高中英语作文写作教学课件公开课 观点议论

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《高中英语作文写作教学课件公开课 观点议论》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语作文写作教学课件公开课 观点议论(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What makes a good essay?,英语作文写作,观点类 作文写作,基础写作中存在的主要问题及分析,话题词汇、短语错误 2. 词汇、短语、句型贫乏 3. 句子语法错误 4. 连贯性差,积累少,语法不扎实,篇章意识不足,考场作文TIPS,1.取悦评卷人: 有清晰的整体脉络, 有自然的段间衔接. 经典的用词用句, 有整齐美观的书写.,2.经典的用句: 感叹句,倒装、强调、虚拟、省略句、定 语从句,名词性从句,名人名言。,写作基本步骤,1.仔细审题,列举大纲。 2围绕要点,写出句子。 3. 添加过度,确保连贯。 4. 先求正确,再求灵活。 5. 认真眷写,卷面整洁。,现在正是春暖花开的

2、春游时节。你校学生以“高三学生要不要参加春游活动”展开了讨论。请根据以下讨论结果,写一篇短文。,观点类 作文写作,The outline of the writing,Conclusion paragraph: 结尾,Introduction paragraph: 开头引出话题,高三学生 _ 春游 _ 讨论 _ 高考临近 _ 接触自然_ 精神放松 _ 呼吸新鲜空气 _ 大脑休息 _ 没心情玩_ 耽误学习_ _,相关词汇短语默写,1. introduction(topic):,2. body(supporting ideas):,3. conclusion:,senior 3 students,

3、go spring outing,discussion,with college entrance examination drawing near,be close to nature,relax themselves,breathe some fresh air,rest their brains,(dont feel like going ),(waste the time),in my opinion,主题句的内容要明确,语言简洁,开门见山,句式力争多样性,Whether or not should Senior 3 students go spring outing? We have

4、 had a heated discussion.,1. introduction(topic):,巧用过渡句,过渡词,理顺文章的逻辑关系,Opinions are divided on this question. Different people hold different / opposite opinions. People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards People have different opinions on this problem. People take different views on this

5、question.,The body part,Point1: 65%的人认为应该春游(亮明观点) 翻译:Most students, about 65%, are in favor of the idea that Senior 3 students should go spring outing.,The body part,point 1:,表达观点一句型: of them hold the opinion that . of them are in favor of the idea that People who are for the idea think ,Reason1:接触大

6、自然,呼吸新鲜空气,有利健康,They think it good to do sth sth do good to sth In their opinion, it is of great benefit to do sth 翻译:They think it good for their health to be close to nature and breathe some fresh air,Reason1:,表列举说明的关联词: Firstly/ First of all/ To begin with, Secondly Thirdly In the first place In t

7、he second place In the third place Finally/ Last but not least/, ,Reason 2:活动是精神放松/大脑休息/有利于学习,(注意:两个观点之间的连接) 翻译: Whats more,they can relax themselves for a while and rest their brains so that they will be more energetic. 表示递进、强调的关联词 Besides/Apart from/ Whats more/ In addition/ Furthermore/ Moreover/

8、worse still/ to make matters worse,Reason2:,Conclusion: 小段总结,进一步亮明观点,前后呼应。,Eg: They think it will do good to their students.,Conclusion,However, of them hold a different view. / of them hold the opposite opinion. People who are against it dont think so. Different from those., people think . On the o

9、ther hand, some people are against the idea.,Point 2: 的学生认为不应该 春 游(亮明观点) 翻译: On the other hand, about 35% students are against the idea. 使用过渡句,自然衔接句子和段落(承上启下),point 2:,表列举说明的关联词: Firstly/ First of all/ To begin with, Secondly Thirdly In the first place In the second place In the third place Finally/

10、 Last but not least/, ,Reason 1:高考临近,没有心情玩 翻译: They say that with college entrance examination drawing near, they dont feel like going anywhere. They say/believe/hold the opinion that.,Reason1:,Reason 2:春游耽误学习 翻译:Besides, they think going spring outing will take at least a day off. They cant afford

11、the time. They think they should fix their attention on their studies. 表示递进、强调的关联词 Besides/Apart from/ Whats more/ In addition/ Furthermore/ Moreover/worse still/ to make matters worse,Reason2:,结尾常用句型 In my opinion/Personally, As far as Im concerned, In short/ in brief/ in a word, ,Conclusion paragraph: 结尾,Homework: Finish and improve your composition and hand it in tomorrow.,Thank you!,


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