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1、2016年广东省成人高等教育学士学位英语水平考试试卷英语试卷一 PartIDialogueCompletion (15points)PartIIReadingComprehension(40points) PartIII VocabularyandStructure(20points) PartIV Cloze (10points)考生须知1.本试卷分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分85分,试卷二满分15分。考试时间共120分钟。2.本试卷一为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷或其他类型答题卡上的无效。答题前,请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考人员予

2、以更换。3.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如ABCDPartIDialogueCompletion(15points)Directions:Thereare15shortincompletedialoguesinthispart,eachfollowedby4choicesmarkedA,B,CandD.ChoosethebestonetocompletethedialogueandmarkyouranswerontheANSWERSHEET.1. Joanna:Dontyouthinkthatsagoodmatch? George:_Itgoeswellwithyour

3、scarf,too. A.No,ofcourseitis. B.Yes,itlooksgreat. C.No,Idontthinkso. D.Yes,gladtohearthat.2.Kevin:IamafraidIvespiltinkoverthetablecloth. Tommy:_ A.Oh,nevermindaboutthat. B.No,notatall. C.Oh,Ineverheardofit. D.No,certainlynot.3.Bem:Helpyourselftoacigarette. Carlo:No,thankyou._ A.Imtryingtocutdown. B.

4、Ioweyouonenow. C.Haveyougotalight? D.Idbegladto.4.Mark:CanIstillgetticketsfortonightsshow? Linn:_Onlyifsomebodycancels. A.Hereyouare. B.Thatsallrigh C.Imafraidnot. D.Whichrowwouldyoulike?5.Customer:CouldyoutellmehowmuchthisparceltoFranceis? Postman:_Anythingelse? A.Yes,please. B.Iamnotsureaboutit. C

5、.Goahead. D.Illjustcheckforyou.6.May:TellyourbrotherIhopehesoonfeelsbetter. Luis:Thatsverykindofyou._ A.Iamsorrytohearthat. B.Illpassiton. C.Howishe? D.Hemusthaveknownit.7.Lucas:Hello,Lucasspeaking.MayIhaveawordwithJune? Mary:_Hangonamoment. A.Sheisnotinrightnow. B.ShallIaskhertoringyouback? C.Illju

6、stseeifshesin. D.Wouldyouliketoleaveamessage?8. Margret: Would you mind not using my toothpaste? Allen: Im sorry. _ A. Ill do that. B. Thank you for asking. C. Thats fine. D. I thought you didnt mind. 9. John: Why dont we just go out for a coffee? Steve: _ Ive promised myself an earIy night. A. I th

7、ink its great. B. Its nice of you to ask. C. No, not really. D. OK, Id love to. 10. Mommy: John, where are the cakes? Dont tell me you ate them all! John: _ I couldnt help it. A. No, I didnt. B. I dont know who ate them C. Yes, I did. D. No. I cant tell you. 11. Mori: You look so angry. What happene

8、d? Susan: Nothing. Id rather not talk about it. Mori: Come on. _ A. Ill just not ask about anything. B. You need to let off some steam. C. If I were you, Id be mad, too. D. Thats easy. 12. Julie: I bought this dress two years ago. Its style went out already. Jack: Oh, come on, _ A. you always follow

9、 the fashion. B. none of your dresses suits you. C. as long as it looks good on you. D. you should care about that. 13. Mike: Professor Cuppers class is so boring; I just cant stand it any more! Susan: _ Its required. A. Well, why not just drop out of it? B. Why, you can say that again! C. Well, you

10、 might as well get used to it. D. Why, I couldnt agree more! 14. Speaker A: Dont you play golf ? Speaker B: _ A. Yes. No sport interests me more than golfing. B.Yes.Ihaveneverplayedgolfinmylife. C.No.Onlyonceinawhile.D.Yes.AndIhatetospendmuchmoneyonsports.15. Clair:Doyoufeellikeeatingout? Jenny:_Weh

11、aventeatenoutforages. A.Thatsagoodidea. B.Yousayit. C.Yes,Icanfeelit. D.Right,seeyouthere.PartIIReadingComprehension(40points)Directions:Thereare4passagesinthispart.Eachofthepassagesisfollowedby5questionsorunfinishedstatements.Foreachofthemthereare4choicesmarkedA,B,CandD.Choosethebestoneandmarkyoura

12、nswerontheANSWERSHEET.PassageOne Scientistssaidtheyhavefoundevidenceofagiantplanetfaroutinoursolarsystem.Inastatement,the CaliforniaInstituteofTechnologyCaltechsaidthisplanettravelsaverystrange“longandthinorbitinthedistantsolarsystem.”ThediscoverywasmadebytworesearchersatCaltech:KonstantinBatyginandMikeBrown.Theyusedmathematicalmodeling



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