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1、 模块三综合练习一 单项选择1-5DADAD6-10DBDDB11-15AABDA1. Evidence has been found through years of study that_ childrens early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.A. whyB. howC. whetherD. that考查同位语从句2. The boy was observed _ basketball at eight oclock yesterday evening.A. playing B. play C.

2、 to play D. having played 考查 observe sb. doing 的被动 sb. be observed doing3. The house rent is high. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _ here.A. as three times muchB. as much three timesC. much as three timesD. three times as much考查倍数的表达: A is 倍数+as+adj. +as B 倍数+比较级 than B倍数 th

3、e +n.(size/height/weight) of B4. I wonder what makes him a good English teacher.He _ as a volunteer in the UK for three years, which helps with hiswork a lot.考查时态A. servedB. has served 干扰选项 C. servesD. had served5. We dont have enough money. _, we cannot afford to buy the new car.A. BesidesB. Howeve

4、rC. OtherwiseD. Therefore考查副词。句意:我们没有足够的钱。所以我们买不起这辆新车。6. With the good care taken by doctors and nurses, most patients injured in this traffic accident are beginning to _.A. make up 组成;编造;化妆;铺床;与。和好;弥补B. turn up 出现;调高音量C. take up 占据(时间、空间);开始从事做 take up doingD. pick up 捡起;搭载 sb;接收(信号);习得(语言);养成(习惯);

5、加快速度;恢复健康7._ she had time to realize what was happening, she was hit on the head.A. SinceB. Before 在之前,还没来得及C. WhenD. Until8.-He cant be at home now, for his door is locked.-He often workswith the door _locked_.A. having lockedB. to lockC. lockingD. locked考查 with 的复合结构With+宾语+doing (表主动,表进行)宾语+done(

6、表被动,表已发生)宾语+to do(表未发生)With lots of problems _(settle), the new president is having a hard time.9. Happiness is a feeling _that_ there is always something or somebody lighting up your eyes and making you want to sing for no reason.A. whenB. whichC. whetherD. that考查同位语从句。句意:幸福是一种感觉,这种感觉总是有东西或某人照亮你的眼睛

7、,让你想要无缘无故地唱歌。10. _ hearing the sound of soft footsteps, she wanted to run away, but fear _.A. After; held her quietB. On;held her still使某人一动不动C. Upon; held her firmlyD. As soon as; was holding her firm11. The government _attach_ special importance to the educational and inspirational resources.励志资源A

8、. attachedB. contributedC. ledD. indicated12. Snowfall and low temperatures havent made the animals move hurriedly for shelter 避难. _, they greet the snow with excitement, either enjoying the snowy landscape 景色 or tasting snowflakes 雪花.A. On the contrary 相反B.In conclusion 总之C. As a whole 作为整体D. Aside

9、 from 除。以外(不能单独使用)句意:降雪和气温低并没有使动物们匆忙的躲避。正相反,他们兴奋地享受这雪景或品尝这雪花。13. _ jokes are likely to contribute to a pleasant atmosphere, youve got to be careful not to hurt others.A. SinceB. While 放句首=AlthoughC.IfD. As14.Was it _Erics failing in the driving test again_made himdepressed沮丧的 this morning? Yes, I ca

10、nt agree more with you.A. that;whichB. which;thatC. which;whichD. that;that考查主语从句和强调句型。第一空是 that 引导的主语从句,陈述一个事实;第二空是强调句的 that,强调句子的主语。_Erics failing in the driving test again made him depressed this morning.15. He completely _ all the facts, almost as though they didnt exist.A. ignoredB. approvedC.

11、acceptedD. reduced句意:他完全将所有事实给忽略了,就像它们不存在似的。二 完型填空本篇完形填空文体是夹叙夹议型。主要讲了作者通过在河里划船遇到旋涡成功逃生的体验,而有了在生活中也要放眼全局,知道自己的关注点在哪里的启示。16-20 ACBAD21-25ADBDA26-30 CABCA31-35 ACBAD1. For our family vacations when our children were younger, we often went river rafting 漂流. Rafting meant we could be together as a family

12、, 16 interacting with the beauty of nature, and meet other people. Plus, it was 17adventurous , and being on the river meant our family never had to ask that 18 of questions: “What are we going to do today?” It was always clear 19 get in the boat and paddle downstream! This was our method for streng

13、theningfamily bonds 关系 with less20 .不用做过多的努力就能巩固家庭关系16. A. interact 互动B. goC. liveD. breathe17. A. inspiring 鼓舞人心的B. cautious 谨慎的C. adventurous 冒险的D.conscious 有意识的18. A. most curiousB. deadliest deadly 致命的;无聊的=dull/boringC. most interestingD. greatest19. A. get inB.get down to doing 开始认真做某事C. get of

14、fD. get round 走动;消息传开20. A. time B. communicationC.cooperation 合作D. effort 努力2. We also found that the river is always a great 21 . For example, sometimes your boat goes through a particularly difficult rapid and you find yourself thrown out of the boat and into the water. When this happens,sometimes you get caught in a22, where the water is churning(搅动)


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