.,谢谢观看,记录人:,


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