商务英语写作 chapter 3

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《商务英语写作 chapter 3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语写作 chapter 3(46页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 3,Sales-related Inquiries and Replies,商务英语写作Unit Three Enquiries,Objectives,To learn ways of making an inquiry. To learn useful terms and expressions for making inquiries. To practice writing letters of inquiry.,Procedures of business transaction,What is an inquiry?,In international trade, i

2、nquiries are usually made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered.,商务英语写作Unit Three Enquiries,介绍 如果一个商人想购买某种商品,他就会发出询问,以获得服务或相关该商品的相关信息。这种情况下,他就是一个买者或可能成为买者。有些公司就是通过写询问函来开始他们的业务的。询问可通过书信、传真、电子邮件、电话或面对面进行。询问意味着买方愿意与卖方做生意。,the name of goods quality quantity terms of price terms

3、of payment time of shipment packing methods, etc. If possible, tell the reader where you learnt of his company or its products.,Generally an inquiry includes many parts:,商务英语写作Unit Three Enquiries,Useful Information,商务英语写作Unit Three Enquiries,写作规则,在发出询问时,确保将自己的意思表达清晰以避免获得错误的信息。通常情况询问包括以下几个部分:商品名、质量、

4、数量、价格条款、支付条款、装运时间、包装方式,等等。如果可能的话,告诉对方你是从哪里获得有关其公司及产品信息的。 在写询问函时要表示出你的礼貌来,用诸如“请”或“不禁感激”等词语表述。,General Plan for Direct Order,1. Begin directly with the objective, indicating a general inquiry about products. 2. Include specific requests or questions about the products or services. 3. If a number of qu

5、estions are involved, list the questions by numbers or bullets, or leave space between questions. 4. End with goodwill words adapted to each particular situation.,Useful Sentence Patterns p49-50,1. Would you please/ Could you please/ Will you please? 2. We are interested in/ We are in the market for

6、 3. We will appreciate it very much if,Patterns and Substitutions,1. We are interested in / in the market for / potential buyers of / considering buying / ready to purchase your mens shirts displayed in your showroom.,我们对你方货品展览室里陈列的男式衬衫很感兴趣。,Patterns and Substitutions,2. Your advertisement in the la

7、test issue of China Foreign Trade interests us, and we would like to receive full details of your commodities.,我们对贵方在最新一期中国对外贸易上所刊登的广告很感兴趣,并希望得知该商品的详细情况。,Patterns and Substitutions,3. Please send us five copies of your latest catalogues at your earliest convenience.,请尽早寄来最新目录5份。,Patterns and Substit

8、utions,4. Perhaps at the same time you could quote us your lowest / best / prevailing / competitive prices for the above-mentioned goods.,也许与此同时你方能报给我们上述商品的最低价。,Patterns and Substitutions,5. If terms and delivery date are satisfactory, we should expect to place regular / trial / large / considerable

9、 / substantial orders with you.,如果交易条件和交货日期合意的话,相信我们会定期向你方订货。,Patterns and Substitutions,6. Please advise if you are able to offer this product, packaging and price FOB China port and CIF Chicago.,请告知你方是否能供应这种商品,包括包装、FOB中国港口和CIF芝加哥的价格。,More Samples,On page 43-45,Exercise,Exercise II A on page 52,Rea

10、ched Items Marketable Samples Advise Remit Mail Expect,Exercise III on page 53,Rearrange the order to make it a complete inquiry. d b a f e c,Exercise 1 on page 51,Discuss with your classmates whether there are any problems in the following letter A.,Dear sir: I am very interested in your display of

11、 stainless-steel cutlery after I visited your stand at the Paris Trade Exhibition last month. I would be grateful if you could send me your catalogue of this products and your price list. Would you also send me a quotation for mild steel sheet, CIF Shanghai? Please let me know your terms of payment

12、and the time required for delivery after receive the order. If terms and delivery time are satisfactory, we are hoping to place regular orders with you.,Replies,Offers,Procedures of business transaction,Inquiry 询盘 Offer 报盘、报价 Counter-offer 还盘 Acceptance 接受 Sign the contract 签合同,What is offer /reply?

13、,An offer is the sellers promise to supply goods on stipulated terms(协定的条款). An offer can be made in reply to an inquiry or made voluntarily with a view to expanding business.,商务英语写作Unit four Offers and Counter Offers,介绍 报盘,就是卖方为签署合同而向买方提出的一种建议。收到报盘后,买家应予以答复。他可接受或拒绝此报盘。如买家认为报盘中任何条件无法接受,可提出还盘(counter

14、-offer),就价格、包装、数量或交货日期提出异议,并提出己方条件。卖方对此还盘可进行再次还盘。,Types of offer,A firm offer(实盘) is a definite promise to sell goods at fixed price within a stated period of time. A non-firm offer(虚盘) is an offer without engagement. The details of offer may change in certain situations. In this case, it is subject

15、 to (以为准)confirmation by the seller after being accepted by the buyer.(此报盘须得到卖方最后确认为准),An efficient offer will include:,An expression of thanks for the inquiry Name of goods, quality or specification, quantity, details of prices, discounts, terms of payment, time of shipment and packing conditions s

16、o as to enable the buyer to make a decision A brief introduction to the goods An expression of hopes for an order,商务英语写作Unit four Offers and Counter Offers,写作规则,在写商业书信时长期合作的老客户询价时,发盘可相当简要,做到礼貌直接即可。一份令人满意的报价单应包括: 对询盘表示感谢; 商品名称、质量、数量及规格; 详细说明价格及价格所包含的内容; 说明付款条款; 装运期、交货时间和包装情况; 报价的有效期(如是实盘); 结尾表示希望该报价对方能接受,Useful Sentence Patterns p50-51,1. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of 2. Thank you for your inquiry of (date) 3. As requested, we are submitting our quotation



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