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1、要点考点聚焦,flower,flowers,找规律,NOUN.,book,books,可数名词的复数变化规则:,1. 可数名词复数的规则变化: (1) 一般情况加词尾 -s,如 book-books, desk-desks等。 teacher- teachers doctor doctors,watch,es,box,es,bus,es,brush,es,(2) 以sh, ch , x,s 等结尾的名词,通常加词尾 -es:bus -buses, box -boxes, dish-dishes,match-matches(比赛),watch-watches等。,要点考点聚焦,找规律,tomat

2、oes,potatoes,heroes,NOUN.,negroes,radios,photos,找规律,zoos,pianos,NOUN.,negro(黑人) ; hero(英雄)-heroes ; potato- potatoes ; tomato- tomatoes; 黑人英雄喜欢吃土豆西红柿 radio-radios photo-photos piano-pianos,3) 以“o” 结尾,有生命加 es, 没生命加“s ”,Practice:,There are many (bus) and (car) on the street. .I have two (watch), so I

3、give a (watch) to my sister. Yesterday I went to the supermarket and bought some (dish),cars,buses,watches,watch,dishes,factories,baby,babies,factory,4) 以y 结尾的名词,其复数构成要分两种情况: 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,将 y 改为 ies; 如: city-cities, baby-babies 以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接加词尾-s: 如:toy / toys, holiday / holidays 等。,leaf,wolf,

4、wolves,leaves,knife,knives,记住以下要把f或者fe改成v加es的单词: 5) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时: a. 以f,fe 结尾变f/fe为v再加es的有: 小偷之妻生活难,自己扫叶来做饭; 忽见一狼藏架后,取刀把它劈两半。 如: thief-thieves wife-wives life-lives selfselves leaf-leaves wolf-wolves shelf-shelves knife-knives half-halves,重点,但roof-roofs(屋顶)是例外!,We need more (potato), can you go a

5、nd take some , please ? (Knife) are used for cutting things. Please remember give the horse some tree (leaf).,potatoes,Knives,news,leaves,- How many _ in the hospital?,- 30,A. man doctors,B. men doctor,C. men doctors,D. man doctor,名词的考点,可数不可数名词,名词所有格,可数名词变复数,不可数名词的使用规则,考点:三不规,不规则的变化: 英语中,有些名词的单数与复数同

6、行: 例:people、Chinese、Japanese、police fish 、 deer(鹿)、 sheep(绵羊) (中国人和日本人都喜欢绵羊,鹿和鱼) e.g: There are many fish in the river. We have a fish for lunch.,deer,sheep,deer,sheep,fish ,li,jin,yuan , mu ,Japanese ,Chinese等的单复数同形.,Yuan,dollars,meters,pounds,(7)单词中有oo的变复数时把oo变成ee tooth / teeth 牙齿 foot / feet 脚 go

7、ose / geese 鹅,注意:,1、一些以 man, woman 结尾的合成词,在构成复数时与 man, woman 的变化形式相同,如: policeman / policemen(警察), Police单复同形 Englishman / Englishmen (英国人), Frenchman/ Frenchmen(法国人) German/Germans,“某国人”的复数有三种类型: Chinese、Japanese 的单复数同型,不需要加“s”; Englishman、Frenchman ,复数要把“man”变为“men”; 注意:German是Germans! 3.其他各国人以an、

8、ian 结尾的均直接加“s”: 如Americans、Australians 、Indians,名词复数的不规则变化,有的名词单数变复数时,没有一定的规则,需特别记忆: man / men 男人 woman / women 女人 child / children 小孩 mouse / mice 老鼠 ox / oxen 公牛,不规则变化,child-children,woman-women,man-men,goose-geese,NOUN.,mouse - mice,foot -feet,注意:,复合名词变复数通常是将其主要名词变为复数: passer-by / passers-by 过路人

9、looker-on / lookers-on 旁观者 girl students boy players 若没有主要名词,则通常在最后一个词尾加s:,注意:,与man、woman两个词组成的复合词,名词本身和这个词都要变成复数。 如: Woman doctor/ women doctors Man worker/ men workers Man driver/ men drivers girl student/girl students boy player/ boy players,与众不同,NOUN.,scissors,shoes,pants,glasses,chopsticks,这样的名

10、词只有复数形式,不可数名词,常见的不可数名词 .drink- coffee, milk, tea 2.food-rice,bread,meatporridge, tofu, 3.sugar,salt,pepper,butter 4.weather-rain,snow,ice,cloud,wind 5.cotton,silk,wool,mental,paper,wood,glass,plastic 6.English,Chinese,Japanese,French,German 7.history,maths,science,physics,biology,PE,music,art 8.help

11、,confidence,courage,success,danger,safe 9.work,homework,teamwork,news,money,advice,物质名词(如: water水) 抽象名词(如:happiness幸福),不可数名词 数量的表达法: 通过改变量词形式的方法来表示不可数名词的量,a bottle of milk-two bottles of milk a piece of meat-three pieces of meat,不可数名词没有复数形式,可数名词和不可数名词的数量表达,a bottle of juice,a glass of orange,two box

12、es of milk,不可数名词,NOUN.,既可做不可数名词,又可做可数名词的:,不可数名词 可数名词,paper 纸 a paper glass 玻璃 a glass iron 铁 a iron room 空间 a room chicken 鸡肉 a chicken beauty 美 a beauty,一张报纸 一个玻璃杯 一个熨斗 一个房间 一只小鸡 一个美人,名词的所有格,名词的所有格,单数的名词所有格,Mikes bag the boys knife 2.在词尾有-S的复数名词所有格,只在词尾加,读音与名词变复数同 the students books the teachers of

13、fice,3.不规则名词复数的所有格,即词尾不是以-s结尾的单词,在词后 加s , 如: Womens Day mens clothes shop 4.如果事物为 2人或2人以上共同所有,在最后一个名词后加-s;,珍妮和海伦的房间,Jenny and Helens room,Jennys and Helens rooms,5.如果事物不是 2人或2人共同所有,而是分别有的,则在 2个名词 后都加-s 珍妮的房间和海伦的房间,1.有生命的东西所有格用s 的形式,8.无生命的东西一般用“ of +名词”的形式表示其所有格,the door of the room the wall of the p

14、ark,6. 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体的等无生 命的东西,也可以加 -s 构成所有格,2小时路程 北京最好的公园 今日报纸 车站休息室,two hours walk,Beijings best park,todays newspaper,the stations waiting-room,at my uncles = at my uncles home at a tailors = at a tailors shop,9.表示类别的名词作定语,不用所有格,a silk hat cotton cloth,a coffee cup,7. 表示某人的家、店铺、诊所时,常省略所有格 后面的

15、名词,(3)双重所有格a friend of my fathers,my teachers office students exercise books Childrens Palace todays newspaper 15 minutes walk = a 15-minute walk at the butchers = at the butchers shop to Toms = to Toms house,1 我老师的办公室 2 学生们 的练习本 3 少年宫 4 今天的报纸 5 十五分钟的路程 6 在肉店 7 到汤姆家去,名词的所有格 Practice,8 广东的省会 9 教室的门 10 我父亲的一个朋友 11 他的两个兄弟 12 爱迪生的一些发明,the capital of Guangdong,the doors of the classroom,a friend of my father (s),two brothers of his,some inventions of Edisons,主谓一致,当class, family, team, group, public



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